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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. What I find concerning is that the guy seems to be a chameleon. He seems to change his appearance to fit his surroundings.


    I am kind of partial to someone that has a place in life and the guts to stay in it regardless.


    Have you not changed your mind on different things during different periods in your life? I would say with age (and many times children) you get wiser and what you once believed to be true might not longer be the way you think.

  2. The point behind that is???? I found that out just by doing an internet search. I do not think it was "kept from" anyone. You know him so well that you can know what he will "probably do here" ? What in particular is it with Post 4 that you think they specifically would not like him attempting (since you said he probably would) to put in place a domestic partnership law?

    I am conservative, but I do not judge what anyone else does. I am not a hypocrite. (I fall far from perfect and leave a higher being to judge my decisions and others) I actually think insurance for a partner is a good idea. At least then someone is paying for it.



    You are so correct, The tax payers of the county will be paying for it


    Um, so? You want health care for all anyway, so when a domestic partner gets it that is different, how? I still would like you to answer what specifically is the problem with him and people in Post 4? Just asking all this since you said he will probably do this here.

  3. Hey we do have healthy items as well such as our chicken salad and fruit salad! Lol!


    Could you post the nutritional values on those?

    I do have to pass by that way, but would need that info.


    Have you thought of talking to the ridge road ball field? Maybe you could work a special deal for them to bring teams down after a game.

  4. Chicken bob I have no problem with citizens banding together in groups and make the citizens aware of certain things that a candidate would not necessary want the public to know, when considering which candidate to vote for neither do I consider it a smear campaign, Nor mud slinging

    Having said that I am amazed that the writer of another web site did not Include Mr. Collette in his assessment of the alleged Builders takeover of the County Surely if Mr. Todd Pownall is a part of the Building Community by being in the Realty Business Then Mr. Collette should be lumped into the same Category since he has family members associated with a Realty Company also RIGHT!!!!!. Should Tony Crowe also be lumped into this Category since he was a building inspector for the County for a number of years? Or maybe Beverly Cochran Who served as Administrative Assistant to the previous Commission Chairman, in which we saw the largest housing boon ever in Paulding County????

    Or maybe Mr. Anavitarte needs to be lumped into the Same Category as the editor has lumped Surepip, feelip and myself as Liberal Democrats, Since Mr. Anavitarte ran for house District 81 as a Democrat in 2006 , And was elected as the Secretary of GAELO (A liberal organization that is pushing for immigration Reform) Was part of the Denise Majette (Democrat) campaign for Senator to unseat Johnny Isakson Not to mention the fact that Mr. Anavitarte was supported by one of the largest gay rights movements in the City of Atlanta, And did in fact vote for and supported the Domestic Partnership law While serving on the City Council At Doraville. And probably will attempt to pass that here if elected commissioner. I really do not see where Mr. Anavitarte fits into the conservative culture of the citizens of Paulding County, And in Particular the Post 4 culture.

    So chicken bob lets all talk about the things that candidates do not want us to know about, RIGHT!!!!


    The point behind that is???? I found that out just by doing an internet search. I do not think it was "kept from" anyone. You know him so well that you can know what he will "probably do here" ? What in particular is it with Post 4 that you think they specifically would not like him attempting (since you said he probably would) to put in place a domestic partnership law?

    I am conservative, but I do not judge what anyone else does. I am not a hypocrite. (I fall far from perfect and leave a higher being to judge my decisions and others) I actually think insurance for a partner is a good idea. At least then someone is paying for it.

    • Like 1
  5. He entered the special election with that huge skeleton in his closet. He KNEW it had the potential to come out and entered anyway. He has humiliated ALL of Paulding County. I have more to say, but not enough time right now.






