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Posts posted by HiramGirl

  1. Good Morning. And congratulations on avoiding the topics at hand. I will reply to this once, and then move on to answering specific pertinent questions best I can.


    Concerning your remarks about my job performance while I was Deputy Commission Coleman’s administrative assistant:


    I spoke with him this morning and he informed me he has not spoken with you or anyone else about me and will be happy to confirm this to anyone else who wants to contact him. I assume you have his cell number. If not give me a call and I’ll give it to you. Dr Carter Black III also spoke with me this morning and suggested you give him a call as well about my job performance and qualifications for this District 19 House seat. He is still with the Ag Department on a part time consulting basis.




    Funny because I spoke with him also. Cell number 478-231-XXXX. And, I stand by what your colleagues have said about you.

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    RE: Melissa M's former employer - I don't find that to be a salient point to her qualifications for the job. She may have had a personality conflict with said employer, or she may not have done things exactly the way he liked, or he oculd be lying, or...any one of several other possibilities. I don't see where calendaring has anything to do with being a good rep.


    I find it right to the heart of her qualifications. She made comments about Shearin's assistant being "just a secretary" and that is exactly what she was albeit not a very good one if what I am being told is true and I verified with three other ex-employees of the Ag Department.


    And, this is exactly why Dean would NEVER be on a public message board. Facebook, yes. But, I can say this and stay behind by screen name. Dean would have never set himself up like this.

  3. And that is BS!


    Nathan Dean was a consummate politician and could squeeze money out of the rocks under the Gold Dome for his constituents, which he did for his Paulding voters basis on a regular basis.


    Add up what ALL our state senators and legislators have gotten for Paulding SINCE the GOP chose to toss Nathan to the gutter, and you will not have even 10% of what Nathan got us.


    Had a media format like P.com been around as a commonly used tool in his hay-day, he would have been on p.com EVERY morning. Without fail!!!!


    I stand by my comments. Nathan Dean would not be on this site. Not in a million years. Nathan had a huge help with Speaker Murphy having most of the same parts.


    And before Melissa spouts about her Ag credentials, maybe she should speak to her former employer because I did. She couldn't even keep his schedule straight. If she can't do the easiest of tasks, what makes anyone think she is up for this responsibility.....


    Just an FYI


    Melissa came home for lunch, replied to p.com posts and other emails, and left again.



    She is not at a computer all day right now and will try her best to come on once, twice, maybe three times a day to answer and respond. Please don't get your panties in a wad if you do not get an immediate response.



    She is accessible by phone, if necessary.....give her a call.



    I was a science major/minor in college, but history, especially American history was my pleasure reading which I devoured. And I was/am a student of Thomas Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and many of ourfounding fathers who worked their collective butts off to make certain this country, a new idea in government at that time around the world, was grounded in some documents which provided a foundation unmatched since.



    I grew up, as, many my age did as a Dixiecrat. Along with Sam Nunn, Zell Miller, Richard Russell, Strom Thurmond, John Connally, [shot because he was in the same car with Kennedy], Baker from Tennessee,etc. The Dixiecrats were the founding members of what has become the Constitutional Conservatism movement, later adopted by diehard Republicans around the country.



    Yes, you may not have like LBJ or Huey Long personally, but they were consummate politicians. And come on now, where would we be today if LBJ had not pushed the Civil Rights Bill ? Like it or not, it was time. Yes, I am very much a son-of-the south, but intelligent enough to know we cannot defend a Constitution which fell short of giving ALL the rights to ALL the people.



    And my favorite document is indeed the Constitution and accompanying Bill of Rights. Have you ever studied the wording, and stopped to think about how much for-thought went into that wording which has stood the test of time.


    And just from my time spent with him, lay off Nathan Dean. He, was a unique politican, and OLD school Dixiecrat/Democrat who devoted his entire adult career to local politics, and did more for Paulding County than Heath, Richardson, Maxwell and Braddock put together. This includes making 278 a major roadway, our Senior Center, the Silver Comet Trail, and more state money for Paulding projects than all who have been there while and since he was.


    But for anyone who knows her, she is very much her own person and I will not make appearances on p.com to speak for her politics. Melissa is extremely conservative in her beliefs, much more so than I.


    I will let her answer the questions directly as I don't want any slams to her because I answered for her. Or her slamming me later tonight up the side of the head because she definitely does NOT want me answering for her.


    I can say we are both well aware of, and live by much if not all which is found in the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights, and have incorporated that into our daily lives for many, many years, even before the "new" neo-conservative movement kicked off by the Reagan Constitutionalists after Obama was elected. Hence, we were both Constitutional Conservatives before it was any kind of a new trend. We were ardent believers in the Constitution 25 years ago, long before any of old school democrats/dixiecrats like Reagan, Connelly, et al jumped ship and switched to the Republican Party after careers as Democrats.


