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Yep, gets me to open them everytime, unless I happen to look over and see who the poster is, and I didn't on this one.


But what if I had something to say, not store related, that was profound or of the utmost importance? Would you not open the post just because it was from me????? I am deeply hurt :nea: Okay, maybe not deeply, but still :(

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But what if I had something to say, not store related, that was profound or of the utmost importance? Would you not open the post just because it was from me????? I am deeply hurt :nea: Okay, maybe not deeply, but still :(

Maybe you have a book about the kid who cried wolf?

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But what if I had something to say, not store related, that was profound or of the utmost importance? Would you not open the post just because it was from me????? I am deeply hurt :nea: Okay, maybe not deeply, but still :(



Okay, sorry.....didn't really mean it...... :cray:

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I'm sorry bookworm, this post from adult was brilliant as well. Touche, adult, touche.



Point well taken, I guess I will keep the important things to myself :pardon:


Okay, sorry.....didn't really mean it...... :cray


It's ok, I don't take myself too seriously either :drinks:

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Ok, stop the pushing and shoving, we have books for everyone here. Actually, no line and no waiting, let's change that;o) :clapping:


Oh lord...I'm just teasing you. I LOVE YOUR MARKETING CAMPAIGN. It's one of the best I've ever seen. Keep it up.

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Yep, gets me to open them everytime, unless I happen to look over and see who the poster is, and I didn't on this one.

I'm always amused by thebookworm's clever titles. Before I open a thread, I always look to see who started it and what forum it is in. I just had to see what all the replies were for this thread. :)

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