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Posts posted by sweetmel6737

  1. The one you are quoting - walking with the Grandad, matching every step. I think that is the Brad Paisly & Dolly Parton song isn't it??? I may be wrong, but I think it is. I love that song too! Gets me every time. I lost my Dad in November 2003. When I heard that song for the first time, I cried like a baby. Very touching and insperational song. Anyone know for sure if that is the same song??

  2. Yes, I do tear up on some songs. I have a few that come to mind.


    Alan Jackson- When Daddy let me Drive

    Garth Brooks- The Dance

    Amazing Grace


    Of course there are alot more. But these were the first ones that came to mind.

  3. I know that Aiden Turner (Aiden Devane) and Jeff Branson (Jonathan Lavery) are going to be there from AMC. the others that are going to be there from One Life to Live & General Hospital are listed on ABC Soaps. I think it is Robert Scorpio, & Emily, Jessica and not sure who the other one is. You can check it out though on the website.

  4. Anyone out there a ABC Soap fan????


    Well if you are Sunday from 11-2 at Atlantic Station in Downtown Stars from All my Children, One Life to Live, & General Hospital are going to be there doing their Fun in the Sun thing for ABC Daytime. You can go to ABC soaps, and see the promo for it.


    I am HUGE AMC fan, :wub: and just found out about them coming to ATL a couple of days ago. So if you don't mind venturing out to the big City of Atlanta, and want to have some fun you should go. Just thought I would share something fun to do this weekend if you love the Soaps. :p

  5. Everyone has the right to their own opinion of course, but it sounds like some of you might could benefit from this movie. It is a moving, touching story about a Football coach and his team and what faith in God can do.


    I am sure I will get some nasty replys from this post, but it seems I was not the nasty one first. I don't understand why people have to be so negative about a simple post about a great movie. :(

  6. If you have TIVO, look very closely at the black smoke. You should be able to see some very interesting images!


    As for the break, I'm so glad they are doing it this way. Last year, you never knew if it was a new or old episode. The break will suck, but with the holiday season coming up, it's almost a relief to not have to worry about watching it.



    Okay, I have TIVO, and now I can't wait till this weekend to watch it again. I will let you know what or if I see anything in the black smoke. I know that it (the black smoke) has a big meaning to what is going on. Thanks, because I did not catch it! :unsure:

  7. I read on the lost website that they are only going to have 6 episodes, and then not come back on again until the middle/end of January. Then they are going to show 13 episodes, then the end till fall again. I know, I thought that really suxed too. But what can you do?????? :wacko: Keep watching! That's what I am going to do. I love this show. It is Sooooo interesting to me. We have all three seasons already, and yes I have watched all of them, and caught on to some things. :p

  8. Thanks for the update Wineguy. We went to church with the Brown family, at Poplar Springs Baptist. My daughter and her best friend was in the youth group with Trey and Brittany. We all are heart broken. I burst out in tears when my daughter told me tonight. I think the world of Trey and his entire family.


    Trey was a awsome person, he was always cutting up, making someone or all of us laugh. He was a great person. I still can't believe it. Our prayers and love are with both familys at this tragic time. May God watch over them and help them through this. Again, just heartbroke about this.

  9. I would call 911 also. Because, if you hear a threat then I would take it seriously. This is a CRAZY world now, and how often do you hear on the news about people killing spouses and their own children? :( WAY TOO MUCH.


    So, my point is, you can't be sure of people now days. You never know what is going on behind closed doors. You can remain anoumous, and might save someone from gods knows what, :unsure: you never know. With all the bad stuff that happens right here in our PC, I say being a considered neighbor/citizen is the right thing to do. ;)

  10. My daughter was in the traffic, she called me on my cell because my Mom lives practically right beside Morningside. I hope no one was hurt. Does anyone know if there were children on the bus? hope not. :(


    They are suppose to be putting up a traffic light there by the first of next year. My Mom had to donate a piece of her land for the turning lane, that is going to be on Morningside. That is a really bad intersection there. I have seen ALOT of wrecks in that little area of 92. So, we will be very glad to see the light go up. My Mom can hardly get out of her driveway, and sometimes it is dangerous pulling in it too.

