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Posts posted by bellaprincess

  1. Actually it is a scarier thought that people would be so disinterested that they would enter the voting booth without so much as having read anything about the election anywhere, including on the web, and cast their vote.


    After that statement maybe you should consider changing your name from Solo to 'ignorance is bliss'.




    The first sentence would have been enough IMHO.

  2. I voted last week, but Mrs. LTD has been in line at Taylor Farm Park since before 9AM and still hasn't called me to say she is done. She said that the line went pretty far down the sidewalk.


    Folks, It's a good sign that there are long lines. This means that we are all exercising or right and performing our duty to vote. Do you want me, SurePip, Intruder, PSD, or The Postman making the decision for you? I didn't think so. Everybody Cowboy up and make a difference. If you don't vote don't carp about the results.


    Heck no! hee hee hee :blush:


    I do wish people would read the ballots prior to going though. It is a lot to try and comprehend while looking at a polling machine and about to vote.


    You are probably right - I didn't think about that. I have read them (and there were difficult to understand) and will be voting no on all of them. I told the hubs he didn't have to read them, I said to vote no and that is all he needed. :lol: I kid, I kid. He's allowed to vote as he pleases - as long as he is informed :lol:.



    I doubt it. One of 5 <_< messages on my machine last night gave strict instruction that we are supposed to go to our assigned polls.


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  3. Yep they can even be photo shopped.

    I will never run for office myself. My life is an open book, I try to live my life honestly, with integrity and do my beat to be fair.


    I am more interested in the opinions of those that know me.

    This is the best anyone can do.

    There are always losers in games, thats why I don't play them.


    Totally with you at that!

  4. I imagine it was traumatic to her, A couples time in a labor room is intense and intimate, cherished memories.

    To see that specific picture publicized in an effort to make her husband look like the village idiot is offensive I don't care who you are.


    She was pointing out the the use of that picture was in bad taste and why.


    There are many pictures on his face book easily copied and used, this one hit a tender spot with his wife.


    I guess a mug shot is a sensitive moment but an important one to share with potential voters, not someones picture in the labor room with their wife :blink:


    I mean come on she was nicer about explaining why she was offended than I would have been.


    Pft...I am not that sensitive to a picture. Seriously. If I was it would not be out for people to see. Period.


    I am not happy with either candidate, but I still say she brought drama here (I am looking at 3 pages) to Will and attention to another site, when she really should have just ignored it.

    • Like 2
  5. This was a small time charge. Fighting it would not have bankrupted her after all at this time she was a "millionare next door", and the sentence would most likely not been any different then what she got as a plea. She was guilty as hell, but if you trust her with your money feel free - I sure wouldn't.


    I do not truly trust any politician with my money. :( I have no clue to what she would or would not have got, nor her finances. I was really just addressing the fact that some have stated if you are innocent you go to trial. Unfortunately it doesn't always work how it should and many feel that it is just best to plead.

  6. If she was not guilty she would not have made a plea deal which is what this is. If you are innocent you fight it in court. Wake up people, you are being suckered and will live to regret it. This women was a clown when she ran for the school board and is a bigger joke now. It is flat out embrassing to conservatives that people will defend her simply because of the party letter next to her name.


    Maybe for you personally. I do know of instances where pleas were taken in the best interest of the family and for the sake of not bankrupting themselves. It is not a conviction.

    Just saying that your blanket statement is not always true and unless she told you that specifically can not be taken as fact.

  7. I am so sorry for not responding to your post sooner. I've been baking cakes and cupcakes for friends' birthdays and have not been on paulding.com since you wrote this. Even though I am a mother, Will Avery is not one of children. If you think my remarks about him are glowing, then you do not want to get me started talking about my two sons and two daughters. By the way, will you please tell me how you made the word "glowing" turn that bright shade of yellow. That is just so cute.




    (To change a word color highlight it with your mouse during your reply, and go up to the top where there is a paint brush and letter and click. Click on the color you want your word to turn)

  8. Are you Paulette's Mom ?


    I was not being mean, nor was I speaking to you or quoting you. I have never even come close in praise of Paulette to what this woman wrote about Will. I have come to threads giving alternate thoughts on different candidates that you and your crew slam constantly and are down right mean about.