    If you get some time I would love to hear it. I do have a hard time holding something against someone they did many years ago as a teenager. That is just me though and I respect that some could not get past that. It is the "other" that I am interested in. Many I have spoke with about him really like him so I am not getting a complete picture. (and those that don't, JUST bring up the infidelity)

  6. Madea No he is not banned from defending any of this, He has his another web site, And Can defend it all that he wants too, On the other web site. I suggest that he take the opportunity to correct the statements that he has made that is in error ASAP, And tho candidate that he was wearing the tee shirt supporting (BEVERLY) should distance themselves from this type of campaigning openly on this board, Before the sun goes down tonight :angry:


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    Woohoo the wild west!!

  7. Note to all concerned - opinions of people that also attend meetings at the GOP are just that - opinions.

    There are many folks here that attend meetings at the GOP and many have differing views on the candidates.

    Perfect example is Stout vs Braddock vs Golden.


    Surepip, you well know from your time on this board who some of the screen names are and if they are involved at the Republican Party.


    For those who don't know that much about the local Republican Party, I'll share some insight:

    YES - there are folks that have very strong opinions politically (go figure, or they wouldn't be spending time at GOP meetings).

    Yes - they do voice their opinions on here and other boards - and yes SOMETIMES they go too far just as our buddies in this post do from time to time.


    However, the party does not as a whole(nor do the officers) at any time promote candidates or demote candidates during the primaries. They are not allowed to do so as it's against the bylaws. So, you are correct, there is no proof. It's simply not allowed. I as an individual can support any candidate I want. As a member of the executive committee of the GOP, I can not support any candidate during the primary.


    Also the Chairperson of the party is elected in every 2 years, so NO - there has not been this powerful group influencing the elections - the people in charge change hands too often (more often than our BOC/BOE officials and other elected representatives).


    As usual, take these rantings with a grain of salt. There is contact information available for the Paulding GOP and you can ask the Chairman more questions to understand the role the Party plays in the community.


    As a side note now that I've hopefully cleared up a little about the GOP....


    I for one have posted that I like Beverly Cochran, Vernon Collet, and Jason Anivitarte as potential Commissioners. I have not however retaliated or used this board to post UGLY NASTY SMEARS against the candidates I do not like even though I have information/thoughts that I could share with some undecided voters.

    It is classless to do so. Readers may note that you haven't really seen true smear campaigns like the ones that the guys in this post have thrusted in front of us already against Beverly and now a little on Jason.


    I agree with a post I think from BellaPrincess - can't remember for sure.


    Energy and integrity would be much better served on highlighing what you like about your candidate - especially when you can't provide any proof of the junk you throw out about the opposition.


    LOL. It was me and I was just about to quote you because I liked your post! :)

  8. BP

    Educate yourself on the Group who has run and controlled this county for the past 12-14 years. The legacy they have left us is pitiful.


    They got their butts handed to them on a platter 2 years ago, losing 2 seats on the BOC they could ill afford to lose. Now those who were in charge are doing their damndest, behind the scenes to take control again. And this group will stop at NOTHING to get the BOC back under their control.


    Don't believe me, or Whitey, or whomever. But do indeed get out their and educate yourself on what has happened in the past and work hard to see to it that it does not happen again. We, Paulding County, are indeed the red-headed stepchild of Atlanta. We have no industry, few jobs, and only a bedroom/dormitory community to tide us over. It is time for us to get Industry and Jobs here in Paulding, and that will NOT happen if the old Group of Good Ol Boys can get some of their candidates onto the BOC. We need leadership who are not puppets of the ROBBER BARONS. And that will be a difficult job to take care of.


    I have lived here for quite a while and know some of what went on. I still do not think adults "playing a game" of smear tactics is acceptable. Period. You personally have tried to run someone's name through the mud because of who she worked for. Provided us with facts, but not all of them. I just find it reprehensible that people do this.


    I agree that we need industry. We need jobs. We need many things out here, but turning ugly is not helping. I have a few people that live over in the district of Ms. Cochran that have told me they are voting for her after reading what they did here! Now do I agree with that? No. That is not the most informed reason to vote, but they actually feel that she was trying to do her civic duty by running and deserves it with what she has had to put up with!