  11. Yes JR I do. It happened right down the street from my where my wife lived. She still has vivid memories of all the carnage there. One of the few times PC made the news. Anyone remember PC making the news for positive reasons?


    Sorry, I guess I was posting at the same time as you, did not read this before mine posted. I can't think of anything that is positive that made the news right now. I am sure there has been though right?? :unsure:

  12. I am native of PC also. Lived here my entire life. My parents, and grandparents & great grandparents have lived here their entire life. I totally agree that in the past year, Paulding has been in the news more than I can remember also.


    I can pretty much (maybe with the exception of a few things) name the few times a really bad tradgey happened that we were on the news from the late 60's up till now. The plane crash at New Hope in the 70's. The murder of a family, the Fergusons in 1985, their son shot them and then burned the home.


    It was about 1990, maybe 1991, the Murder of Brenda Robinson, they never found her killer. And that was also very brutal, she was stabbed mulitple times.


    There was several car wrecks that ended in tradgey when I was growing up, but nothing like now. But that never made the news back then.


    I long for the days of few and far between myself. It is sad to see so much violence and tradgey in such short periods of time. It is hard to take. And the media makes sure we know about it now days, because we are one of the fastest growing countys in the nation.

  13. I just got on Pcom for the first time tonight, and what sad news I found.


    I am heart sick for the family's. I can not imagine what they are going through. The loss of child is the most painful thing any parent can go through.


    There are no words to express my deepest sorrow for these family's. They are in my prayers, for some kind of comfort, and coping. God be with them.

  14. I won't see it.

    I don't agree that a measley 10% of the profits of this is going to families.


    IMO, it's Cash for Casualties. No thanks.




    Okay, here is the website, PLEASE just check it out. be sure to look at the REAL guys that survived and hear their stories, and also the Charitys, be sure to click on that. I don't think that this is BS about the profits, read this then decide is all I am saying, you have the right to your opinion, of course. But check out the site first.



  15. To each their own.


    I have no plans of seeing this movie. No desire whatsoever. I remember what all happened well.



    Just to let you know, they never show the planes hitting either of towers. they show footage of the buildings after the planes hit, and of the towers falling. It was emotional as I said, but the story is of the 2 men that made it threw that HELL and their families during the waiting. It is not an easy thing to re-live, but it happened, and I just think that it is great story of these people. AGAIN, just my opinion. And I have to say it is nice to see so many of us that remembers that we ARE fighting for those of us who paid with their lives. May God Bless our Country and our Troops, and yes, our President.

  16. Yes, you will cry, but it is worth it. And I believe that our troops are over seas fighting for every life that was lost on 9/11. That is just MY opinion, and what I think, I am NOT trying to start a HUGE debate by any means.


    And no I have not heard of any exact US target either that they were going to try to hit, but they were headed to the US, that is for sure, and that don't make me feel good. :angry: Just that they were trying to get to our soil in planes, (sound familiar?) with explosives is enough for me. :(

  17. My daughter and I made it to the movies, and saw World Trade Center. It was a good movie, very emotional, but really good. I just had to share that while I was sitting there watching this tradgey replayed, I was thinking that they were about to try to do this to US again. I have to say, it brought anger to me, alot of it.


    I have to admit that lately I have been thinking, we just need to bring our troops home. But, now it makes me remember what they are doing over there. And just to think, it could have happened again in just a few weeks, and this time it could have even been worse, and I don't like to think that anything could be any worse than what happened on Sept. 11 2001.


    If you can, go see the movie, the story of these 2 men deserve's to be seen. And the rescue crew that worked to get them out. It was amazing to say the least.

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