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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. true. My daughter and I want to run and thought that would be a great place to do it.



    In reguards to your knee and ACL have you tried using those Nordic sticks? They take the pressure off your knees and give you a great workout.

  2. I wanted to go to the one at south paulding. My daughter and I checked out the track yesterday. I didnt go in but the gate was shut but not locked. I just didn't want to get in trouble.

  3. Has anyone ever run on the track at any of the highschools?


    Are you allowed to just go there or do you have to have permission from the school board (since it's summer)


    I've seen people do it in other counties but not paulding.

  4. OK y'all might remember the saga of the puppy that Courtney brought home, and changed his mind 10 times about keeping her or rehoming her? In case you forgot, here are her first pictures:



    Well, here she is today, at around 5 months old. She's a cutie!



    Then there's Bonnie Blue Butler...here she is at 8 weeks


    and here she is today at 9 months old (she's looking grumpy cuz I brought home two more!)



    And this is the first picture I've posted of Blitz. He's around 4 months old and VERY lively. :rolleyes:



    Now show me your furbabies updated pictures!

    We must have cats from the same litter. Your cat and mine look identical. They are both 9 months old too.


  5. I have a sun on my back with my kids and husband's initials in all the flames of the sun.


    But, as Neil Bortz says....

    "a tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary emotion"

  6. I drive in my neighborhood and it really upsets me. I get home around 9pm and I go down the main street of my neighborhood and about 4 people have their sprinklers on. My next door neighbor waters every morning and every afternoon. These are all not new lawns. What are these people thinking. I water once a week. On my watering day.

  7. My daughter's friend gave us a gift last weekend. One of her neighbors left and abandoned a kitten. She told me that she thought it was about 4 weeks old. I believe that because when I adopted my other cat from the humane society it was 6 weeks and this one seems to be much smaller.

    My problem is.....My other kitten, all I had to do was drop her in the box and she was trained. This one I keep trying and Its not working. She does go because there have been some tootsie rolls in my daughters room and one in mine. I keep putting her in the box but all that happens is that she gets the litter stuck in her baboon butt when she sits :lol:


    Any suggestions? tricks? anything??

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