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Posts posted by sweetmel6737

  1. Hey all,


    Thanks for all the well wishes!! I already love the little guy so much it hurts!!! My daughter is on Zofran, and reglan. the Zofran works great sometimes. She just started the Reglan today. HOPEFULLY it will help with her acid indegestion. She is doing great today, we are even going to see a Movie tonight if she keeps feeling well today.


    We know about the 4-D ultrasound, we are having that done in 2 weeks!!! I can't wait!!!! Modern technology is awsome uh?? I just know that I am SO thankful for my blessings, my daughter/grandson and my soon to be Son-in-law.


    As far as what has helped my daughter with the nausa/vomiting, nothing really. She has tried it ALL. You name it, she tried it. The Zofran(prescripition) is the best thing yet. The Phengrin helped also, but it really knocked out her out, for like 12 hours. So, she could not work and take it. But, they have taken her out of work now, for a little while to see if all this will subside.


    Thanks again for all the sweet well wishes!!! You guys are great. I will keep yall updated.



    Soon to be Granny, and proud of it!!! :p


  2. Just had to spread the news...............We fould out today what my daughter is having! It is a.....................................BOY!!! :D He is too cute already!! He was mooning the camara!! I am going to try to attach the pic. My daughter is still really sick, :( . The doc took her out of work for a month. Hopefully she will get to feeling better, they put her on a new med for nausa, and acid indegestion. But other than that, they both are doing great! Just keep your fingers crossed she will be able to get past the sick stuff soon.

  3. Thank God they got solid evidence to charge him! My prayers go out to the Ewing Family, this was very tragic, and I know they are beside theirselves with grief. To PCSO & all the law enforcement that was involved, WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I know I am so proud that they were on top of it, and worked so hard, so fast!!!! This guy should get the death penalty, and if he don't, something is wrong somewhere.

  4. I bet it was a coyote. We have them around here, :( . They have gotten 2 cats of mine. Sorry to hear about that awful discovery. I can't imagine anything else, except maybe bobcat doing that. Coyotes are running rampid in the metro area. It seems every week, on the news there is a story about a near by county with coyote problems. You can kill them, I called the DNR. So, good luck and watch out for the mean things!! :unsure:

  5. I voted! :D The lady at the polls also told me it had been really slow. That is sad, :( We might could get some changes made if everyone would vote. Maybe there will be alot of people come after work this evening, we can hope. GO VOTE!!! ;)

  6. I discovered a interesting place just north of Helen this weekend. I was looking through one of the free newspapers with all the things to do etc....... and there was this ad for a place called "Serendipity".


    It was a nudist beach! :wub: We got a big laugh out of it, but I was shocked too. Had no idea there was anything like that in the mountains of North Georgia.


    Has anyone else ever heard of it????

  7. Yes you are right, I should not put forth any more attempts to just be friendly. I did help this persons spouse one time, and I did not have to, I did it because I went to school with both them. But instead a little while after I had helped the spouse, it got turned around like I did something wrong. Just wish this person would understand I did help at the time. But, guess some people are just too hard headed to see the whole picture. -_-

  8. The anitque store mentioned above in old downtown Hiram is a great place to get history. They are very sweet people, and I am sure they can tell you alot. You know there used to be thearte in Hiram? Yep, my Mom worked there when she was a teenager! So, they can fill you in on alot of stuff. They are my cousins by the way, my Great grandfathers pic is hanging in there also. Good luck!

  9. I was out there today, on Powder Springs road when they were looking for him. I was on my way to the credit union on the East West Connector. There were a couple of police cars parked at house, and there were like 4 in the turning lane in front of the house. I saw 2 helicopters, and on the way back, there were ALOT more of them on the hunt.


