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Atlanta TV reports Glenn Richardson's 911 tape

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The AJC got access to the 911 tapes regarding the emergency calls surrounding the suicide attempt by Speaker Glenn Richardson. The story details how the Speaker called his mom to tell her he loved her after taking what he believed was a fatal dose of sleeping pills. The story includes additional material.




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What a horrible situation. I wish him the best and pray for his recovery.


Does not change my level of compassion for him at all.

It will take a lot of personal strength to deal with this type of publicity.

I hope he holds on to the fact that people will move on as soon as something else catches their attention.


It is not like he has done anything intentionally evil he is simply suffering, we have all been there.

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Depression affects many people, and doesn't discriminate.....It is a disease / illness, not a choice.


Though I don't know Glenn Richardson personally or professionally, I would imagine that this matter is tough on him, as a person, and on his family, to be dealt with in a very public manner.


Granted, Mr. Richardson is in a public role, but, he is also a person, that chose to go public with a private matter -- of which may help someone else that is struggling with Depression.


People do face personal struggles, some more than others, regardless of who they are, or their lot in life.


The least any of us can do, is to refrain from judging Mr. Richardson, for any of us may not fully know the details and/or circumstances, despite the media; and show some compassion.

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I feel for anyone who has dealt with this themselves or has had a loved one who has suffered from it. I will continue to pray for Glenn and his family.sad.gif Had to know the media would dig up the 911 tape.


My heart goes out to his mom, I can only imagine her fear, beyond words.

I know she must be over joyed to have him still here.

He has a second chance.

The 911 tape must be very painful, I can only hope the family is not forced to relive those frightening moments by listening.


I can not imagine what it is like to have your lowest most private moments exposed to public scrutiny, I personally cringe.


I posted the link to just go ahead and get it over with, it was nothing personal against Mr. Richardson.

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I feel for anyone who has dealt with this themselves or has had a loved one who has suffered from it. I will continue to pray for Glenn and his family.sad.gif Had to know the media would dig up the 911 tape.


There was nothing to "dig up" - 911 recordings are public record.

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There was nothing to "dig up" - 911 recordings are public record.

Some things that are open to GORA shouldn't be. The release of these particular tapes only fuels the National Enquirer mentality and does absolutely nothing to further openness in government. I sincerely hope that no outlet is crass enough to post a full transcript or even worse, the actual tape itself, even though we all know that they would be within their rights to do so. Some things shouldn't be done just because you can.

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Some things that are open to GORA shouldn't be. The release of these particular tapes only fuels the National Enquirer mentality and does absolutely nothing to further openness in government. I sincerely hope that no outlet is crass enough to post a full transcript or even worse, the actual tape itself, even though we all know that they would be within their rights to do so. Some things shouldn't be done just because you can.

Why should a politician's 911 tapes any different than anyone elses? If they can and are OBLIGATED to release 911 tapes because they are public record, he deserves no more protection than anyone else.

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Why should a politician's 911 tapes any different than anyone elses? If they can and are OBLIGATED to release 911 tapes because they are public record, he deserves no more protection than anyone else.

Wow you found a lot of typeface between those lines didn't you. I never even implied by the slightest inflection that he was special. I wouldn't want your mom's voice to be broadcast all over the airwaves either if you were in the same situation. Some things are personal even if they happen to be on a computer that we bought and paid for.

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I'm glad the suicide attempt wasn't successful. Now he can get some help in dealing with his emotions and getting things back in balance. Marc has a friend, whom he's known for over 20, that committed suicide just two days ago. As with so many who reach that level of depression, the person dealing with it often hides in fear and shame. I soooooo wish people would realize that there is no shame in dealing with this illness. It is highly treatable, but you have to let someone know you need the help.

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Some things that are open to GORA shouldn't be. The release of these particular tapes only fuels the National Enquirer mentality and does absolutely nothing to further openness in government. I sincerely hope that no outlet is crass enough to post a full transcript or even worse, the actual tape itself, even though we all know that they would be within their rights to do so. Some things shouldn't be done just because you can.

I didn't have to read between any typeface, your post clearly says, "these particular tapes". I didn't write that, you did and that was precisely what my comment was referring to.

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I didn't have to read between any typeface, your post clearly says, "these particular tapes". I didn't write that, you did and that was precisely what my comment was referring to.

Did I say that those tapes were special because they had anything at all to do with a political figure?????? No I did not. They contain personal information that you and I don't need to know to improve our understanding of or the transparency of our government. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with WHO is on the tapes, it has to do with WHAT is on the tapes. The fact that something so personal as a 911 tape of a suicide attempt, any suicide attempt, resides on a publicly owned database shouldn't make it automatically subject to a GORA request.

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Why should a politician's 911 tapes any different than anyone elses? If they can and are OBLIGATED to release 911 tapes because they are public record, he deserves no more protection than anyone else.


These tapes Will be handled differently precisely because he is a politician. For the news media it sells papers for his opponents it is political ammunition against him. If he was just anyone else the media would have no interest in the tapes.

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Did I say that those tapes were special because they had anything at all to do with a political figure?????? No I did not. They contain personal information that you and I don't need to know to improve our understanding of or the transparency of our government. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with WHO is on the tapes, it has to do with WHAT is on the tapes. The fact that something so personal as a 911 tape of a suicide attempt, any suicide attempt, resides on a publicly owned database shouldn't make it automatically subject to a GORA request.