    Tell me what candidate you like and why! I want to know what they are saying and why you think that they would be best for the job. When people come on here and smear someone (no matter if they think they are doing it to inform) they come off as a pompous ass that knows everything and everyone else is too uninformed to make a decision on their own.


    I do think you have a lot of knowledge on the county. In depth knowledge that most of us do not have time to get. Share that information with us in a way that you are not running people right into the hands of the people you do not want to have their hands in everything.


    I read the candidates websites, press, and do as much checking as I can, but I still come here to gleam more. Unfortunately I am not getting too much good info. This is from both sides and down the middle. I know we are all very passionate when it comes to politics, but I think that our local races should be just a bit different. Respect for our neighbors goes a long way in my book.




    BTW Surepip ~ what does Anavitarte have to do with the old group? (since we are in the topic of him I was not sure if your post was actually directed towards him or just in general.)

  9. Pubby


    I intend to post more in this thread about Candidate Anavitarte, And will as soon as I get some more answers from the open records request that I have submitted.


    I do know though that Mr. Anavitare is not the "conservative" type candidate that is being portrayed by some of his supporters.


    Having said that, You should be aware of the smear campaign That is being conducted on another local web site, and some of the articles posted have now been printed out are being distributed throughout the County. The smears are not limited to this race, But rather cover all three of the commissioners races plus the District 19 race


    I did not start the Smear campaign but I do know how to play that game.

    Those that post here to cover up their sneaky campaign does not bother me I have thick skin, And have been attacked by some of the best, SO............ let the games begin :D


    Whitey, really? Tit for tat? Real mature for grown adults living together in this community. It truly makes me sad that people want to "play" like this. Now I (and others) would be willing to look at any information you might come across, but to say you are just doing it to play the game is not right. I have no idea about another website, but I know I personally have not received anything about anyone that would be considered part of a smear campaign.

    I want to know the good and bad regarding each candidate, but can that not be presented and discussed without the smearing and name calling?

    Please someone slap me if I "stoop" to these levels on a local race between our neighbors.

  10. Dear Bella,


    You are most definitely not alone. :clapping: :wub:






    EXCELLENT POST Bella!!!! My last post was mysteriously deleted with no explanation so here is my response:


    It is very sad that Whitey, surepip, DOT, et al come on this site and trash the candidates that are opposing their own candidates of choice. Rarely do they have anything constructive to add about their candidates, they simply operate on the basis that they will trash the opposing candidates.


    Very, very sad.........little do they know they are actually "hurting their cause" istead of "helping their cause".


    Thanks guys! Sorry I vented a bit this morning, but I just had a chance to read this thread and could not believe it was going the way of some others.

    I agree with BeachBum that the trashing does hurt their cause. Tell me why I should vote for the person you are supporting and not just because so and so did something. It really seems petty and I know it makes me feel bad for those candidates taking the brunt of the finger pointing. Everyone is always saying get involved, but for the life of me I can't imagine running with the likelihood of hurting my family to try and make this county a better place to live. All of these candidates deserve some respect for trying to make a difference.

    Okay off my soapbox and out to water plants! I hope all of you have a great day! :)

  11. Okay Mr. Anavitarte, It is past time that you come clean with the citizens of Paulding County and talk about the things that you do not want us to know about your past?

    Better to get it out now, Than have someone put it out one week before the election, At least you will have some time to rehabilitee yourself now????


    WTH? If YOU know something, as insinuated by that post, why don't you tell us? Why are you and others so hell bent on "destroying" candidates other then the ones you like?

    It really is disgusting how some come on here and throw accusations and make insinuations about local candidates. They live here and whether they come on p.com or not someone in their family or a friend is reading it. It is just so mean and I know I am personally sick of it.

    Some seem to have made it their life work to not support their candidate of choice, but to dig and try to destroy the opposition.

    I want to know the facts on issues, not speculation or presentation of partial truths twisted to make it look bad.

    Yes, some times candidates put out things that have happened in their past and we can talk about it, but if they put it out well then fair game. I do see that, but even then it should be a civil discussion on what was presented.

