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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. I had heard this from several who work for Waffle House. They said that the land WH was on was leased and recently sold. They did tell me that the WH is moving across 278 behind the QT near the firestation.



    It has definitely been leased. My best friend's grandparents own(ed) it.

  2. I figured PMS was the reason for the part about "not enough fudge" :lol:


    She literally dribbled a tiny stripe around the edge of the cup. I want my hot-fudge sundae gushing with fudge goodness. I want it so sloppy that I cuss all the way home because my hands are stuck to the stearing wheel, my shirt looks like I work in a fudge factory, and my mouth is a mess. Now THAT is a sundae.



  3. I mean really, well no one but my parrents. and it has been like that all weekend. no one wants to talk to me :mellow:

    Does anyone else ever have days like this?


    Hmmm..well..lately it was just due to the girl I was dating being with her other man...of course..I hadn't a clue.


    I am normall the one missing calls due to leaving my cell phone laying around.



  4. This is so true! I only buy things with cash, with the exception of furniture because there are way too many incredible finance plans out there that make a lot more sense!


    I will say that I feel truly BLESSED to be able to afford luxuries that, quite honestly, I never thought I'd own. When I look at my HOME and the home that I can provide to my son, it almost overwhelms me with thankfulness. There will always be times when things get skinny...but it amazing that when you keep the faith, it always turns around!


    God is good! :wub: And so in business!



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. They $%@@&** at the drive thru!!!! When will you learn that??? Shut up & suck it it up!!! Tell me how you went back inside & waited for them to get it it right & then you can whine.......


    You get what you pay for!!!!


    When you expect excellence from mediocracy, you get disappointed.


    First of all, I don't remember ever 'whining' about it before. As I stated, I had neither the energy or fortitude to go back inside--not to mention one time it wasn't an option considering the dining room was closed. My rant about the second visit my problems were handled before I left, other than the sundae. At that point, I didn't have it in me to argue.


    I hardly equate someone doing what they are supposed to do with excellence. As far as what you pay for, I expect the largest grossing restaurant company in the world (who continues to see boosts in profits to the tune of 20-30%, especially with their Asian markets expanding) to put a GD straw in the bag and more than a drizzle of hot fudge.



  6. First off, you look mighty hot at 185 ;)


    Thanks. :blush: ...I know at this weight I feel better than I have in quite a few years. My cardiologist is pleased as well..which is good for me...because he is quite skilled at ass chewings. Also, my last blood panels from about a month ago were completely normal--my HDL, LDL, TriGly..everything..even my Hematocrit which had been elevated before. Not to mention the study I had done at Piedmont over the summer and a few weeks ago....my plaque index is 0--they thought I may have a blockage. My bloodpressure has been normal and stable for a while as well. Other than palpatations from time to time...I think my ticker is doing really well.




    Well maybe next time you should eat more of the "loaf" and you won't have to worry about it. :D :lol:


    The loaf is tha' bomb!

  7. Ok, first off, I don't eat it much. I contribute much of that fact to me dropping 30lbs to my current weight of 185. However, I ate at two different places this weekend.


    First, I opted for the joint that serves the small square hamburgers. I ordered the combo with 3 'chiks' and fries. I asked for cheese on them. The drive-through visit first went awry when they left my straw out of the bag. It took 6 minutes to finally get someone's attention. JHC. WTF? I drive off and bite into the now losing temperature 'chik'....No EFF'n cheese. Considering it would take two U-turns to get back there and no telling how long to get someone's attention to fix them..I opted to not eat the cheese I had been charged for.


    Tonight I wanted some **nuggets from the place with the big golden arches. First, I sit in line for 20 minutes. I am asked at the 'pay window' if I want sauce. I tell them what I want. 7 minutes later when I get my food--no sauce and no straw! I ask for the straw and sauce. She hands me ONE pack of sauce for ten nuggets--hardly even enough to wet my whistle. Then she hands me my hot fudge sundae and it had just enough hot fudge on it to piss me off. I look at the sundae, look at her, look at the sundae, then back at her. She looks at me like "Yeah, and?". I had had enough. I said 'eff it and drove off. OH, not to mention when I ordered 'Dr. Pepper' to drink she comes back with "That is a number 10 with Sprite?".....W T F?



  8. I didn't know Satellite was so popular, I met an impersonator today at the parade. :ph34r:




    Satellite is the man...he mix good drink..lol



    Where's my cognac and cigar Mr Satellite ?


    Hopefully soon. I had no idea you called me last Friday until I was cleaning out my voicemails this week. It was one of those calls that didn't come through and I didn't know I had the voicemail.



    Maybe you should ask TBAR since he was trying to impersonate Satellite.


    Do tell.



    wow..that was hard to find

    Satellite in the middle..TBAR on the right:




    I would do it again in a heartbeat if we could raise that much money again.


  9. At least it is not as bad as some Lolita trying to clean the bathroom at Beef O'Brady's while your there taking a whiz.



    I had no idea she was in there until I was walking out and heard a female voice say (testily) "I could have gotten out if you guys had just given me a second"...



  10. Yep! But I had to try some easy stuff on the new girls! Of course idon't go for the actual slices! I stick with rolls!



    Spicy Tuna and Spider Rolls are the shizzzz.....I like rolls with roe as well.....As far as slices...seared stuff is really good...especially beef and tuna.....



  11. But I don't =wear= it. I just can't stand a wallet in my back pocket.


    I can't either. I have a front pocket wallet. We need to talk again sometime about the fannypack. Tell them the time I refused to go in to eat with you if you wore it.



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