    Hell I voted for Hal Suit against Bo Calloway in the Republican primary for Georgia's governor in what....1970?


    Ask our children. They have been getting preached to about what exactly the Constitution is, what it stands for, what it means for them, as well as their children since they were old enough to sit at the dinner table and take part in our dinner conversations.


    I am encouraging Melissa to take an active part in p.com. As most of you know, she never has in the past, but then again for the past going on to 6 years, she got up at 5:00 in the morning, rode her GRTA bus downtown from Movies 278 [Yes, NewsJunky, Paulding DOES indeed have a Public Transportation "Station", complete with parking and a kind of protective roof for those waiting for the bus when it rains, and has had it since Jan 2, 2007, or before.] and did not get back home until between 6:00 and 7:00 at night.


    And her job at the Ag Department really was not conducive to chatting on p.com so she just never has gotten bitten by the p.com bug.


    Melissa is approachable in person, by phone, by email or by p.com. Feel free to contact her with your questions.


    And as I have stated before, publicly and privately, she only has 1 skeleton,.....ME, and I am not in any closet.drinks.gif

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  4. Nathan Dean had me on the floor of the Senate at least a dozen times. I knew him quite well and visited him under the gold dome relatively often in the 1990s.


    He liked publicity and if he thought this would be good publicity, he'd had bought it in a New York Minute.


    So, I'll simply disagree with you on that.




    Just because he had you on the Senate floor doesn't mean anything to me. Speaker Murphy, Speaker Coleman and Speaker Richardson had me on the floor. I know Nathan Dean. My family knows Nathan Dean. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that he would not be on a public message board. He never saw a photo op he didn't like but the man would never be on here.

  5. Nathan Dean would not more be on a public message board than being a man on the moon. Do you actually believe the crap you post on here?


    One of the best politicians I've ever known was Nathan Dean, who preceded our current guy. Nathan was one of the hardest working politicians I've ever met.


    In a sense, he came as close to some of the legends of politicking like Huey Long, Lyndon Johnson and the like in his dedication to the craft.


    The one thing that distinguished these guys was that the running joke about them is that you could never have a threesome in a public place because Nathan would show up and talk to you.


    He really didn't miss a beat. He was always around and always ready to stand on the soap box and put the current event into context for the rest of us mere mortals. He, like those others mentioned, was always on stage.


    He was an old school politician ... I say that because that is way that good politicians got to be known in the times before. And, sure, it was an exaggeration that if three people were together, he'd show. Mostly, if the press was there, he'd be there with out fail and often even when the press wasn't.


    Still, if there were a place like Paulding.com, with 100 or so folks 'on-line' about all the time, you can bet he'd seek it out and talk to the folks. Sure some would be private messages - people can private message those running who have memberships - or public forum postings. It wouldn't make much difference.


    The main thing that folks like Nathan had going for them was that if they said something, it was pretty much what they were saying to everyone. When you're out and about as much as he was, there was no way that you'd be able to keep very many conflicting stories going.


    And that is how we knew they were honest.


    Today's politicians avoid places like message boards because they may say something to this group or that and then contradict themselves in the first private meeting with a donor.


    I actually worked for one such guy in Arkansas. His name was Tommy Robinson and he used to be the Sheriff of the county that Little Rock was in ... and also ran for Congress. His 'campaign manager' ... knowing his penchant to pop-off, decided that Tommy (who was good friends with Jerry Jones), had to be kept away from everyone. Instead, they shot three or four commercials and Darryl Glasscock and Robinson headed out to hunting lodges where they got on the phone, raised money and played cards. He was totally unavailable for anything but the most scripted campaign appearance. Oh, and with 20,000 GRPs bought in the campaign, he won handily. The fear was that if he was in public, he would blow the race with some crazy comment.


    But that is your modern politician and politics. Unlike Nathan Dean, who was on the line day after day and was unquestionably a politician, he was an authentic politician!


    Some of the people we have running these days hide behind their media, their negative ads, and are about as plastic as they come. Once an event is over, they duck out of sight. They are afraid folks will find out they are a ruse, a joke, an insecure shell of a human being whose sense of reality is based on that manufactured for them by campaign aids.


    Those folks are simply too afraid to come on a message board.