    P.com is really a phenomenal source to gather or put out information. I do not see it being utilized like it could be because of statements like the one above. Sad when you think about it. This avenue would be a good one for candidates to take for those of us that might not be able to make all the rally's.

    Obviously this is just my opinion, but I don't think I am alone.


    • Like 1
  12. Oooops, I missed that somehow, :pardon: Thank You But, still....she was only trying to get the word out and be of help to the community!!! So it's OK to bash her (kinda/sorta) for trying to be helpful??? Y'all just keep on running off pcommers and there will be "more" boring days!!!!!!!!!!! I can understand her point! Sometimes when you think you are trying to be helpful, you will only get bashed. Some people get on my last nerve trying to be a smartarse, I just hope you are never in need of help from the community or government!!! It only takes just one downfall and wow, there you are. Just because you don't have anything in your life that's hampering your everday happenings or hampering you to provide the daily needs of your Family, doesn't mean it "can't or won't" happen to you. Oh, and don't be wearing your Gucci's or Fila's and driving your Hummer while you are trying to get any assistance!! Have A Good day! :hi:


    I am not in the "ya'll running people off". I pointed out why some might have bad feeling towards this program. I do get the point you made about being down and needing food. That is fine. Last year they were having day cares come (that mom and dad paid for food) and even advertising at the movies. That is where, I believe, "bad feelings" came from. If that is not what is happening this year, and it is only for those that really need it, explain that you (collective, not you personally) understand that, and are just looking out for the children in the down economy. The people that pay for the program, you and I, have a right to understand it and want it run correctly.

  13. [

    Where did you find the post from last year? I'm still searching for it. Also, where does the OP indicate that this is her first year???


    NO! Benefits are that the more we get the program out to those in need, and see a good turn out, then the program will continue this summer and maybe next. I know as well as others do that our economy is not going to get any better any time soon. If it "be-littles" you to be there, then by all means, don't come. Just because you did not use help available , is not for you to post such, well, harsh words for those who choose to. This program is for those in need that have to decide where their dollars are best spent for their family. My opinion is if you hold your head up, show up for the right reasons, then you can lay your head down on your pillow at night knowing you have done good for your family. This program is not to judge anyone by their car, clothes, cell phone, or anything else. I am glad to know that our county chose to offer this for our community. This is my first year with the program, I see the need for it.





    I do remember last year people that worked the program pretty much inviting anyone to come so they would not lose the program. That alone would turn people off. If someone needs it is one thing, and I personally have no problem with that scenario.Coming on here and telling everyone to come if you have a child under 18 is different. Just a thought why people might have a few hard feelings toward this program.

  14. If anyone is out and about with a camera, please take some shots of the 50+ signs that both Beverly and Drew have up at the Taj Mahal, and post them on here for all to see.


    Anyone who takes things to that extreme is not who we want representing us in government.


    Use some common sense people.




    Did you see them placing them there? Could it be that one of their supporters took all their (ones the supporter was to put out) signs and put them up in one spot and they are unaware? :pardon:

  15. I have no one on ignore, you or anyone else.


    Subby got my lawn tractor starter repaired late Friday and I installed it yesterday and have been cutting almost 3 acres of knee high grass.


    Now to reiterate:


    I did an open records request for "any available information/paperwork concerning any and all financial and other settlement details in regards to Beverly Cochran and her departure from her employment with Paulding County."

    I was given the 9 page settlement agreement and consent agreement and 2 canceled checks. All 9 pages I received have been posted I believe by Patton. I was unable to get them posted myself.

    I have since sent another request, and have asked why I was not given Beverly's "Employment Contract". I assume I will hear something next week.

    However, that does not change the jist of my topic: That is "Why is Beverly running?"

    From where I sit she has an ax to grind with David Austin and the fact she was indeed removed from a very high paying cushy local job. I know many with graduate degrees and 20+ years of experience who are driving an hour to work for far less than $64,000 per year. And Beverly with a High School Degree is knocking down $64k working locally. Yes, I might try to get revenge on someone who I thought cost me a job like that as well.

