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Posts posted by babydoll

  1. You were watching it about 5 minutes before it went across the sky. You must have seen it as it entered the sky view. We didn't see it until later.

    I saw a blink in one section of the sky and then the blink appeared way over across the sky and then it blinked again way further away and then it was gone.

  2. I'm a Richard about this kind of stuff. My old neighbors daughter snuck out and I saw her trying to get back in. I got my duty weapon and flashlight went to his front door and told him quietly that someone was sneaking around his house. We went around back and found her crouched down in an inside corner of the house. Dad took it from there. ;) :lol:

    :acute: OH NO YOU DIDN'T????!!!!


    :yahoo: :yahoo: :good: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

  3. Piff... 90 on I-75... as if that is really fast. The cop shouldn't have even looked at you if everyone else was going 90... <_<


    Oh well, sorry you got caught.

    I would guess the ticket will be around $200 (From what I have heard it is more expensive to get one on the interstate... Dunno if that's true, I have only gotten them on 278. :p )


    ETA: My tickets were 73 in a 55 on 278... Powder Springs Police got me there, it turned out to be $106

    (about 9 months ago)... The other one was 79 in a 45 on 278 in Hiram... That was $192 (this was back in May)

    Can I ask you why you speed so much on 278. I was hit in June by an out of state speeder while on 92 almost to 278. I just don't understand driving that fast in a 45.


  4. :o :shok: :rofl: :rofl: :crazy: 8P


    We are talking about my mom here. Full blooded German born and raised. She will not just drop it. She has the magnet on the refridgerator that says "You can always tell a German, you just can't tell them much" for a reason. I'll have to sit down with her and explain yet again why we are doing what we are doing. I keep telling her but she forgets. Maybe it's cause the TV's up too loud, :huh: :unknw: and she dosen't hear me. Then again it may be that case of Germaticus Selectivus Auditory Reception GSAR for short ;)

    If you want my two cents I think it is the latter. :ninja:


    Oh, being a vegan I get alot of crap from family members about that. Honestly, do your homework and put her in her place. She'll shut up after awhile, once she realizes it's not working. Milk isn't the only way to get Calcium ;)


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Seriously doubt it!!!!!!

    Not speaking of Mr. Dis's mom just mil in general!

  5. They start with a binder, paper, and some pencils. There is plenty left from last year.


    The teachers will give you the lists, but over the years I have learned some things they do not use until the middle or end of year, and sometimes it ends up the teacher changes their mind or runs out of time and certain items never get used. I have middle and High school kids, so it is different than elementary.


    I may fill in a few t-shirts if the ones from spring have too many stains, but why buy pants or new clothes until they grow or the old ones wear out? <_<


    It bothers me we let marketing and advertising convince us to load up our credit cards on things we do not need! :nea:

    It doesn't bother me if that is happening because I have great wisdom and don't follow the crowd, marketing, or advertising. I do what is necessary! Glad you don't either.

  6. What a wonderfully thoughtful and caring thing for your husband to do. Made you feel special didn't it! It is something really special when someone thinks that much of you so as to know what is meaningful and important in your own life and not just theirs. Great husband.

  7. Have any fun plans this weekend?


    My son and his buddies have a night of "HALO 3" planned tonight w/ Xbox. They will drag hubby and I into it as well.


    Which is horrible, because I just walk around shooting the ground or the sky! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




    Just kidding!!!!

    Same thing happens to me when I play with my sons and husband.


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Soapy I'm cheering for you; good luck tonight!

  8. Don't get too mad at the mother-in-law. She's been used to making all the decisions for her son and family and she probably feels that she is giving you the direction you need from her experience. At this stage in our lives we just want to be helpful and you shouldn't take it too personally. Actually, the fact that she feels comfortable enough with you to state her forceful opinion probably means she thinks of you as a daughter. Just thank her for her opinion and then go on and do what you feel is best.



    I'm sorry but I respectfully disagree with what you have said. It is one thing to feel comfortable to approach your dil with your opinion but if it is more than once on the same thing that is controlling possibly manipulative and just plain wrong. Respect is a two way street when it come to mil and dil. MIL should respect her son and talk to him rather than going "around" him and talking to his wife. Some moms(not necessarily this one) just don't know how to "let go", "cut the apron strings", "cut the ambilical cord".


    Scotty and Jew runs through my blood, but proud to be a southern girl. did I mention Cherokee





    Thanks I did do that. She does care I know.

    I knew there was a reason I liked you Snow White!

  9. True, but the thing is My son doesn't ask for milk at all he would rather have something else. I respect my MIL and love her, I don't

    think it gives her the right to wait until Mr.Dis is not around to attack me or feel she has. This is not the first time something like this

    has happened. I understand she cares about his well being maybe I am taking it personaly.

    Snow White she should also respect you and ultimately she should respect Mr. Dis by not "confronting" you. If she has an "issue" she should take it up with Mr. Dis. Maybe this isn't the case with your mil but some feel they can achieve what they desire by going through the dil because they know their own son will tell them no or to mind their own business. I think your MIL should realize that YOU care for this child's well being even more than she and that you are co-decision making with his best interest at heart with Mr. Dis. Being a mil doesn't give one the right to meddle. Making a statement once, nicely, is fine but more than once is meddling and can be manipulative at the least.