    PS: While I would like to think that coming on a message board is reason to vote for a candidate, I recognize that some folks are not cut out for that and are genuine none-the-less. Former Paulding Sheriff Bruce Harris is one of those whom I know wasn't cut out for that. Ken Ball, whom some of you know challenged Bruce, however, came quite close and was a great 'online' politician. I really wish Ken had stuck around (not to challenge Gary, necessarily, but to run for possibly some other office some time.)



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  6. Let the lady speak for herself - you do her much more harm than good.


    I'm not a spokesperson. On that particular issue I'd expect a very specific answer and I don't know that answer. I simply mentioned what I knew and given the Catholic Church's stand on that issue, I thought it generally informative - i.e. my jaw would drop if she weren't in the pro-life camp.


    But I've come to believe that there are different pro-life stands that are about as arcane as legislators counting the number of angels on the head of a pin and how that translates into the number of weeks for this or that which probably demonstrates I don't even understand the question much less what answer is okay or not.


    But as far as commenting on the stands of politicians ... which ever politician running for whatever office ... if I think I have an answer to a question, I'll answer it.


    So, if you were to ask if Tom Graves would support expansion of the federal debt limit in a compromise engineered by Speaker Bainor ... I'd say that he says he doesn't compromise... cause he told me that face to face.



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  7. Yep, that is Bill Heath for you ... another half-lie that Murphy was going to make out like a bandit ... when the real beneficiary was the people of Georgia who needed the water. His has been a history of focusing on petty, the small and the hateful because his view of the world is so conservative, he's like the kids staring out the back window of a slow moving station wagon.




    No, actually that is not a Bill Heath half-lie. Speaker Murphy would have made out like a bandit but it was his deceaded wives family that owned all that land. Plus, he owned half of the land in Haralson anyway and any place it would have been built would have touched his holdings anyway.

  8. When Bill Carruth was chairman of the commission in 1999, he initiated the funding for the reservoir. After Jerry Shearin was elected chairman in 2000, he continued the effort for the County and started acquiring property for it in around 2000. This was around the same time that then Representative Bill Heath lost the state funding that had been set aside for the construction of a reservoir in Haralson County, which was a major legislative debacle after years of work by Haralson County.


    I wouldn't say that Bill Heath lost the state funding. Speaker Coleman pulled it to punish Haralson County for voting Murphy out.

  9. Quite honestly, I really don't care if you don't think my opinion doesn't holds any weight.


    I have been around the capital since I was a kid. Since Ben Fortson was Secretary of State. What I know is that while a freshman rep is not likely to be recognized as someone that the others flock to for advice, if an idiot is put in the position we will be four years away from being represented instead of two.


    Hey, I don't usually say I TOLD YOU SO, but your boy Glenn was just as damn sorry as I told you he was. Your opinion really doesn't carry much weight around here any longer. Seems that you put all your eggs in the philanderer's basket.

  10. I have been around the legislature for 15 years dealing with bond sales. You are spot on. For anyone to think that a freshman DEMOCRAT will do anything in Atlanta are fooling themselves. It is the people that don't understand just how the House works that think that Will Avery can make a difference. He won't and he can't.


    I am so trying to stay out of these political threads but just had to post on this one.



    I have met Will and I don't see everyone's fascination with him. He didn't impress me at all. I would like to see the bills authored by Dems that passed last year. Give me a number. It isn't much and nothing of any substance. Ralston is more bipartisan than Glenn but not by much.


    Yes, Paulette will be welcomed because all the House Republicans will be happy it isn't Daniel Stout who they all kept at arms reach because of his relationship with Bobby Franklin and voting no against just about everything.


    I will state again and I don't care about his "visions" for Paulding County. Paulding will not get any representation if Will is elected. He will be a backbench in his own caucus and not a player in the least.

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  11. No retraction because I was looking at Glenn's PAC and not his campaign fund. Two different animals. You said that Weiner was administrator of Glenn's PAC to which he is not and the MMV filing shows that. PACs have different rules than general candidate campaign funds.




    I guess you should have looked harder. I am just going to cut and paste these:



    Richardsondonation to Shearin 2008




    HK donations to Richardson




    HK Donations to Richardsonand Shearin for 2007 filed 01/08/08




    HK Donations to Richardsonfiled 10/6/06







    And that is only what came up on the surface. Holland & Knight used to have a link to all of the Georgia Pacs, with Keith Wiener at the helm of virtually each and everyone, including those for all of our Paulding County Good Ol Boys. You will find Wiener's name on the coversheet for each filing.


    The money would go from one PAC to another, and then back to a different candidate with no direct tie in. That is in addition to direct donations to someone like Shearin, H&K would also donate it to Richardson's PAC, who would then donate it to a candidate in like South Georgia, who would then donate it to someone like Shearin, making it very hard to follow.


