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Posts posted by sweetmel6737

  1. My prayers are sent to the family & friends. So awful for the family.


    I heard on the news that they are going to send 35,000 more in August. "WOW! "that was my first thought, then my next thought, my heart broke a little. :( That is alot of our men & women. That is all I have to say about that. ( or I might get.................. emotional............................................ :unsure: )

  2. Thanks for that info! Matthew Fox (Jack) was on Jay Leno last night, and he said that there was only 3 more seasons to go. I LOVE this show, and have enjoyed it SO much! I have some theorys, but will have to wait and see what the turn out is.


    I know that tonights episode was really good, and I just hated that LOCKE got killed off!!!! :blink: He was such a big part of the story to me. I thought Charlie would get the boot before Locke. Looks like he may be next though. I will miss LOCKE! just keep SAWYER on, that would really upset me if he gets the ax!!!! :angry:

  3. I heard it was really great! My neice's took there kids last summer and they all loved it. It is not expensive at all. They told me the water was clean, NO MUD, and it had a sandy bottom to it. I am going this year and taking my Grandson! Looking forward to it. The heck with Sun Valley, that place is way too $$$$$ for me.

  4. Yes, it is a spin off. I saw "Addison" on Good Morning America & Live with Regis & Kelley this week. I don't think it will be a hit like Greys though. Kinda like the spin off of Friends, "Joey". That did not "Catch on" either. She should just stay on Greys and leave the spin off alone.


    tonights show was really good though. I saw it coming, killing off Meridth's step-mom. I did not see her Dad slapping her coming though! Tough times ahead again for Meridth.

  5. Well, they are for sure answering some questions! I am really pleased with this season. The writers have me hooked, and so do the actors! I LOVE IT!!! I believe also that they are connected with each other in some form or fashion.


    Are they really dead?????? :unsure: That I am not convinced of that yet. I think the "Dharma gang" is making it "look like to the world" that they are dead. That is my theory right now anyway.


    Only 3 more episodes this season! Then we wait again................................................Long summer a comin!

  6. I know how you feel..........................Someone dumped out a sweet cat here. I have tried posting to see if someone would give him a good home. No luck. I am ready to call Animal control and have them pick him up. I would suggest if know one wants him you do the same, unless it is a very smart cat, it will get killed on HWY 92.(lost alot of animals on that hwy growing up, matter of fact just down the road from DOGWOODS.) Good luck, and maybe someone will take it in.

  7. If I could relive one day....................................I am not sure I can pick just one, but one of the first that comes to mind is answering the phone the last time my Daddy called. The next time I saw him he had just undergone emergency surgery. :( You just never think when that phone rings, this might be the last time I really talk to that loved someone.

  8. No--we are not Mayberry anymore. As a life long resident---it really concerns me. I would have never thought that this kind of stuff would happen out here. The thing is----most of the time---it is not us people that have been here forever. Shows what growth will do for ya!!!



    I am a life long resident too, and it seems that the growth is bringing alot of crime and violence to our little community. But, hey, god for bid that the building slow down any! :wacko:


    Our schools have plenty of room, not crowded at all. Our roads are not over congested, no traffic. And the crime is low :lol: . If all that was really true, I would not have a problem with our county growing.


    I have heard through the grapevine it was a life long resident that was shot, same age as me, I went to middle school & high school with him. I do not want to say a name, because I am not 100% if the name is correct. I would not want to say a name it not be correct.


    Too many bad things are happening this week, it is really sad. :( And weird.

  9. I am watching it now, (tivo'd it). I think the wife that was accused and convicted for her husbands death was very sincere about her side of it. But.............You NEVER know about people. When I worked in the system, I talked to accused ( and some convicted waiting on a bed at State) people for murder every shift I worked. Most of them were nice as they could be. (Sometimes too nice) I got to know a few, and you would NEVER think they could have done the things they were accused of. So, like I said you never know..........espcially just by watching someone 1 time on tv tell their story, what really did happened.

  10. That house has been there for so long. I hate to see what is going to be there instead of that beautiful old place. Me and my sis & BIL went and checked it out too about 7 years ago. There was a claw foot tub still in it. I about had a fit! I love those! I could not believe they left it. I wonder if it is still in it?? (or was.) Sad to see all that beautiful land replaced with pavement & and lots of houses. I miss "old" Paulding! :(

  11. Yes, I thought tonight was going to be a "new one" too! :angry2: I hate these re-runs also. I have to say, LOST has been a new episode every week since it started back. Grey's needs to take follow suit! Why can't they show like 2 months worth at least of new shows without re-runs???????????????? I wonder if it has to do with all the controversy??? Hummm................................We will never know! <_<


    So, next Thursday is going to be new one?????????????? :wacko:

  12. He's cute as a button!


    Where do you get those?


    I got them at Target. They have the entire ensamble, I got the whole thing for him. Hat, glass's, shirt, the swimmy pants. I can't wait for summer!

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