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Everything posted by marvinthemartian

  1. Come worship with us at Bethany Christian Church. The church is located at 3264 Villa Rica Hwy, Dallas Ga 30157. It is on the southbound side of Hwy 61 just below the intersection of Hwy 61 and Scoggins Rd/Hiram Sudie Rd. Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. Dress code is very casual and we have really good programs for the Youth. If you come, please find me so I can say hello personally:).
  2. Best hamburgers anywhere around here are either at Merle's BBQ on Hwy 61 or Phat Phil's in Draketown past Rose's Store. Both are noticeably better than the chains. Merle's' are especially tasty.
  3. My wife's birthday is Oct 28 and she wants our house professionally cleaned for her birthday. Anybody know of anyone who is good, honest, trustworthy, and who will do a good job for a reasonable price? Please leave any input including contact info. Thanks!
  4. My wife's birthday is Oct 28 and she wants our house professionally cleaned for her birthday. Anybody know of anyone who is good, honest, trustworthy, and who will do a good job for a reasonable price? Please leave any input including contact info. Thanks!
  5. I have always gotten good food and service at the Olive Tree in Hiram. Teresa is the owner and she is really on top of things. I will often just tell them to surprise me and have them choose my meal for me. I have never been disappointed with a meal there. Fo Cajun, it's Henry's in Acworth all day long.
  6. When you get on a topic, you are persistent. I'll definitely give you that.
  7. Think for yourself until the day you die Postman. Thats what I plan on doing
  8. Not much of a choice or an option for me. She would be a rubber stamp for the President and I dont want that. I dont want a rubber stamp for anyone. Think for yourself and use common sense to do the right thing
  9. pubby it hasnt been that long ago that the only choices in Paulding were all Democrats. I could truly care less about the party. Just give me good candidates who are more interested in doing the right thing rather than gaining increased power in their respective parties
  10. i will definitely vote but all the while I will be wishing I had better choices from which to choose.
  11. Shame there isnt a "none of the above" option on the ballot so that both parties have to go back and start over again. Neither Mr Deal, Mr Perdue, Mr Carter or Ms Nunn are worthy candidates. Its a shame thats the best we can do out of 10 million people in GA
  12. I am thinking about cooking some chicken and dumplings tonight. I think it will be quite tasty:)
  13. Can we please consolidate all the "anti-Perdue, GA leads nation in unemployment" threads into one thread? You've kinda made your point. Enough already. This is overkill
  14. Any American politician of any party or gender who ever has the nerve to say we have a war on women in this country is an idiot. People in this country settle their issues at the ballot box. This girl has more courage than any politician lecturing us on the so called war on women. She walked the walk and almost lost her life for it. THAT is a war on women. What we have here may be various differences of opinion but it is NOT, by any stretch, a war on women. Politicians who use that term should be exposed, confronted and shamed.
  15. No, Postman, I am sorry , but I DO NOT have to admit that Michelle Nunn would make a good President. Likewise, neither do I think David Perdue would make a good President either. We have had enough of the amateur hour for the occupant of that office. It is definitely time for a "change we can believe in." However, I BELIEVE we can do better than the current holder of the office or either of the two candidates for the US Senate from Georgia.
  16. Well alrighty then again. Postman, with all due respect, neither Mr Perdue nor Ms Nunn are running for President. This thread was started to address Presidential candidates. Thanks for your input though.
  17. Thank you and it is a question the American public should DEMAND an answer from with any candidate from any party. If that question cant be answered eventually every other position that any candidate has will become a moot point.
  18. I am sure the questions would be screened but it needs to be asked and they need to be forced to answer it. Not always a huge fan of Bill O'Reilly but him or someone like him would be able to keep the spin out if it and force an answer.
  19. A good moderator would force each candidate, regardless of party, to answer it exactly as asked. If they cant answer that question they have no business being President regardless of party or what good ideas they have on other topics. Dont let them weasel out. Force the answer.
  20. A person from the crowd stands up and says the following: "This is a two part question addressed to each candidate. I would like a very specific and direct answer to each part of the question. Do not dodge the issue. Answer the question EXACTLY as it is asked. Here is the question: Candidates, what is your specific plan to balance the budget and when will it be balanced? Once the budget is balanced, what is your specific plan to pay off the national debt and when will that occur so that our children are not saddled with our debt? The President is CEO of this country and any candida
  21. I am sure Michelle Nunn has a very realistic and well thought out plan to balance the budget and pay off the national debt. What is it, Ms. Nunn?
  22. Thanks for all of your comments. I will try them when I get home
  23. Hey folks, I have a question. About 18 months ago I bought a computer but never really used it at all until about a week ago so it is still basically brand new in out of the box condition. I an getting a billion pop ups and things popping on the screen saying I have a virus, malware etc. Honestly I may have used it a total of ten times and have only gone to "safe" sites (ESPN, Falcons, Braves, CNN, Fox News etc). I have not opened attachments or done anything unsafe that I know of. Any idea what the problem is? Anybody know of a good and reasonable desktop repair person? I know Cedarc
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