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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. I'm still wearing my flip flops when I run errands. :ph34r: My husband calls me crazy, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one.



    I would rock tha' flops 24/7...however, I refuse to wear them with jeans...therefore, mine are out of commission until Spring...not to mention my hands and feet have been freezing due to my bp meds.... <_>

  2. Ok, I have never really worn gloves except in extreme temps and they were usually cheapos that turned my hands into statues. However, about 2 months ago my bloodpressure meds were doubled and since the temps have dropped in the past few weeks my hands have been cold. I can't seem to warm them up. I need some thin gloves (as inexpensive as possible). Any suggestions?

  3. This thread conjures the lyrics of one of my favorite Rage Against The Machine Songs:


    This time the bullet cold rocked ya

    A yellow ribbon instead of a swastika

    Nothin proper about ya propaganda

    Fools follow rules when the set commands ya

    Said it was blue

    When ya blood was red

    That's how ya got a bullet blasted through ya head


    Blasted through ya head

    Blasted through ya head


    I give a shout out to the living dead

    Who stood and watched as the feds cold centralised?

    So serene on the screen

    You was mesmerised

    Cellular phones soundin a death tone

    Corporations cold

    Turn ya to stone before ya realise


    They load the clip in omnicolour

    Said they pack the 9, they fire it at prime time

    The sleeping gas, every home was like alcatraz

    And mutha f*****s lost their minds


    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high


    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high

    Run it!


    (guitar solo)


    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high

    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high


    Check-a, check-a, check it out

    They load the clip in omnicolour

    Said they pack the 9, they fire it at prime time

    The sleeping gas, every home was like alcatraz

    And mutha f****s lost their minds


    No escape from the mass mind rape

    Play it again jack and then rewind the tape

    And then play it again and again and again

    Until ya mind is locked in

    Believin all the lies that they're tellin ya

    Buyin all the products that they're sellin ya

    They say jump and ya say how high

    Ya brain-dead

    Ya gotta f****n bullet in ya head


    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high


    Just victims of the in-house drive-by

    They say jump, you say how high


    Uggh! yeah! yea!


    Ya standin in line

    Believin the lies

    Ya bowin down to the flag

    Ya gotta bullet in ya head


    Ya standin in line

    Believin the lies

    Ya bowin down to the flag

    Ya gotta bullet in ya head

  4. These dirtballs showed up at your house with a moving van or something? Was this in Paulding? Does Walking Tall have an alibi for that night? Come to think of it, do I have one? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I haven't a clue. I just know my house was ransacked with nothing of value left. NOTHING.

  5. Yes, thieves suck.


    Don't get me started on my burglary. I literally lost everything I own (including dirty clothes). They even took my Oxyclean and Tide...left the Bounce though...perhaps it wasn't their scent.


    All I can say is someone is somewhere watching my TV, drinking a beer from my fridge, wearing my house shoes.


    Asshats. If I could only recover my guitars, Marshall amp, and my grandfather's pistol, I would be happy.


    Sorry to hear.

  6. We wait and go after Christmas. That's when the best deals are. Our kids are grown, and opening boxes on Christmas morning is not a big deal anymore. They are very, very content to get 3 times as much a couple of days afterwards.


    And I hate crowds.


    One of the things I love about you my friend, your compass is as practical as it gets.



  7. I just don't know. Having been on both sides of the fence, I understand both arguments.


    First, traffic stops are inherently dangerous, period. My Sgt. told me once that most are killed within the first 12 seconds of a traffic stop (I have never verified this stat, however, he was a smart and intellectually honest man...I took his word). Either way, dangerous. If you have never approached a vehicle at 3am during a traffic stop, you can't quite understand the 'feeling' one gets.


    That being said, I think we all get that feeling in our gut watching a citizen have force bestowed upon them by peace officers. I have been on the side of the force an I know I STILL get that feeling. I think it is inherent as citizens of a free nation to feel that way. Does it make the force wrong? In most cases not, absolutely not. It is quite necessary most times. But with any situation, we tend to react with our emotion first--before contemplating the entire story (I am guilty of it..I am sure we all are from time to time...we are human).


    Point is, there is a time and place to argue the merits of a traffic citation. That time and place is printed on the ticket an officer hands you when are cited. Signing the ticket is not an admission of guilt (a good officer makes you aware of this...) and not signing isn't a crime (in GA), therefore, the man should have signed the ticket, went on his merry way, and called his lawyer. You simply don't argue a case on the side of the road. Whether an officer is right or wrong--it isn't their job or duty to argue it with you. That is what a court date is for.


    Let me pose this question: If the man who was clearly walking away from the officer had ended up being someone who had just knocked over a convenience store and killed the clerk, would those of you outraged at the officer's actions still be as outraged?

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