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Everything posted by michelay1000

  1. I hope that man gets the help he needs. I guess you never know what your neighbors have in their houses.
  2. I won't take that bet, that is who it is, they just can't prove it.
  3. New Hope is the area near E Paulding and Dallas Acworth Highway. It was a couple of months ago. It is not just accidental, but the FD can't prove who is doing it.
  4. What time was the fire? I was over there moving more things from my house until 10:00 last night. The trailer park officially closed on April 1st, but there are still a couple of people refusing to leave. They started the clean up yesterday and it looks a lot better. It probably won't take them long and then they will be tearing down my old house
  5. I'm sure he did something to deserve it then. Of course if they are still together it will cost her too.
  6. That is right around the corner from me and I know a sales agent over there.
  7. Wow, he has been a busy boy. He would still be in jail if they hadn't paroled him early. I hope this means he will get no bail.
  8. Glad your friend is okay. I still don't know who is in custody for that genius move.
  9. That is what I thought too, but I think they joined in for awhile.
  10. Was the truck stolen? I am just curious because the person named is not in custody.
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