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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Just like asdfasdfasdfasd said we couldn't handle $3.50 gasoline and everything would go to pot. Got it boomarked. Again, some people just don't know what they're talking about. My link Again, the tax is a bad thing?
  2. But you didn't read it and yet commented on it anyway.
  3. The article defined a working definition of bullying and if that poster cannot take time to read it, that is not my problem.
  4. Obviously you didn't read nor understand the reasoning for the numbers. And that is a bad thing?
  5. The article defined it. If the other person wants a more extensive definition, a contact to the authors would be appropriate. People in management deal with a variety of things.
  6. Well see. But you guys have been saying that for 4 years. Will it go down and be bad? Sure it will. But it is improving in total, over time, and slowly, just as it should.
  7. What brand? I've gotten several cheap sets of cutlery but none hold the edge nor have the "feel" of a nice set. I've got a set of Cutco and a couple of individual pieces of Shur --- love, love, love them! The Cutco has the perfect feel but I'm not so sure they are as good as the Shur. And the shears from Cutco are amazing! So we are debating as to upgrade our set of Cutco or go with a fulls set of Shur (and pay another $500).
  8. And it illustrates the need for civil action when the danger of the product becomes so extensive that a liability needs to be exposed. Thank you. Point is well made.
  9. OMG! My husband surprised me with FOUR trips next year! Two to Europe, a long February weekend in Orlando plus dinner at Victoria and Alberts My link, and a December cruise in the Caribbean. I'm the luckiest woman ever!
  10. Great knives but all straight edged so sharpening is a problem and are much more expensive than some other brands. Not saying they are bad cutlery but I'm looking for a bit less expensive. Cutco? Shun?
  11. No. I mean Holiday Dinner. It is a Holy Day and that is what Holiday means. I'm not Catholic nor Anglican, so I shan't use the Papist terminology.
  12. I shall keep this in mind! We're replacing our in home theater system this year, so we're looking for a total system with Bose speakers and a complete sound system.
  13. I'm off to have Holiday Dinner with my two precious boys and my husband. Then we open Holiday gifts. You all may have the thread. Please resume your scheduled non-sense and blather.
  14. But he doesn't. However, I will be sure and remind you of that statement at some point.
  15. That he doesn't know what he's talking about? Sure did.
  16. You do realize that is how the US Constitutional and legal process works, right?: I don't know what else to say because that is stuff from primary grades. It is not all that complicated. Here. Let me Google that for you. My link
  17. No, no! I didn't advocate regulation but civil action to promote safer products. That's how the American process works, in case you didn't take the classes in primary school to know that. Unless, of course, you don't agree with the American Constitution. My link For that I disagree! The design flaw is the same as with the Ford Pinto ... it took legal action to correct an obvious problem.
  18. Exactly. That's why common sense has to play a part in all of this., Still, common sense dictates that products that have a design flaw and can be made safer be made safer, as per the general welfare clause and the regulation of interstate commerce clause of the American Constitution.
  19. Please show where anyone said anything about Government regulation. If you can't show it, you lied. Everyone sees it. Common sense regulation about product safety is a far cry from banning products like a telly for its design flaw, which is the topic at hand.
  20. Who said anything about Government regulation? You made the charge. I ask you prove your position. Dont' change the subject. Show where anyone said anything about government regulations. What? Can't substantiate your position?
  21. Who said ANYTHING about Government regulation? Lying is so unbecoming.
  22. Just tell us what Jesus would say about bullying and what you're doing to further his agenda. Remember that I work in this field of Emergency Care and Community Health. This is my job and I take it seriously. So what are YOU doing with the information from the article? Who said ANYTHING about government control? The article didn't. I didn't. YOU did. Please don't make up stuff. Lying is so unbecoming.
  23. Exactly. And a telly atop such furniture items are even more prone to being a hazard. You are to be congratulated on being a responsible parent!
  24. For pointing out that you are an elitist? That's my agenda! I knew it was something other than an article that many parents should know about! And you work out how much a day?
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