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Everything posted by She_Dreams_in_Digital

  1. I've tried several and ended up back with AT&T. You get what you pay for and AT&T is pretty good at what they do. I've tried Comcast several times, left and went back and it just did NOT please me at all. The customer service was horrific for me and the service itself wasn't real great. I've got AT&T's U-verse service now and it's great for me. In short, there are some fly-by night outfits offering service but just be prepared for the hassle of your life if you go that route.
  2. It's definitely a step in the right direction for the county ......give us a plan!!!
  3. You really should change the title of this post.....it's misleading
  4. I've been to the Hiram Wal-Mart a few times before and I've gotta say that pretty much the whole place is one big indecent exposure call. Way too many very large women who should never have attempted to wear spandex pants and a tube top are waddling around that place with Marlboro's hanging off their bottom lips and screaming at their offspring. I avoid that Wal-mart like the plague!
  5. Don't let Al Gore find out about this guy! He'll fly down here in his private jet and chastise the guy for contributing to global warming by running his automobile while attempting suicide. Al would suggest a "green" solution for suicide probably. Perhaps he should drown himself in his unflushed commode that he's supposed to be conserving water in!
  6. So that's what all the commotion was about? My family and I just left from a restaurant in Hiram and were passing the Kroger in Hiram when we saw Hiram Police and PCSO racing like a bat out of Hades toward that Eckerd's. Sure hope they taser the POS! If the suspect is gone when the police arrive, as a suggestion, I would swarm the area across from the Region's bank on Hwy92 before old Hiram and start a search there.
  7. Ok...regardless of whether the road is dangerous because of wreckless drivers or because of design, we still need guard rails along the section without a shoulder.
  8. Ohhhh.. (duh?) For some reason I pictured this being much more serious, like a lockout meaning someone's armed inside holding people hostage and barring the doors or something crazy. Glad to know it's not something serious.
  9. I passed by the scene only moments after it occured. No rescue or police had shown up yet and I could tell it looked serious. It appears that an older model S-10 pickup somehow left the road and ended up in the ditch below (appx 7 - 8ft below road level). The S-10 was sitting on all four tires but for some reason it looked like the entire roof was collapsed. I did see a young lady who appeared to have cuts on her head standing beside the roadway. As I was getting to the site, police and emergency vehicles were arriving. The stretch of Hiram-Sudie just west of Bill Carruth i
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