    • Like 1
  9. Bellaprincess:


    Actually, you'd be surprised how many hits come from google to paulding.com.


    We also have a history in this. One of the more active forums is the politics forum.


    I don't know if your husband has a facebook or is emailed things from friends or whether he just gets an earful at the barber shop or lunch counter but the plain fact is the word does get out.


    The plain fact is that in today's fragmented media world, keeping up with news relevant to a person requires they seek it out. It would probably surprise you that there is more news here than you know.




    Besides actually living in this county, husband is not in it much. Works downtown, hair cut on lunches, etc. So he really isn't getting word of mouth news. (except from me :) ) I never google p.com because I am here most of the time!

  10. The facts are ugly. Don't shoot the messengers.


    I didn't say they weren't. I am not shooting you! :)


    I agree with all of these statements. I usually do agree with you though. Nothing new.


    Same here. :)


    I firmly believe the folks who you perceive to be satisfied by Paulette Braddock's missteps are guilty of nothing more than being passionate about the county in which they live. These guys aren't just coming out of the woodwork, they've been here on PCom for years discussing the issues that matter. They were familiar with Braddock before this election, knew she was a bad apple, and find it imperative to warn the rest of us that this candidate has never been mistaken as ethical, upstanding, nor the kind of person you would expect to think outside the box to create novel solutions to difficult issues this county faces. When stories come out, even covered in the AJC, that lend credibility to the narrative they've already presented to you, well, certainly there's some satisfaction involved. But it's a satisfaction based on a love for the county...a hope that citizens caught the news....a satisfaction that we may have a more informed electorate choosing our representative in the Gold Dome. They know, and hopefully you know, that with the exposed record of Paulette Braddock she should be looked upon as unequivocally unelectable.




    Not sure there's a pleasant way to present two arrests (one felony arrest), a personal business bankruptcy, and a BOE voting record that got her booted from the board? I mean I'm sure she's a pleasant person to be around but I'm not voting her into office to be congenial.








    Celebratory behavior, name calling, and all that has been said does go beyond the realm of common decency. You can present all the facts of what she has or has not done without the petty schoolyard stuff. JMO

    (and I am not buying the fact they are just celebrating just for the love of the county.)

  11. Our local news is getting much better,our own P.com is stepping up to the plate. And it is a local issue.blush.gif


    I personally come here all the time for info, but I am still amazed at the number of people who do not come here or have never even heard of it when I mention p.com.


    I would hope that Animal, as well-intentioned as he may be, would not sour you on a candidate. I am not sure how often Will and Animal talk, but my best guess would not be very often, but what do I know.


    I understand there is always "interpretation" to be had, but there are some facts in play here. Paulette, in being asked to respond, said she just "forgot" about the arrests (both of em, apparently), which I personally think to be wholly irresponsible. As far as I know, these things were not disclosed even to her closest supporters, which are people who need to know. Perhaps she could have pulled a "Jill Chambers" and admitted to her past issues-- though Jill never had two arrests on her record.


    And, though I agree that many people have been arrested, that would sour me on voting for them, unless mitigating circumstances prevailed. One mistaken arrest I can understand, sure. Two is a little harder to bear. For me, at least, it shows a pattern of lack of personal responsibility and accountability, and in Ms. Braddock's case, it also shows her dishonesty and lack of ethics, expecially when coupled with the other facts, like her record.


    As for the tax increase issue, people can interpret 7 of them as they wish. According to the state of Georgia, they're tax increases. More money out of your pocket. Add in the one time she voted for a 3% sales tax increase, her absenteeism, etc...is that really someone you want representing you?


    If you can't vote for Will, I understand. In one race this year, I couldn't bear to vote for either of them, so I wrote someone in. Abstain, but think to yourself-- can you really vote for Paulette?


    I understand what you are saying, I really do, but my real point (at least in this thread :) ) was that most voters do not even know about any of the issues that have come up. I seriously have not spoke with one person that is aware of any of the information released (arrests or bankruptcy) on her here. Not one. Now granted I am the only one of my friends that come here daily, but I was still very surprised.