    Now I know what was up, and just saw it on the news they caught him. You can run, but you can't hide from the long arm of the law................................ :p

  10. We went to the Fireworks at Taylor Farm Park Saturday night. It was a great show we had a blast! :p


    Just wondering how many of yall saw old friends/classmates? I saw a few, it was great to see them, I always like seeing old friends that I knew, it now seems "in my other life." ;)


    One of my old classmates did not speak. I was not surprized by this, but my question is when do we let "stuff" let go, and just be nice??? I said Hey to this person, and of course it was ignored. So, I put forth an effort, so should I disreguard this person the next time we run across each other also??? Just curious on what yall's thought are on this kind of situation.................................. :glare:

  11. Okay, I am little late posting, just scrolling around and saw it. My first bus driver was "Chocolate Brooks". Then, H.C. and Dorothy Seals. In Jr high, once I got to Hiram Elementary I rode "Lindas" bus to the Jr high. We gave that poor woman HELL. sorry to use the profanity, but there is no other word that would describe what we put her through everyday! :lol: PCHS Class of 85.

  12. I am looking for a cabin in Helen for next weekend. I have looked at all of them I pulled up on the web, but just wondering if anyone can recommend any?? hard to choose! :wacko: Thanks!

  13. Well, I went to Wally world and got ginger snaps, herbal spermint tea, peppermints, and then went to the Herb store and got a herbal tea for pregant women. It is suppose to help with the nausa. So far today she has not got sick. YEAH!!! :D She is drinking the herbal tea now. She has tried almost all of the things you all suggested already, except for the stuff I got today.........................so lets hope this stuff will help her. She can't even look at saltines anymore, she was trying that at first, and she got sick on the saltines, so they are not a option now, lol. The only thing she can drink is ginger ale, and gatorade, a occasional glass of chocolate milk, and she is making smoothies with bananas and strawberries. Thanks again for all the support, you all are the best.


    I may call again for your support when she leaves home, they are buying house and will be leaving me at the end of July. I am really happy for them, and proud, but it has pretty much been me her since she was 6 and anyways, just gonna be hard for me at first. That is another story though! LOL. Thanks again! ;)

  14. Thanks all you P.com Mom's! I am going to try the ginger and Peppermint. I am headed to Wally world now. :p My daughter says thanks too. She is ready to try anything to help with the vomiting and nausa. Yes, I am very excited about becoming a "Granny". And I am praying for a little girl, so it seems like my prayers are going to be answered. Don't get me wrong, I will love it beyond belief no matter what it is, but a little girl just like my little girl would be wonderful. Anyways, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish her luck. I will keep yall updated. ;)

  15. Hey all you fellow P.com Moms, I need any tips on what might help my daughter with her sickness. She is 11 weeks pregant, and has been so sick the past several weeks. Just wondering what kind of foods might have helped any of you that was real sick. She is having to take prescription nausa medicine. Just thought you all might have some good advice. I was sick too with her, but nothing like this. It seems to get worse in the afternoon/evenings. I feel so bad for her, wish I could do somehthing ya know?? :( Thanks all!!

  16. WOW Kboz! got alot of replys on that topic....... But I totally think that the neighbor should chill out, find a new hobby besides video taping and honking horns!! Sounds like to me you have a normal dog. Dogs bark, they are dogs. And I would be upset if it were my dog and did not bark. They let you know when something is up. As long as the little fellow does not bark all night long, all day long that kind of thing then the neighbors should slack off completely. Like I said dogs will be dogs they bark sometimes. Enjoy your little Jack russle, and forget about getting a no barking collor. Let the little guy enjoy doing what a dog does. :p

  17. Just one more word of advice, as long as there is a "active warrent" out on you, it does not matter what, they will lock you up until it is resolved. So if you show up somewhere trying to explain all of this, jsut depending where you go, (like the courthouse, police station) you could get locked up on the spot. I would try to do all the talking to whomever over the phone. If possinble. GOOD LUCK!! And try to avoid the soon to be ex if you can.

  18. I saw the entire interview and I understand that they want privacy. Everyone does. But, they are celebrity's and they have to know that the press is going to have a frenzy off crazy things they catch them doing.


    So, my heart does not really go out to her. Who in the heck grabs their baby out of the car seat to drive off?? She used bad judgment. And she is not going to admit to that either it seems. She was dressed like a hoochee mama. She insulted her self on tv tonight in my opinion, without the Papparazzi. :lol:

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