    I had a great deal of interfacing with the Chairman's office from 2002 untii 2006 when I entered my suits against the county. I had a great many conversations with Beverly during that time up to when I filed my suits. I found her to be very artful at dodging the issues and changing the subject including when she refused to provide me with a written copy of the zoning stipulations showing my stipulations at the March 22, 2005 BOC meeting, stating instead "I only have enough copies for the applicants so you cannot have one".

    That also happened to be the stipulations which contained errors and mistakes, but we did not receive our written copies until a month afterwards.

    And for what it is worth, or not, my suits are also for broken contracts.

    The contract I had with the county to enforce the laws, rules, and zoning stipulations.

    We were given written stipulations, which the developer ignored, and the BOC, Community Development Office and the PDOT all looked the other way and let the developer do whatever he wanted, including taking part of our property. The first 2-1/2 feet of the front yards across the street is land we paid for 27 years ago and land we ARE STILL PAYING TAXES ON TODAY, including the entire street.

    And since then, the BOC with the same "Three Beverly Vote Members" have made the decision to pay out over $1MILLION Dollar of taxpayer money in legal fees to Holland & Knight Law Firm in Atlanta to litigate us and attempt to prevent us from getting out day in court. Is that the same sort of contract ?

    Your comment on the teacher's not having contract challenges is in error as well. ALL of the teachers have taken furlough days NOT IN THEIR CONTRACTS. Should they file a class action suit ?


    As well as what? What other error have I made? I was actually not in error on that. I am a teacher. I am offered or not offered a contract each year. My comment was in reference to one of the posters asking why the water people or school teachers should not also get a cushy settlement when let go. (Nothing to do with furloughs or current contracts. Only speaking of teachers NOT OFFERED CONTRACTS Not getting a settlement when they left)

    I see Beverly wanting to get on the BOC to keep up and maintain the RBMD voting block which still exists today. Kirby and Powell are both retiring and you can bet your ass the RBMDs are concerned about loosing control of the BOC with only Ragsdale remaining. With Beverly elected they will be a step closer to maintaining a presence.

    If you want to support Beverly; endorse Shearin's regime; and let the RBMDs keep doing their puppeteer show; then by all means go out and vote for Beverly. The RBMDs and builders will be glad you did.

    If you want to break the RBMD control then vote for Todd Pownall.

    It really does boil down to just those choices.




    I typed out a long reply and deleted it. It just doesn't matter what I write. I am looking at the situation from the outside with no affiliation with anyone and the people that are against this candidate are against her. No matter if certain things are pointed out. I did address one thing you wrote. I highlighted yours in blue and typed in red.

  16. I have no one on ignore, you or anyone else.


    Subby got my lawn tractor starter repaired late Friday and I installed it yesterday and have been cutting almost 3 acres of knee high grass.


    Now to reiterate:


    I did an open records request for "any available information/paperwork concerning any and all financial and other settlement details in regards to Beverly Cochran and her departure from her employment with Paulding County."

    I was given the 9 page settlement agreement and consent agreement and 2 canceled checks. All 9 pages I received have been posted I believe by Patton. I was unable to get them posted myself.

    I have since sent another request, and have asked why I was not given Beverly's "Employment Contract". I assume I will hear something next week.

    However, that does not change the jist of my topic: That is "Why is Beverly running?"

    From where I sit she has an ax to grind with David Austin and the fact she was indeed removed from a very high paying cushy local job. I know many with graduate degrees and 20+ years of experience who are driving an hour to work for far less than $64,000 per year. And Beverly with a High School Degree is knocking down $64k working locally. Yes, I might try to get revenge on someone who I thought cost me a job like that as well.

