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Everything posted by lepmuk

  1. I got a Nook for Christmas and I LOVE IT!! I like it better than the others because it has an option for external memory card and you don't have to only read B&N books, you can download from any site and upload other file types, i.e. PDF. I believe the with the Kindle you are only able to use Amazon books. It also has 3 font sizes and you can put your music and pix on it so you can listen to music while reading. I did see the new Ipad and that looks interesting but I know nothing about it. Good luck with your search.
  2. lepmuk


    I have to find a notary that can come to my house tonight, close to crossroads. As most of you know, I am disabled and I need some paperwork to be notarized so I can return it tomorrow. It's for me and my husband and he will be home after 5. Please let me know if you are available and how much you charge for two stamps. Thanks
  3. Thats what I was afraid of, but now I don't have to worry. I will treasure that clock for as long as I live. the funny story around is... My dad and mom got separated and one Christmas I asked my dad what he wanted for a present and he said (jokingly) a grandfather clock with Westminster chimes. Of course I couldn't afford that, I worked at a local grocery store PT. So I found a $20 plastic covered clock that had those chimes. It was the best look in his eyes when he opened it. Every time I came to visit him and the clock rang, he would look around like what is that noise, where is t
  4. Update: We were talking yesterday and the subject came up and I asked her, she was fine with it. I'm getting the clock. She said she's ready to go through everything yet, but when she does, she has some other things that we (my brother and I) may want also. Thanks for all the advice!!
  5. Thanks everyone for the input, I feel a lot better about approaching the subject.
  6. That would work except my family is in NY and I am here. That's a good idea though.
  7. So as I have posted, my dear dad passed away on Jan 30th, the funeral is over and everyone is sort of adjusting to life without him here in the flesh. My question is this, my step mother and my brother and I are pretty close but I don't want to offend her in asking for something that I'd like to take from their house that I gave my dad before they were married to keep as a memento. It's an anniversary clock I bought him 20 years ago for $20. My brother wants to go through things also, but we don't want to hurt her feelings or be insensitive. How long do we wait to approach the subject
  8. Nevermind the snow, check out that porch. It's beautiful!!
  9. I sang His Eye Is On The Sparrow. I really didn't think I could get through it, but there was a peace in me.
  10. I felt him there with me and I sang to him, it was so comfortable!! Thanks LB
  11. TJB and I just got home from my father's funeral in NY. We ended up flying, good move we got out just in time and had a great flight. Airports were empty. My brother and I performed at the funeral and I sang the best I've ever sang in my life, and didn't choke up. Thanks dad :wub: !! You were with me and will be always in my heart...I love and miss you terribly . Thanks everyone for the warm wishes!!
  12. UPDATE: My dad passed away yesterday at 4:15. Rest in Peace Daddy! I love you and will miss you forever! I need some more advice...It's been a horrible year...it started out me being unable to walk, deteriorating slowly the end of 2008 then faster, went to ER in March 09 and found out I needed spine surgery or I would be permanently paralyzed. Two days before my surgery I found out I also had MS and they weren't sure if the nerve damage was from my back or the MS. I survived the surgery and went to Kenestone Rehab for a month and a half. Came home in May and am still recovering with
  13. I need someone to talk to for free. I have so much going on right now and I don't know where to turn. I don't belong to a church nor do I want to and I don't have money to spend on a counselor and I don't drive so I need someone on the phone or to come to my house. Any suggestions? Thanks
  14. I need help hooking up our TV, Cable box, DVR, DVD surround sound and CD player. Can't figure it out. Is there anyone out there willing to help?
  15. Glad to see it's still going on, wish I could make it.
  16. I may have a memory foam king split adjustable bed for sale. It's basically brand new. I can't sleep on it due to illness. PM if anyone may be interested.
  17. The drug without insurance is $2500 a month, so that is insurance, but there are some programs that we are looking into for financial assistance with it. Thanks again for everyone's comments.
  18. Thank you Nemie, I know you've both been going through your own issues lately and that's sweet to offer. When are you leaving for England? If Steve would be able to estimate the cost of what we can expect for materials to do the bathroom and floors that would be wonderful! But if you're too busy with the move, that's fine. Good luck with everything!! Thanks
  19. Yes, thank you so much for the support and offers. We're sort of a proud couple and find it hard to ask for help, but it is definitely needed now. I found out that the way I am, is the way I will be. We thought this might not be the MS and I would recover, but that's not the case. I've been going through a lot of emotional adjusting and TJB has had more than a lot to deal with everything from taking care of me and our 4 animals, dinner, helping me get into the tub, etc. I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have such a man in my life who will put off his life to take care of me. I
  20. Glad you like it hun!! I LOVE my gift too!!
  21. Do you have to believe in God to ask help from a church?
  22. Does anyone know of a TV show (HGTV or TLC) or charity that will change a home to handicapped accessible for free or close to it? I'm recently diagnosed with MS and have very limited mobilty and don't have money to make my house livable for me. All suggestions welcome! Thanks
  23. We heard them too, lots of sirens. Hope everyone is okay!!
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