    Darn Germans :ninja: Gotta watch them, they are bossy :lol:

    Maybe that is my problem ;) German, Welsh, and Jewish is me through and through(well and then whatever my dad is)

  10. Maybe try soy milk as a compromise.


    You all may think I am wrong, but I just don't think Snow White or any of us should have to "compromise" with our MIL's when as a couple we decided what is best for our child.

  11. Mr.Dis and I has done some research on children and milk and in some children it can cause the child to acted out, ornery, angry, and have extreme

    hyper activity. So we started cutting back on the milk with our son and he seemed to calm down he wasn't as angry ect. (Still Hyper) adhd MAJOR. My mother-n-law said out of no where he needs milk what about his bones, lungs, I explained to her how it makes him act out ect ect ect, She said then try some milk for lactose in tolerent or organic. The point is he does not have a lactose problem and organic will not help, I still tried to explain milk may be good for you, but it makes him more =@. She replied where does he get his calcium? I told her in cheese products, certain juices. Well he needs milk!! she told me.



    It seems she waits until I am alone with out her son being around and It just feels she attackes me and wants to argue and she makes it like it is alllll mmeeee making these decisions. I don't argue back I just state the facts and let her talk and move on.


    I am a great MOM and I am very upset :cray: I wait until I get home and cry, because it URKS me! If it isn't one thing it is another.


    Thanks for reading my thread.




    From personal experience my suggestion is more about the MIL and you being upset. Mr. Dis needs to pull his mother aside and speak to her about this issue and let her know from him that if she has any concerns about this issue she should direct them to HIM not his wife.


    Feel better Snow White your a great person and a great mom! And I am certain Mr. Dis is a great dad! These decisions are yours and not hers but I understand that she has to be involved as in knowing that he does not drink milk or he will be given milk by her. Utimately she is disrespecting her son by talking to you in such a manner "behind his back" and then objecting rather than respecting the decision of her son. Shame on that mother. Lord help me to not do that to one of my sons one day.

  12. I don’t think you understand what I was trying to get across here. Republican “a” wants his crime bill passed, democrat “b” wants his “hood revitalization act” bill passed. “A” tells “B” that if he votes for his bill he will return the favor. So both voted in the affirmative on a bill they may have not otherwise in the furtherance of their own agenda.

    Point heard, taken, and agreed with. I hope that more folks will stand up against anything resembling socialism. I do know that some good things can seem like socialism when they are really good deeds. I guess if good things are done for other folks by the government since it is done by "force"(taxes) it is socialism.

  13. Rebuplacrats, demopublicans, once in office most have a personal agenda, and that is to STAY in office. There is a lot of "you scratch my back i'll scratch yours

    " going on up on the HILL.

    Here is an example.


    excerpt from cato.org.


    1) The crime bill is packed with record amounts of pork barrel projects and social welfare spending.


    The 1994 crime bill is irrelevant to the growing scourge of crime in America. From day one, the chief objective for this legislation was never so much to fight crime, as it was to serve as a back door method of channeling billions of federal tax dollars to states, big city mayors, and special interest groups. The crime bill was President Clinton's failed 1993 fiscal stimulus bill in drag. One has to go back at least twenty years and five presidencies, to the days when Richard Nixon invented revenue sharing and started passing out free money to states and cities, to find a more expensive federal slush fund. Why wouldn't big city Mayors and many governors thunderously applaud this free money?


    Yes, Virginia, California, New York, and Ohio, there is a Santa Claus after all.


    In the final version of the bill, roughly $8 - $10 billion of new social welfare spending has been earmarked as crime "prevention." Here is a brief list of what Congress thinks will "prevent" crime:


    * $1.8 billion for the local partnership act. The money under this act is for education, self esteem programs, and social services. This is federal revenue sharing--one of the few major federal programs we've managed to rid ourselves of in the last fifteen years--resurrected. In truth, it is worse than federal revenue sharing, because part of the formula for distributing the cash is based on local tax burdens; the more oppressive the local tax regime, the more money the city gets from Uncle Sam. (This rewards cities for high taxes.)


    * Six new federal job training programs. America already has over 60 job training programs with an average cost of $20,000 per client, or as much as it costs to send a student to Harvard.


    * $100 million for John Conyer's "ounce of prevention program." This is free money for mayors to spend on virtually any purpose tangentially related to crime, including the building of swimming pools. Only in Washington is $100 million considered "an ounce."


    * $630 million for "child-centered activities." This is money for arts and crafts, dance programs, recreational activities, nutrition training, and so forth.


    * $10 million for public housing. HUD already spends some $10 billion a year on low-income housing assistance.


    * $200 million for assorted inner city youth activity programs.


    * $6 million for urban parks and recreation.