    I had a great deal of interfacing with the Chairman's office from 2002 untii 2006 when I entered my suits against the county. I had a great many conversations with Beverly during that time up to when I filed my suits. I found her to be very artful at dodging the issues and changing the subject including when she refused to provide me with a written copy of the zoning stipulations showing my stipulations at the March 22, 2005 BOC meeting, stating instead "I only have enough copies for the applicants so you cannot have one".

    That also happened to be the stipulations which contained errors and mistakes, but we did not receive our written copies until a month afterwards.

    And for what it is worth, or not, my suits are also for broken contracts.

    The contract I had with the county to enforce the laws, rules, and zoning stipulations.

    We were given written stipulations, which the developer ignored, and the BOC, Community Development Office and the PDOT all looked the other way and let the developer do whatever he wanted, including taking part of our property. The first 2-1/2 feet of the front yards across the street is land we paid for 27 years ago and land we ARE STILL PAYING TAXES ON TODAY, including the entire street.

    And since then, the BOC with the same "Three Beverly Vote Members" have made the decision to pay out over $1MILLION Dollar of taxpayer money in legal fees to Holland & Knight Law Firm in Atlanta to litigate us and attempt to prevent us from getting out day in court. Is that the same sort of contract ?

    Your comment on the teacher's not having contract challenges is in error as well. ALL of the teachers have taken furlough days NOT IN THEIR CONTRACTS. Should they file a class action suit ?

    I see Beverly wanting to get on the BOC to keep up and maintain the RBMD voting block which still exists today. Kirby and Powell are both retiring and you can bet your ass the RBMDs are concerned about loosing control of the BOC with only Ragsdale remaining. With Beverly elected they will be a step closer to maintaining a presence.

    If you want to support Beverly; endorse Shearin's regime; and let the RBMDs keep doing their puppeteer show; then by all means go out and vote for Beverly. The RBMDs and builders will be glad you did.

    If you want to break the RBMD control then vote for Todd Pownall.

    It really does boil down to just those choices.




    Surepip I do not have time to respond to all of this right now. (It's a long one) I will later, but I am glad you do not have me on ignore! :)


    See, thats the bottom line, the end. You can't tell me that anyone with a contract would take the breaking of that contract lying down and if they say otherwise, THEY ARE LYING. Should she have had a contract? I don't know, maybe not.......BUT SHE HAD ONE because she was smart enough to insist on one, it was broken and she didn't stand for it, just like nobody else would have. But she doesn't seem to be the only one in Paulding suing people, so why is one lawsuit OK and one not? It's costing the taxpayers of Paulding county just the same.


    :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: This is exactly the point behind half of my questions! I know the title reads one thing, but it came down to her and that darn contract as the smoking gun. I just don't see the smoke! LOL

  17. One more time...Beverly had a CONTRACT...it doesn't matter how she got it, she had a contract signed by David.


    When a contract is broken, there is compension due to the affected party. It is plain and simple and such cases go to court all the time when contracts are broken.


    I'd like to see some of you naysayers who are moaning and groaning go and create a contract with another party that involves anything and then they break it. What would you do? I know what you would.


    This is so stupid it is pathetic. :wacko:


    A contract is a contract, period.


    I keep asking that, but no one will answer. I think Surpip must have me on ignore! LOL.. Oh well.

  18. Ya know folks these people running for office are true patriots,they under go hard shots from anybody and everybody. Now I think Beverly is a nice person she has worked hard and would do a great job. Now Todd has experience and would work very hard,he deserves it because he has worked very hard for other canidates. Adam is a great family man and works for the children of our community. He has a business and very dedicated family man.


    The reason most canidates don't come on here is due to all the sharp attacks. It's easy to take aim at people who are trying to make a difference,imagine what these people are going through.Even there family suffers the cruel and sharp attacks.


    Now go to the greet and meets and face these people one on one. But this election has been clean so far because none have attacked each other.


    Now let's drink to that :drinks:


    :drinks: That is true and I hope it stays that way! :)


    You also made a very valid point that the attacks do impact not only the candidates, but their friends and family too. :( I do not know any of the candidates personally (yet!) and I feel really bad for some of them.

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