But these tapes are no different than any other tapes that are public record with personal info and scared people trying to get help for someone that they love. I don't care who he or she is, as long as ANY 911 tape is public, they are all just that...public record and you can't have some public and some not. This is a black or white situation, they are all public record or they are all not public record. You can't pick and choose.


I recall a very public tape not very long ago where the 911 operator sent the ambulance to the wrong address and the woman died on the phone. That was very personal and heartbreaking, but they played that on TV and radio, it's not illegal. I'm not saying it's right, but until the laws are changed, if the media thinks a 911 call can stir something up, they are going to play them, heartbreaking, scary and sad be damned. Thats one reason I don't watch the news.

Edited by momof 3
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I feel for anyone who has dealt with this themselves or has had a loved one who has suffered from it. I will continue to pray for Glenn and his family.sad.gif Had to know the media would dig up the 911 tape.


I really don't see the need for the media to exploit a person's personal tragedy. Unfortunately, the media's attitude that every aspect of a person's life is fair game has contributed to such reporting.

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But these tapes are no different than any other tapes that are public record with personal info and scared people trying to get help for someone that they love. I don't care who he or she is, as long as ANY 911 tape is public, they are all just that...public record and you can't have some public and some not. This is a black or white situation, they are all public record or they are all not public record. You can't pick and choose.


I recall a very public tape not very long ago where the 911 operator sent the ambulance to the wrong address and the woman died on the phone. That was very personal and heartbreaking, but they played that on TV and radio, it's not illegal. I'm not saying it's right, but until the laws are changed, if the media thinks a 911 call can stir something up, they are going to play them, heartbreaking, scary and sad be damned. Thats one reason I don't watch the news.

Let me try to be more clear. I agree 100% that as long as all tapes are public that Mr. Richardson's tape should be too. That's the present law. He is nothing special. OK? Let that sink in for a minute..................


Now, what I do not agree with is the premise that just because a 911 tape is on a government computer, that it should be automatically regurgitated because someone issued a GORA request. In fact, there are cases every day at all levels of State Government where information of a proprietary or personal nature in otherwise public records is redacted. Think about the fact that some of the hazardous waste produced by Coca-Cola is not subject to public review because it might lead to someone figuring out the formula for Coke (you can't make this stuff up). I believe that 911 tapes of a particularly personal nature should not be automatically released, and that the requester should have to show that a public purpose exists beyond the shock journalism factor if the County says it is personal. Now the Richardson tape may have in fact met that standard since he is a public figure and might have been released anyway if such a procedure was in place. But hopefully your or my tape would not be in a similar situation. The public's right to know should be limited by the citizen's right to privacy, and it currently is not, except in Government personnel matters and matters of proprietary knowledge. There have been isolated instances where the cops went to court to stop the release of a tape, but they seldom win in court. I would say that 911 tapes should be automatically protected just like personnel records because they far more often than not contain personal private statements that are none of my business. I think that the courts could clarify this, but the easiest way would be to specifically change the law.


You can have two standards, it is done all the time.

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11Alive News refused to play the tape out of respect for the family... :clapping:


My choice for 11pm news. Glad to see that at least some have principles. :drinks:


But these tapes are no different than any other tapes that are public record with personal info and scared people trying to get help for someone that they love. I don't care who he or she is, as long as ANY 911 tape is public, they are all just that...public record and you can't have some public and some not. This is a black or white situation, they are all public record or they are all not public record. You can't pick and choose.


I recall a very public tape not very long ago where the 911 operator sent the ambulance to the wrong address and the woman died on the phone. That was very personal and heartbreaking, but they played that on TV and radio, it's not illegal. I'm not saying it's right, but until the laws are changed, if the media thinks a 911 call can stir something up, they are going to play them, heartbreaking, scary and sad be damned. Thats one reason I don't watch the news.


Yes, they are all public. But you'd have to request one with an open records request. They aren't ALL played on the news for you to enjoy.

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My choice for 11pm news. Glad to see that at least some have principles. drinks.gif




Yes, they are all public. But you'd have to request one with an open records request. They aren't ALL played on the news for you to enjoy.


That is what I was trying to say. You said it better.

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My choice for 11pm news. Glad to see that at least some have principles. :drinks:




Yes, they are all public. But you'd have to request one with an open records request. They aren't ALL played on the news for you to enjoy.

How dare you! No where did I say that I 'enjoyed' listening to these kinds of tapes. If you will actually read what I wrote, I stated clearly that I do not watch the news because of this kind of thing. I applaud 11 Alive for not playing this tape and any other like it.

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How dare you! No where did I say that I 'enjoyed' listening to these kinds of tapes. If you will actually read what I wrote, I stated clearly that I do not watch the news because of this kind of thing. I applaud 11 Alive for not playing this tape and any other like it.


I don't think she actually meant you in particular. I know I don't think that. It is the type of tape that a great number of folks do relish though. I get what you are saying about politicians not having some kind of privilege in having them suppressed. My point is that the media in general will run them because of the name associated with them. I am glad that 11 alive did not stoop to that level.

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How dare you! No where did I say that I 'enjoyed' listening to these kinds of tapes. If you will actually read what I wrote, I stated clearly that I do not watch the news because of this kind of thing. I applaud 11 Alive for not playing this tape and any other like it.

How dare I? Whatever. I think you took that proverbial "you" a little too personal. :drinks:


I don't think she actually meant you in particular. I know I don't think that. It is the type of tape that a great number of folks do relish though. I get what you are saying about politicians not having some kind of privilege in having them suppressed. My point is that the media in general will run them because of the name associated with them. I am glad that 11 alive did not stoop to that level.

Thank you! :wub:

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