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Posts posted by sweetmel6737

  1. Not sure if this is the same accident or not, but there was a life flight on Nebo rd, and I heard just about 15 minutes ago maybe a little less that they were unable to life flight patient, and the life flight nurses were riding in the ambulance with the patient to the hospital. Why would they ride with with the patient if everything was okay??? Not trying to be negative, but that does not sound too good to me. I hope that the person was okay though. :unsure:

  2. :wacko: I wish it is was next week too. But I am sure it will be September, 3 months.............. I really think that Desmond's woman had alot to do with the hatch thing.....left alot to imagine. Summer will be long......






    I would like to say a "AMEN" to that RRR. I know all of law enforcement in PC has been very busy today and tonight. Great job guys and Gals of our Law enforcement, and that includes the dispatchers too.

  4. I can't believe all the bad stuff happening tonight. My daughter and I was on our way home, and we were on Morningside drive and the Motorcylce wreck had just happened. My Mom lives on the corner of 92 & Morningside, and she own the pasture that goes down to the bridge on Morningside. I was afraid a cow had got out and caused a accident because the guy and his bike was laying on the bank right up against the fence. I came to a near stop so I could see, and he looked bad. I can't get the image out of my head. I sure hope he is okay.


    And then I get here and finally get to sit down at the computer and read all this other crazy stuff that has been going on around here tonight. Does anyone know which Kroger that 10-67 happened at???

  5. wow, we all live very close! I am about a stones throw from the tracks. We should get together and have coffee at our little cafe in old downtown Hiram one day. we can share our animal sightings. I have saw the fox I think, it ran right in front of me about a month ago down in the woods. I was at the wood line, still in my yard, and it just coming running, really fast. it was weird.

  6. I live on Arnold Lane and I have not seen one and hope I never do. However we do have a possum, a racoon and I think a fox. Hubby says its a fox, but I dont know.



    You are practically my neighbor! I live 2 houses down from Arnold on Angham. So, be ware, those coyotes are around you too. the woods behind my house leads right up to the houses on that cul de sac in your subdivision. These coyotes are not afraid, so just be on the look out, day and night. I walk my dog on a leash like 4 times during the day and night. He is a Rat terrier, and I am afraid one of those things might jump out of the woods and try to get my little Tater bug! (that is what we call him) So, just be on the lookout. :ph34r:

  7. well, If you saw my yard you would understand why I can't fence it in. It is just too much yard, for my wallet. Even part of it would be alot for me. I plan to fence it in someday. until then......................I hope my cats stay smarter than that wiley coyote!! :unsure: They have made it 5 years here so far. except for the unfortunate 2 others, they were still young though. Lets just hope someone will come out and try to catch it. I can hope. <_<


    oh, and for the record, I have lived here in this house almost 10 years and last year was the 1st time I have ever saw any coyotes.

  8. Well, anyone in the area of Angham rd, be aware. Not five minutes ago a coyote trotted across my yard, and did not seem to mind the spot light I had shining on him. I have 4 cats, and they have already killed 2 cats of ours. It was quite large, I thought it was a deer when I first caught the light on its eyes. Those things are plain out mean. Looked way too much like a wolf in the night. I wonder if I called an reported it tomorrow, if anyone would come out and try to catch it??? I see it on the news alot now days. Anyone think it would do any good??

  9. I have a Antique table for sale. It is round, and in good condition. It is a dining room like table. No chairs though. It is old and unique. I have a picture of it . $75 Please just PM me or email me.

  10. I believe the "Blond" you are referring to was Alan Blond. I also remember when Terry Holden was killed on Mulberry rock Road. We were all at the same place right before he left. Very, very sad!

    Me and my husband graduated with Terry. We went to his funeral and it was heartbreaking. I remember Alan too. I think he had his little brother with him in the wreck and they both died.


    So young at the time. It's hard to believe my own kids are that age now.



    No, it was Todd Hendricks that had his little brother in the car with him. And his little brothers dog, as I remember. They were on the old 278 by-pass when a logging truck hit them head on. He was just a year ahead of me, and I will never forget it. I was working at Ben Franklins (my first job) and seeing and hearing the sirens going to the wreck. Awful day.................... :(

  11. yep cardie, hate to tell you, but I am almost 17 years younger than my brother that you went to school with. :o I was sorta a surprize, lol. But, I did go to school with the Rakestraw grandchildren of Mrs. Bone.

  12. So Cardie, you have been here all your life too? And your family as well?? I had forgot that Richard Smith used to own Mayfields Store before it was Mayfields, I remember Mom and Dad talking about it anyway. I went to school with his Daughter. I can remember going in there and picking out candy. I can still picture it exactly the way it was. What about Bone's store?? I always liked going in there, it was a neat old store. Hate to see the old place get tore down, even though it is not the original store anymore. :(

    Yeah, our family has been here for years and years and years. Don't you remember, I went to school with your brother? We use to go to Bone's store, too. It seemed so small, but they had a lot of stuff in there.


    It's a shame that things have changed so much.

    Mrs. Bone is still in good health. She's still able to stay at home by herself during the day, but stays with relatives at night. She is the sweetest!


