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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. I took her up there today. I was told that she was chipped. I called later on and I was told that they could not locate the chip number. Almost as if she was never registered for the chip. I hope she is happy and having fun there. I wish I could have kept her. She wanted to eat my kitty cat. My daughter and I cried like babies after we dropped her off.

  2. I had a baseball game with my son today, I will bring her in tomorrow after 12. When I brought her home the first thing I did was hose her down. It was almost like I washed off some sort of coating on her that kept her from itching. Her bottom and the back of her legs were red and on fire.I waited a few hours and took her upstairs and gave her a bath and used a shampoo that had oatmeal in it. It was a perscription that the vet gave me for my other dog. This shampoo is Sulfoxydex. So far so good, she doesent seem to be itching as bad.

  3. She was found today trying to get into the Weight Watchers meetings at Paulding Meadow Shopping center. She is such a cute and loving dog. Very Friendly. Even with my bunch of dogs. She seems to be a little food aggressive, probably because she may not of eaten for a while. She also looks like she may have had a litter of pups not too long ago. She is looking a little rough down there. I'm going to take her to the PCHS later on to see if she is chipped but trying to give her a well needed bath. Does anyone know her?? I had a hard time getting a pic of her face.





  4. They are easy to put on yourself. A whole lot cheaper too. West side will do it. They are located next to athe qt at the corner of Fulton Industrial and Thornton Rd. Real good folks too.

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