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Guard dad

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Everything posted by Guard dad

  1. One of the local news teams threatened legal action for misrepresenting their report. You should get out more.
  2. Well, this is the same guy who knowingly sent out lying mailers before the last local election to smear elected officials.
  3. That looks like the pic from when the Obama administration was putting kids in cages. You're not the first Democrat to use it and blame it on Trump. You guys are referring to illegal aliens. I was talking about U.S. citizens. As usual, you care more about illegals than our own people.
  4. I and others have posted solid facts time and again, proving you wrong each time. Yet you still believe the lies your party tells you. There's a term for that too, but I'm not going to play as nasty as you are, so you'll have to guess what it is.
  5. Why should business not get a write-off for money they pay out of their pockets to take care of their employees? Besides, tax deductions is not money directly spent from the government, it's just people's and businesses' own money that they are allowed to keep. More importantly, your quote above has zero to do with the point I made about government spending. Of course, you probably don't understand this, or what I just posted. Math is hard.
  6. That's a lie and you know it. I've posted my compassionate plan for moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency here many times. What is hateful is how liberalism has locked an entire segment of Americans into a life that is nearly 100% dependent upon the government, left them functionally illiterate with no marketable skills, and destroyed much of the American family. Treating human beings like kept animals is hate at it's worst! THAT, sir, is what liberals have done to an entire segment of our population, and just to buy votes. If you can support this and still sleep at night,
  7. What is your point in all that? Take Welfare alone and add in the other entitlement programs, and it's just over a trillion dollars per year. Welfare alone is 19% of the federal budget. https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/us_welfare_spending_40.html
  8. Spin and alternative facts? How would you know? From a left leaning source, so maybe you'll believe it. Who am I kidding, you won't. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-23/it-costs-685-billion-a-year-to-subsidize-u-s-health-insurance
  9. If we didn't spend a trillion dollars a year giving paychecks to able bodied people while they sit on their butts, maybe we could afford to address more of the mental health issues that are a major factor in the homeless problem.
  10. It should be called a disaster that has driven the cost of healthcare up even more and is collapsing under it's own weight. I will also state that if Trump does to healthcare what he said he wanted during the primaries, that will also be bad.
  11. So since you can't argue the facts, you resort to slandering people? Typical of you.
  12. Cain will be curled up in a fetal position peeing in his Depends.
  13. Aren't we the crabby one today! I hate to be mean but it's going to be fun watching you have a complete meltdown come mid-terms.
  14. No, but I do look for truth instead of partisan artcles to support my foregon conclusion.
  15. That is probably still better than partisan ignorance.
  16. Not to mention the trickle down (yep, there's that term) effect. People who profit from the market and use some of that money to start or graw a business, creating jobs. So ultimately, most of us feel some benefit from a bull market.
  17. I wish I could like this post 100 times! This person understands what is really going on. Well done! If you'll get out of the propaganda and look at the real facts, Trump is no more "chummy" with Putin that the Clintons, Bushes, or Obama. And the mocking thing has been debunked time and again. It was just Trumps normal awkward motions with some intentional photographic editing.
  18. I can't remember the last time you replied to a post and was NOT nasty about it. This is what the hate and anger inside of you has done to you. You seriously better get some help.
  19. I don't think even you are that delusional. Troll alert!!
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