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About BroncoMels

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    South Paulding

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  1. I have severe anxiety and get crowded easily, can't handle ANY noise... so yeah, I either don't shop at all, or I go at odd hours. If you have to do wal-mart - the WORST - go early early in the morning. Preferably on a Sunday about 5 or 6am. Not a soul in sight.
  2. Wow. That's screwed up. Yet someone like me, who has several disabling conditions that require 17 different medications and I'm only 33... I have to fight, get denied and get an attorney.
  3. I'm bringing you a crate of books tomorrow to trade in and hope you still have the Foxfire books!
  4. OMG!! You mean, the 3-4 times a year they do this, you have to leave your home! Holy crap, what a total inconvenience to have to vacate your home on a Saturday afternoon...4 times a year! Well...its his land, he can do with it what he wants. Its called private property. I don't tell you what flowers to plant in your front yard, who are you to tell him to invite to his property to play in the mud? I mean, nobody tells me who I can invite to my birthday party...why should anyone tell Wesley who he can invite? If I heard right, that's his residence now, he lives there...he doesn't s
  5. A good friend of mine lives up there with his family. He was on a job in Tokyo and took a red eye flight to get back home. All his family is fine from what I understand.
  6. Dern Skippy. I shop at odd hours and specifically plan around crowds, because my anxiety is so bad I can't stand shopping any more. And if I go in somewhere and get overwhelmed, I'll give up on whatever I went after and leave. I deal with that every day. I DEAL with it and adjust to it. But apparently people are too caught up in themselves that they can't possibly imagine adjusting to someone having a little fun in Paulding County. Noooooooo....let's all stay home and get numb on the High Def DVD player, while our kids are tucked away safely in their rooms with their Playstation. C
  7. Yeah, I had heard that as well. Someone should have done their homework then because now the land is sitting there and good for nothing because it won't pass the perc test. So now...its out of Grandfather clause for the track AND its no good for building on. A waste of land...for what? The all mighty dollar. And another thing about this mud bog...if they do it more often, it won't be such a big deal and won't draw such a big crowd. Like Lisa said, Christmas Eve and New Years day has been a mug bog tradition for YEARS before they even started at Wesleys. People come from out
  8. Well, yeah!! We gotta get to ball games and grocery stores with our notebooks of coupons and we simply don't have time for all this traffic!!! Uh...oh yeah, the issue at hand....so he's wanting to do it a few more times a year. You people are complaining like this is gonna disturb your microwave dinner every night while you watch Americal Idol. Your traffic and shopping centers aggravate my anxiety and stress me out every evening when I have to drive home and you're on your phone and forget you're driving. Yeah... so think about that... YOU - complain that your neigh
  9. I always love this kinda argument. Do you think there's a county somewhere, and people are going, shoot yeah, bring that drunken redneck fun to OUR county? Its gonna happen...I don't care the county or the location....there are gonna be people for it and against it. We all can't live down in South Georgia on a 100 acre farm to hold our own mud bogs and parties. Some of us got stuck living too close to the city. What if the people before us had stood their ground and said, we don't like shopping centers, the traffic, the trash, the busy body people, we don't want that in OUR town. See
  10. As far as the erosion, its pretty much contained because the area for the mud holes and "play" are in an old lake bed with a dam at the bottom. There is a gravel area for the trucks to come in on and everybody knows NOT to spin their tires in the grassy areas. There is also gravel to the road...much the same as a "gravel pit" on a construction site, and all trucks must go through the "wash" area before leaving. The drinking is not allowed, but you know people do what they're not supposed to...and like someone else said, what's the difference in someone getting too rowdy at a big field
  11. Shoot, this morning it had people on the brakes because of all the important looking uniformed folks at the weigh station. Traffic slowed waaaaay down and people were on the brakes til just past the weight station, everybody slowing down to have a look see. I think I'll take the back way going home.
  12. Well, for my first carry weapon and my small hands, I was more comfortable handling and shooting the .380. I'll probably move up to something larger when I feel comfortable with that and can afford it.
  13. That's why you see the F.I.N.D units parked along I-20 west around the Douglasville area. You can speed right by them, but they're not out there radarin' anybody, lookin for specific type vehicles. Always screws up traffic though, people think they're regular cops looking for traffic violations.
  14. It doesn't take that long. I went to the courthouse, filled out the paperwork, got fingerprinted and paid the $60. About two weeks later I had my Georgia Firearms License. Couple weeks later when I got a chance, I went and bought my Ruger .380 and brought it home the day I paid for it. It doesn't take that much to get a carry permit. I also drive like a race car driver and I'm not afraid to die, so I pity the fool that tries to get in the car with me. He'll be begging me to stop to let him out after I show him my race car driver skills. :-D
  15. Cobb has two more coming up. One in August, the other, October. http://cobbcountyrodeo.com/ The Rockmart rodeo at Haney arena is August 6 and 7 I think. Paulding August 13/14 - http://www.pcrodeo.com/
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