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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. I am hoping they will sponsor Pole and Lap Dancing lessons.


    They can make enough for me to retire, and live off their hard work. ;)

    I heard the pole is great exercise.....I mean dancing pole.

    A kind of aerobics


    The poles they sell at starship would only hold up a twig so I have never gotten one to try out. I'll stick to the treadmill at the gym.

  2. :huh: That looks like ear wax to you? It looks like it's literally attached to the canal on the lower left side. That's never what my kids ear canals looked like


    ~shrug~ so, what's the answer?

    I'm no doctor or even a nurse. It was just my opinion.



    now I really want to know....Don't we have some Docs or Nurses on here?


  3. Skinny Bitch. I downloaded it off iTunes so I could listen to it in the car while I went to florida. It is taking everthing I have to stomach it. I spent 15 bucks on it so I am making myself do it but it's awful. Not at all what I expected. I should have really researched it first. I have also been reading Political Zoo- Michael Savage. Funny book.

  4. My MIL and SIL and GMIL all quit on Chantix. All said it worked great.

    Like LR said, You have to break the habit, not just the addiction.

    I quit smoking about 3 years ago. I used the patch for about a week and a half and I couldn't take the narcotic dreams or just feeling drugged. The dreams were interesting though. I can look back and laugh :D

    What helped me the most was changing habits. Like Making my car a non smoking car. I moved my table that was on my back deck. I changed jobs.( I know that wasn't an easy one but it helped me). Pick up a new habit. (not a bad one, lol). I can honestly say that quitting was not that hard because I was ready and I gave myself distractions. My husband was convinced that I was sneaking them because he thought it couldn't be that easy. Little did he know, a comment that he made really pushed me to quit and I thank him all the time for it. He told me that he didn't want to kiss me because I tasted like an ashtray. That comment hurt my feelings. I was smoke free within a week.

  5. put your music in a folder-(mine are usually in a limewire shared folder). From there you can (from your itunes)click on file then, import, then find your music and open. it should load into your itunes.

    It took me a while to figure it out too. I've had mine about a year now. I think video was the hardest for me


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