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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. I sincerely hope that the folks that are voting against the renewal of the Splost don't go whining when their property taxes go up again. We are already paying it and it is the fairest tax--even folks that don't own property or live in the county pay it.


    But then again, some folks love to go to Cobb and Douglas County and pay their extra tax for them. :ninja:


    Unfortunately we do not have many of the stores offered by both Cobb and Douglas. I grocery shop here, but beyond that not much is bought here. I try to use the JcPenny here if I am buying from them, but we just do not have a lot of the bigger retailers that I like to shop. I wish we had something more along the lines of The Avenues, not necessarily a mall.

  2. Good grief people. I still have not had a chance to read everything, but let me try to reply to those that quoted me.



    If she believed in her innocence, then she should have gone through with a trial. However, and this is the big one, in order to participate in a diversion program, one must enter a GUILTY plea. There's really no way around this one.


    Many people do avoid a trail and the stress financially and emotionally and plead out. :pardon: Happens all the time Mr. Politics.


    Come on now, is that the best you can do ?

    If she could not afford a lawyer to defend her, the court would appoint one for a felony charge. "NOLO" pleas are generally for a first offense where you are guilty as hell, but the court lets you take the NOLO plead in a first offense. DUIs are often pleaded out with a NOLO.


    Sorry, but this is another case of not properly vetting the candidate.


    Bottom line is the local GOP felt all they had to do was win the primary, and walk away with the seat as they have done for the previous 12 years.


    Mr Avery has shown himself to be tenacious and a hard worker pounding on doors, and in the process people have been coming out of the woodwork with various tidbits of information on Braddock. All of this past events in Braddocks career should have been known by the voters in July just as they should have known about Stout's indiscretions ahead of time.


    My biggest issue with Braddock is her false "Tea Party Conservative" rhetoric. She voted for 8 consecutive annual tax increases for the BOE, 2 ESPLOSTs, and 2 Bond referendums. How in the hell can she call herself a conservative. From my time spent with Will Avery to date, he is a true conservative running as a Dem, just like ALL our politicians did in Georgia until 2000.


    First look first benefit of the doubt given. Don't be such a jerk to me. It really is unbecoming of an older gentleman.


    In the past election it did come to light and was discussed around various meetings,Not sure if it was ever posted on p.com.

    There are other reasons for a pre trial diversion plea. Insurance Fraud is a felony carrying a maxium sentence of 5 years in prison,along with a sizeable fine,Plus it would be on her record for the rest of her life,And she would lose a lot of rights that a non felon enjoys.


    Hmm, so it was okay back then? Why would it not bother any one enough to bring it out into the open the?


    Your theory is also a valid possibility. That you for answering my questions Whitey.


    Insurance Fraud IS a felony.


    Feelip but she does not HAVE a felony conviction, does she?

  3. I took the Cobb County police record that was posted by Pubby as face value, I logged onto the Cobb County DA's web site, and took that information as face value.

    Paulette, according to the information posted was indicted, And a trial date was set. Through her attorney she got a pre trial diversion case closed you decide why Paulette did this, I personally think she was guilty as charged =@


    I have not had a chance to read everything yet, I just got a chance to get on here, but someone could take a pre trial diversion to also avoid the toll a trial would take on their family. Since it would not be a felony conviction I could see someone doing that for the sake of their families. Also a trail would cost someone a lot more out of pocket that they might not have so that could also be a valid reason.

    Is this the first time this has been brought to light? No other time she was running was it brought up? (asking...I have no clue!)

    • Like 1
  4. If he were lying about it or claiming to be against what he was actually doing, yes.


    I have a bigger problem with being sneaky, lying and not being forthright. I really don't care what anyone else does as long as they are honest.


    Did she lie about this? I haven't seen anything (yet) about that.

  5. What if the charges are not dropped? Let's assume she is arrested and is found guilty for a felony. Would that change your mind in any way at all? I'm being dead serious because I honestly don't think it would.


    Anyone with a conviction for a violent crime would be off my radar.



    Though cutting a piece of someones hair and scratching them while trying to get a phone...I would be highly surprised if that would get a felony conviction. :pardon:That sounds more like I am po'd at her I am calling the police. He calls, they take her in. Charges dropped. The DA does not need the husband to convict or testify so I am assuming that is was pretty petty to begin with. Just my thought on that.

  6. And my contention is that if they can't manage their personal lives they have no business representing me. ;)


    So if something comes out about Will (I know nothing, just saying) you will change your mind about him? Even if it was something that happened almost 8 years ago and nothing really came out of it?

  7. By best do you mean the candidate that abides by the laws? :huh:


    Well seeing that she does not have a conviction on the info presented, she must not have been guilty. So, apparently she must have been law abiding if there is no charges. That is how it works, true?


    So I am still looking at the good and bad on both. (Politically not personally, I really do not like all the personal stuff. Let Paulette and Will have a life, I am looking at what they can or can not do if elected. Who they would work with and whose promises match up to what I want from my representative)

  8. Just so you know, cutting someone's hair against their will IS AN ATTACK. It is technically assault.


    Probably doesn't matter to you anyway. You would vote for her even if she had an actual criminal record. Right?


