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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I loved The Help. Farenheit 451 is in my to be read pile, my husband tells me it's really good. I thought The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime really sucked. I wanted to like it so much, but it was so awful that I didn't even make it to 100 pages. Life's to short to read bad books!

  2. We've been really busy here with mono and strep so it took us a couple of days to notice that our indoor cat is well, just gone.


    She's very scared of the outside so it's unlikely that she would have left the house; but in a way I hope that's what happened. She's just not in the house...anywhere She hasn't been sick so it's unlikely that she went somewhere alone to die. If she had gotten caught somewhere we surely would have heard her.


    Anyway, we're in New Hope and I *hope* that maybe someone picked her up and she is safe. She is a gray/brown tabby with white socks. She has a blue collar with a bell.

  3. :yahoo: The baby is darling! Big brother and daddy look so proud. I hope you are doing well.

    God Bless you and your family during this Holiday Season!


    Thank you very much. I've had a long recovery with this one and then as soon as I was feeling better I became ill. He was premature and that just compounded things. We're all hitting our stride now, thankfully. ;)

  4. :ph34r:





    We're going to the Fort Myers area (Englewood). I believe St. Augustine is further south.



    We'll make plans for after New Year's, then. It will have to be a weekend, since Jeff is working in Augusta during the week. But I'll get with him and we'll make it a date!


    I can't wait to see your 'lil Hoss in person! :wub:



    St. Aufustine is NE Florida.

  5. I FINALLY get to see my red-headed grandson today (for just a little while) and then I'm spending more time with him tomorrow. :yahoo:


    But we need to get together! We're leaving for Florida after Christmas/for New Year's. But there's an open invitation for dinner at the Tabby's after the New Year, when ya'll can make it!



    Where in Fl are you going? We're going to St Augustine.


    Yes, we should come over seeing as how Hoss was probably conceived at your house! B)

  6. Is that a red headed baby I see there


    I wonder the same thing every time the light hits his brown hair. :huh:




    I NEED to come over and snuzzle him!


    All I need is an invitation! :rolleyes:


    (He's gorgeous, BTW!)



    y'all come any time! Today? Tomorrow? We're leaving for Florida Wednesday morning but will be back on 12-28.

  7. Thanks, everyone. I stayed with her while she was put down. It was hard, but I knew as soon as it was over that her suffering was, too.


    Amazingly, I held it together until I was alone in my car. I don't know how I did that.


    I'm terribly sad, but I have peace about it.



    She was such a shedder. It's hard seeing her fur here, and not her. I didn't anticipate that.



    I wish I could give you a hug right now.

  8. Eh, we have a cat (belongs to my 13 year old daughter). The cat has some horrible habits that cause much frustration and headache; when she dies I will never want another cat. I'm not a fan of dogs either, they eat poop!


    I do like birds, but don't have any. I "birdsat" for a friend once and fell in love with a Conure named Merv!

  9. Congrats SG! :D


    Did you miss me when you came to vote? :lol:


    Aww, I this is the best baby I've seen. He looks so happy and adorable! I am glad to hear that everybody will be healthy and at home soon.


    He has a sweet presonality. Very quiet and easy to comfort!


    He is absolutely beautiful! He looks so happy and content, even with all the little tubes sticking out. I hope mommy had a good delivery, and is feeling well too! Congrats!


    We had a long long evening and night in pitocin hell that ended with an emergency c-section a little after 9 am on the 29th. He was my first preemie and my first c-section. The only good thing about having a c section is that my OB fixed me to make sure he will be the LAST ONE! :confetti:


    Hey super!! Just wanted to tell congrat's and smack wee-man on the head for me and tell him he is handsome :)


    Can do!

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