    Are we talking about the same Mrs. Bone??? If I am not mistaken, (and if I am I apologize) but I believe Mrs. Bone passed away a few years ago. I went to school with her grandson my entire life, and I thought I remembered her passing away, and talking to him about it. At that time he was still in Mikes Package on 92 at the corner of Main street. :unsure:

  13. okay, now I realize who you are. Yep, it is so sad that somethings have to change. Like the old country stores, I wish they were still around. Makes me smile to think about all the neat stuff that used to be. Mrs. Bone was always so sweet. I still think that the Judean drive in should NEVER have been tore down. That really makes me sick. Because there are so few still around, it would have been an attraction for PC. Oh well, progress right?????????? Got to sell them "cars", right??? <_<

  14. So Cardie, you have been here all your life too? And your family as well?? I had forgot that Richard Smith used to own Mayfields Store before it was Mayfields, I remember Mom and Dad talking about it anyway. I went to school with his Daughter. I can remember going in there and picking out candy. I can still picture it exactly the way it was. What about Bone's store?? I always liked going in there, it was a neat old store. Hate to see the old place get tore down, even though it is not the original store anymore. :(

  15. Dang I feel really old right now seeing all this stuff on here.


    Who remembers Mr. Purcell from PCHS? He was so sweet. Coach Philhips was the man and always will be. Coach Lawrence, Mr. Cochran, and Mr. Powers from Junior High. The drive-in, jack's, braswell Mountain, the cuts. I remember when they first took up the railroad tracks coming from Rockmart and we went riding on them all the way back up to Dallas. Which now it is the Silver Comet Trail. No Hope for New Hope! We hung out at a cabin close to Coots Lake and got toasted. Those were the days.


    Friday nights at the skating rink and Sunday nights was Soul Night! I remember the old jail across from Curl's Pharmacy. When my cousin was in there on visiting day you would just walk up to the fence and talk to them. All the crazy ghost stories about the witches graveyard. My family is from New Hope I grew up on Colbert Rd (now) my great-granfather told us there was a headless horseman out there. Is it me or does it seem like for years a Senior would die at the High School. I lost alot of friends Jeff Loudermilk, Antonio Merritt, my friend Mark and there were alot more. The dance club that was at the Plaza. Parties at the Country Club. Wild Wild days.


    Yes, I remember that every year it seemed a senior would die in a accident. I remember Todd Hendricks, and I remember his last name was "Blond", I think his first name might have been Rob??? I remember No Hope for New Hope! That is too funny. What about the graveyard on Braswell Mountain road being haunted? The smoking area was the bomb at school, because we got bombed! B) I can't believe they actually had a smoking area. That was PC for ya though. Good times, Good times. :rolleyes: Anyone ever lay out class at the high school and walk through the woods over to Hay-Renfroe road?? We got chased by an AG Class one day, I will NEVER FORGET that. I was so scared, but I made it back to the bus's just in time. That was a lucky day............................. B)

  16. Get this, when I was around 9, I could walk on hwy 92 up to a store called Barfields. Anyone remember that store??? My parents live right on hwy 92. That is how much this old county has grown. And I would ride my bicycle down Morning side drive all the way Arnold lane and back every day, who know's how many times. (it was dirt then) ;)



    I remember Barfield's. Ben Hill Strickland's, Brownsville Store on Hwy 92, Petty's Store at the triangle of Hwy 92 and 278, and Bivens' Store on Pine Valley Road.


    Also, when Rocky Jordan was the Hiram Police Officer. Did he ever stop you, sweetmel? ;) He stopped me and another classmate right behind my grandfather's school bus. :blush: For some reason, he thought we were racing. :lol:


    I do not remember when Rocky Jordan was a police officer, that is too funny! I will have to ask myMom about that. He lives right across the street from my parents house, and has all of my life. You remember when his daughter got killed by a car on 92? She was riding her bike. I was 2 at the time.

  17. This has really made me realize just how much I had forgotten and just how much I remember. I only wish my teenage kids could have these kind of memories one day. I graduated PCHS in 83..anyone remember "Bird Man"? I was also one of those at the skating rink on Monday nights and I always made sure I ordered a "suicide" from the snack counter.


    My brother used to walk to the store in the summer time and get one of these. I always thought the sound of it was gross. LOL


    Get this, when I was around 9, I could walk on hwy 92 up to a store called Barfields. Anyone remember that store??? My parents live right on hwy 92. That is how much this old county has grown. And I would ride my bicycle down Morning side drive all the way Arnold lane and back every day, who know's how many times. (it was dirt then) ;)

  18. well, my easter dinner was good. Nice time with the family, hunted some eggs with the kids. Oh yeah, went to church of course. Easter is a holiday in the honor of Christ's resurrection. That is why it was moved to the Religious forum. I would not take it too seriously either. But, I hope your Easter was a good one also. :)

  19. I love it too! If you have Direct Tv it comes on channel 2 (ABC). Well, it is in season 2, and I think that the final shows are coming up. As far as what to catch you up on, here a few off the top of my head that is important.


    1. Meridth and Dr.McDreamy are now friends, along with his wife as well.

    2. Meridth slept with George which did not go well, and he is still not speaking to her.

    3. Izzy is in love with guy dying, he needs a heart transplant.

    4. Dr. Bailey had a baby.

    5. Most recent, Meridath has a sister she did not know about.


    That is it for quick catch up. Anyone else want to add on anything I missed that would need to get what is going on now?? :blink:

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