    Best I can recall, Wiener and the firm itself, and other lawyers at the firm gave $6900 to Shearin before the primary 2 years ago, not to mention what they gave the years before.


    I don't have the H&K donations to Shearin as per Shearin's disclosures electronically, but if you want to see them sometime, I have the hard copies. Many of these were available on line during the election 2 years ago.


    I anxiously await your retraction, and apology.

  12. I went through all the dislcosures for Glenn's PAC and Keith Wiener is no where to be found has a contributor or as the administrator. Did MMV have money? Yes. But, I have found NONE from Holland & Knight from the first disclosure to the last - maybe I am missing something or just didn't go through it thorough enough. I saw two contributions to Wayne Kirby and Hal Echols for $1,000. each and that isn't mega money by any means. Please show me the proof to back up these claims because I have not found it. I await your response.



    Richardson built his empire on this bit of strategy. He would have zero opposition, yet raise $250,000. Then he would give that money, via the PACs run and administered by Kieth Wiener at Holland & Knight, the law firm the county has used to litigate against us for 4+ years. Then Richardson would donate the money he did not need, since he had no oppostiion, to other candidates around the state, collecting IOUs for later.


    When the Repubs took power in 2004, Richardson started calling in the IOUs, and between the November election and Thanksgiving he was Speaker, and Holland & Knight was down right wealthy. The Repubs even named Kieth Wiener, the main litigator in our suit, Republican Lawyer of the year for 2005. Echols, Kirby, Shearin, et al, accepted some mega-money from Holland & Knight, actually paid to Holland & Knight by the taxpayers of Paulding county via our lawsuits.


    Isn't that a nice arrangement ?


    H&K has a blank check from the county to litigate us.....and they turn around and donate the max back to their buddies on the BOC, with what is in all realistic terms, the tax payer's money.


    And people wonder why we have an axe to grind ?drinks.gif


    Nobody forced anything. The people of Paulding County voted for it.


    Golden and Braddock were part of forcing the school bond on the property owners of Paulding County. That alone should keep them from ever being elected to public office again. Stout came out of the chute flashing his Jesus badge. I want someone that can do a job without having to tell me about their religion.


    That only leaves the Democrat. Not much on Democrats, but he might fit in nicely when Roy Barnes is governor again. And he will be, Sonny made sure of that.

  13. That is a lie. You sent a message about the Poultry Expo to where you through around Terry Coleman's name and Abit Massey.


    If this was directed at me, you lost me completely.


    I have never even attempted to communicate with the new House of Representative leadership about anything.


  14. Truer words have not been spoken! plus, his email rants to the new House of Representatives leadership has not helped his cause with anyone inside the Capitol, in the Ag Department or with the new county administration once his email has forwarded to "Jerry's Palace" as he likes to call it.....



    Not my fault you burnt your bridges before David took office! Maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't bad mouthed everyone involved in this , time and time again, you might get someone to talk to you! YOU destroyed that by your relentless rants here!! I guess they decided to just see you in court.....some day!

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  15. DB did you tell them where you wanted the budget cut? I have suggested to cut the capital budget for universities, if it doesn't jeopardize federal funding. That's the only place I've found to cut. Those of you who think the State hasn't cut back spending are mistaken. Look at the budget that is posted online and if you want to help, find where you think further cuts can be made. Make these suggestions to your Congressman. It is going to be a tough year.


    The problem with cutting capital funding for universities is their funding is mostly bond money.

  16. Do you know the password to your hubby's email? voicemail? Do you have access to his credit card information?


    Since the manfriend and I live in seperate states, I had to compile a spreadsheet for all of the numbers and passwords! I wanted to know if I'm the only one or if this is a pretty normal thing for couples.


    Why would he want to know that information? Seems odd to me. :huh:


  17. Walker and North Cobb Christian will not take anyone who has been expelled from public school......I've heard Mt. Paran is the same. And, some of the private schools have waiting lists for some grade levels. That may change with the economy at this point. These 3 range from $11,000 to $17,000. or so.


    Most of the bigger private schools have that policy. All three of mine do attend Walker and I wouldn't trade that money for anything in the world.


  18. It must be a southern thing. I have seen it all my life!


    Okay seriously-I grew up on a farm in Central Illiniois---and I mean a FARM-like 10 MILES from any 'town' and that 'town' was 1000 people-one grocery store, lots of churches, and a couple of bars (across from the church... :lol: ) and we NEVER--hear me now--NEVER saw dead crows hanging from a tree and nobody up there has ever heard of this-----ever....must be a southern thing! :lol: :lol:


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