    * $270 million for schools. The money is to be used "to improve the academic and social development of youths by instituting a collaborative structure that trains and coordinates efforts of social workers, teachers, and principles." Real per capital spending on schools is twice as high as it was in 1970 and three times higher than in 1950--when crime was much lower.


    * $50 million for youth development for such activities as "providing youth with life skills."


    * $40 million for the much-publicized midnight basketball leagues. For the basketball league, each team must have ten players (from areas with high percentage of kids in public housing and a high percentage of HIV positives in the population) and each league must have eight teams. I believe that midnight basketball is a promising private sector inner-city initiative--a recipient of George Bush's "1,000 points of light" award. I fear that a successful privately funded program will now be forever contaminated by the lure of government money.


    * $450 million for drug treatment programs in prisons. Last summer, then congressman Tim Penny, the Minnesota Democrat, lamented: "It's amazing the ideas that found their way into the crime bill." We can only be thankful that Bill Clinton didn't have the foresight to put his health care reform in the crime bill, or no doubt that too would sail through Congress this week.


    2) Social welfare spending is a proven failure at preventing crime.

    Thanks for explaining your position as to how ALL government leaders are pusing the socialism agenda. The social programs you mentioned are usually not supported by Republicans or liberitarians. So I guess you think public education is a social program? If so then that is one program that Republicans and Liberitarians do support.

  14. Well look at it this way. The garbage man only comes once a week. :rolleyes:

    I don't really care but just in case you aren't aware, since you don't live in my neighborhood, there are 6 different trash companies that come into my neighborhood. Since this is the case every morning EARLY there is at least one company that comes "with the chickens" well even before the rooster. Some times at 4:30 a.m. and sometimes at 5:30 a.m.


    As previously said, I don't care just happen to note it because I wake up.

  15. This is the government’s early indoctrination to the wealth redistribution system “welfare”. The consensus is, if you have a better something, more of something or something that someone else does not have, this is wrong. How do we fix this injustice? Compel those that “have” to relinquish some or all of their coveted assets to a central repository “teacher/government”. Then redistribute these assets at will. Those who contribute the most will wind up with less; those who contribute the least will wind up with more. Start this early in life and it will be no big deal when as an adult you see earnings taken from your paycheck to be redistributed to those who do not “earn” one. And SOME who were the beneficiaries of this school supply redistribution grow up with the entitlement mentality

    Okay just a question. I thought the government was made up of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. If so than how is it that the entire government wants to indocrinate the wealth redistribution system when Republicans do not hold that view(most) and neither do most Independents? Please do not take this as a snipe I am asking for your thoughts, seriously.

  16. I am very upfront w/ my parents every year about the supplies needed for my class. There is nothing that is "secret" about what they need. It is a teacher's choice to purchase supplies for their classrooms, but what are they supposed to do when the school says every child MUST be allowed to participate yet do not provide the funding for those supplies? :huh: Thank goodness this year I had a wonderful adopter who donated a ton of stuff, so I didn't have to come out of pocket right now! :wub:


    FTR, I don't agree w/ community supplies in the lower grades; I do think parents and students should be responsible enough to obtain and bring supplies to school for their own. However, it simply does not happen.

    So are parents alright with elementary school teachers putting up stickies with a different supply on the sticky for "class supplies"? Sometimes even though kids are given the supplies by their parents it is inevitable that a student carries home his or her box of supplies and is without a pen or pencil at school.

  17. I have not read all the responses, BUT I DEFINATELY will! See I am in school right now to be a teacher. I have given one child a home education(graduated) and one has been receiving a public school education. We did what was best for each individual child.


    I am very interested in how to approach this issue in my class. I did an observation in a fourth grade class last term and was told by the teacher(male) that he keeps all supplies as a "joint venture" in his supply closet so that everything is not unorganized and everywhere. Students are allowed to go and get whatever they need in the closet. Now I did have a friend that was a teacher and she requested that each child have a folder for take home or papers and homework and such. Student never brought one in after a month the teacher supplied the notebook so that the papers could be sent home neatly and organized. Nothing that needed a signature ever came back. Once the notebook went home the parent went to the principle and was upset that the teacher had "insinuated that she could not afford to buy her child a notebook". Student gave the notebook back to the teacher. Teacher told parent she was only trying to be generous to the student and give her what she had asked for and then asked the parent again if she would supply the notebook for her child. Parent said "nope" and the student never had the notebook.


    Please tell me as a future educator how you would like me to let you know as a parent what you child needs in my classroom. Thank you this is very valuable information to me.

  18. If I am not mistaken, the water pipes busted over the winter holidays.


    Babydoll, was your friend's name Justin? If so, I remember him and the Lee's who lived next door to him.

    That was her brother; her name was Amy. Yes I remember the Lee's in the ranch.

  19. I've seen the list on the website for like the past month at least.



    I believe that is school specific--I imagine it says on the list for that respective school. :unknw:

    On the front page of the PCHS direct website there was no information about summer reading. Now the link that was provided, which was on the main county site(didn't know I had to go there)did have a list and as my son told me ONLY HONORS courses at PCHS have a summer reading text.


    Thank you to all. Special thanks to Bella princess and dayzee.

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