    Are you talking out your backside or what? You do not know me and I vote for the BEST candidate. It does seem I defend many republicans on here because some of you are so NASTY about them and their lives. It is ridiculous and childish and very off putting to those of us that just want actual facts, not smears, innuendo, presumptions or pieces of facts made to look as if the world is ending. :wacko:

  9. As a MIDDLE NAME? She changed her name to Braddock when she remarried, but also changed her middle name to Rakestraw? That's just bizarre. Who do you know that has done that? A lot of divorced women keep their married last name because it is their LEGAL NAME, and changing it is a major pain in the butt once you have a financial life established.


    Actually I have 4 on my FB page. :pardon: You act like it is not normal. I don't have a large group of FB friends and found that many. I am not going to name names, but really what do you find so odd about it?

  10. Here is the link. The info came from the Paulding County Clerk of Courts or S/O.




    I appreciate the link. She cut his hair while he was asleep, correct? She did not attack him with scissors, right? (How you had worded it, it sounded like she actually went running after him with scissors.) Just trying to understand here. The scratch was obtained by her husband as she was trying to get her phone? Charges were dropped and this occurred during a divorce 7 and a half years ago?

  11. Where have you been? Yeah, priceless, right?


    There was a topic on here a couple of years ago about what her name really is and why was she using Rakestraw.


    I think most of us know why she uses Rakestraw.


    And yeah, I think she started using it when she became involved in politics. But, I could be wrong :rofl:


    ?? I have no clue.


    Of all the ridiculous statements I have seen you post, this one might take the cake. This is all you can come up with? Absolute Looney Tunes.


    Even if ALL of Will's supporters voted for Obama, the last time I checked voting for Obama was LEGAL! Attacking your spouse with a pair of scissors is not. ;)


    Can I ask where you obtained your information? Not saying it is wrong just asking where did it come from? When was this? What exactly happened? I really do not know.

  12. Reason 453 why you should not run for office in Paulding county.....you are arrested, charges dropped, and still convicted on p.com. :angry2:


    Some of you need to get a life. :wacko: Being hell-bent on destroying someone does not make for a good one.


    It is obvious the Georgia Republicans cannot vett a candidate.


    Her attendance record on the Paulding BOE speaks for itself. 43 missed meetings in 8 years.

    I believe her replacement on the BOE, who soundly beat Paulette 2 years ago has yet to miss a meeting. Stay focused Kim Cobb, you are, and have been one of the best BOE members ever elected.


    Paulette's voting record, 8 out of 8 tax increases along with 2 bond referendum approvals speaks for itself and denies her "Tea Party Conservative" stance. * years was enough to tell us what she supports. Rhetoric now saying otherwise is irrelevant.


    Paulette's Paulding arrest record with husband #2 speaks volumes [Yes, divorces can be nasty but you don't cut him]. Come on now, you guys are going to keep defending her ?


    The older bankruptcy stuff will resurface, along with side bars as well.


    She is the annointed one from King Jerry along with the "Americans for Prosperity", a grass roots Tea Party Organization that apparently does not pay any attention to how their chosen candidates have voted in the past. 8 out of 8 tax increases is not a conservative no matter how you want to cut and dice it. She is a tax and spend candidate. And she approved building the BOE offices, the school gyms, theaters, etc., in front of class rooms.

    Tea Party my ass.


    The State GOP is obviously in a mess. Deal; et al.


    The Paulding GOP is worse. Paulette is not a viable candidate, but the local GOP is working their hinies off to get her elected.


    Time to toss partisan politics aside in this race. Please study the candidate, and not the party. Paulding's future will be based on how you, the voter, votes.


    Did you ever go back and respond to my questioning of her attendance?Yeah I checked one random one and she WAS THERE. It got awful quiet in that thread after I had posted.

    • Like 3
  13. i wonder what she is afraid of, will is out there for everyone to see and talk to, she is off hiding somewhere - and i for one don't think having an "r" next to her name will help at all - we need to know what she stands for and thinks - and she isn't giving us that opportunity - so why would we want her in the state house? she is a lieing "b___h" and doesn't deserve anyone's vote.


    Truly? :blink: That statement tells much about you. :wacko:

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  14. Steve:


    Everyone is hopeful for a positive transition in the DA's office. The whole purpose of politics and elections is not so much to determine winners and losers in life - everyone who puts themselves out there is in some way a winner - but to provide the public with the people with a choice. They will select the person whom they have the greatest confidence to perform their business.


    The key issue in government is, was and always will be good, efficient and equitable government. That is what is in the public interest and serving the public interest is coincidentally Paulding.com's mission.


    I will say that your presence here did increase my confidence that all would be well in the eventuality that Dick won. Your willingness to present yourself and your case for DD was, IMO, appropriate. Paulding.com always encourages a diverse and passionate debate.


    Steve, as the transition continues, I do hope you will feel it appropriate to use this site for communicating the progress made to the public. You certainly are welcome as is deadeye, should he choose to venture back.


    Finally, congratulations to Dick on his win. I know it must be satisfying after so many disappointments, including the 11 vote loss to Drew four years ago. I can actually remember meeting Dick the first time when he ran for sheriff back in the 1990's. I know winning elective office has been a long-term goal of his and he deserves congratulations on attaining that ambition.



    I crossed off where you should have left it if you truly are congratulating Dick and would really like for him to make an appearance back here. :good: just sayin'



    Steve has done a fabulous job with giving us much needed facts and information and I do hope he continues to read and post on your site!

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