    Animal is really not going to decide my vote. :) I just wish that whole group of them would stop taking such satisfaction in local* politicians problems. It is so ugly and I really can not stand when they do it. I can hardly read a thread with out hearing how horrible a local candidate is, about robber barrons, and Jerry Shearin! I will say I have not seen (or at least had my blood pressure rise) that in your posts.



    * Yes I do see a difference in comments regarding a local candidate and a national one. We live with these people in our community. They are our friends and family. We see them at Kroger, our children go to school together.....

    No one is perfect. You can present the facts, they are running for an office and they are needed, but you can present facts with out celebrating them and being so darn ugly.

  12. Unfortunately, not enough will see or inform themselves on any of the pertinent issues in this election.

    I can only hope enough WILL stop to take a few moments and learn about the candidates to make an informed decision instead of just pushing the button next to the "R" with no thought or reason behind their actions.


    We have a very good and viable candidate in Will Avery for the district 19 seat. And then we have Paulette Braddock running as the annointed "R". And I can assure you that is why we are not seeing Paulette out in the public eye at the forum with the Chamber last week, or with any proposed debate. She has nothing to gain, and even more to lose by trying to verbally joust with Mr Avery.


    Will Avery has some good and solid ideas of what needs to be accomplished for Paulding County under the Gold Dome. Paulette can only keep echoing how she is a Tea Party conservative, who voted for 8 out of 8 consecutive tax increases while on the BOE, along with the SPLOSTS and 2 Bond referendums.


    Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives and anyone who is a vote in the 19th district to educate themselves on the candidates and make their choice accordingly.


    Our future depends on the voters electing the candidate best suited for the job regardless of the letter next to their name. Our Paulding GOP and their annointed ones have done little to nothing for the taxpaying voter in Paulding for over a decade now.


    I do not believe paulding.com and the Dallas New Era are the ones that people run for to educate themselves on a candidate. Most look at the candidates website, see the commercials/banners/mailings, speak with the candidate, maybe make it out to an event or two and make their decision from there. Unless it is splashed across the main news sites I would gather lots of this info you put out there on Paulette is not being seen.


    For example: Yes, my husband usually votes Republican, but he always makes a list of candidates platforms, what they say when he speaks with them, voting records, and see what aligns up most to what he wants. I have never once seen him come on here so what would make him go dig into someones personal life looking for arrests and or bankruptcies? Nothing. Just pointing out what I believe to be the average voter is hearing/seeing.


    I personally do not know who I will vote for. Has Paulette done some things wrong? Yes. BUT, I do think some of it is subject to interpretation. People will look at facts and apply their own personal experiences to them and make a decision from that. (Many have been arrested, so will that matter to them? Maybe not. Many have filed bankruptcy, so will that matter to them? Maybe not. Her "tax increases" are based on who you speak with...again some think is was an out right tax increase others not so much.) I am not sure of Paulette and not yet convinced to vote for Will.Though Animal has soured me on Will some. (I am trying to distance the two, but truthfully, I am human and that is hard)

  13. One call that's all..www.pauletebradock.com


    Are you paying for that?


    I asked both my DD and Husband about her. They normally vote Republican and I wanted to see what they thought about all this. Neither one had heard anything about her. Now granted we do not get the Dallas New Era nor do they come on here. How many people do you think you are actually getting this information out to?

  14. Beach Bum:


    I don't think Tbird is taking pleasure in exploring another persons misfortune as much as they're curious exactly who is hoping to represent us under the Gold Dome.


    The public record is the public record and when you ask the public for a job, they have a right to explore your record. You are no longer a private citizen.


    I have to say that I really was surprised at Ms. Braddock's public record. I'm equally surprised that it was not more widely known prior to this.


    Bellaprincess: I've not seen the New Era but the 'article' referenced was an advertisement based on the public record. What was particularly noticeable was that her 'earned media' in the New Era - a photo from her lunch/fundraiser with House Speaker David Ralston was immediately across from this ad.


    I actually have sympathy for Paulette. I am not a supporter of her political ambitions but I wish she had remained a private citizen.




    Thank you so much for answering my question! I did not think that it was a hard hitting newspaper, so that is why I thought of the ad.

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