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Everything posted by dozment

  1. I wish y'all would stop it with all of this tunnel talk. There are no tunnels being built in Paulding County. Not funded by the DOD. Not under Wal-Mart. Not nowhere! (And, if ya'll don't quit talking about them so much everybody's gonna find out and think they can use them, and it will take me more than 15 minutes to get from Dallas to Atlanta every morning! I shouldn't have said that!)
  2. I think all of the shirts will be the same - brown for adults and orange for kids. That's kind of cool. The first year each church had their own shirt. Starting last year and continuing this year well will all look the same - the united body of Christ worshiping and serving together all over our community! I get to play plumber at a home improvement project.
  3. By the way, my comment was NOT a political statement. Just an attempt at humor. There are more "120"s in this county than smart people in Washington! Oops! There I go again! That was not a political statement, either!
  4. Just for kicks, someone please tell him to turn right on 120. Let's see how long it takes him to get home!
  5. My first thought was, so is it closed, too? Very cool!
  6. But, I read on paulding.com that they're turning the water off... JUST KIDDING! Thanks, Subby! I've been saying roughly the same thing all day. They wouldn't turn it off if there was any chance at all that it could stay on.
  7. Could be 120 between 92 and Macland. There is a lake on the north side of 120 in that area between Hope Church and Hunter's Glen.
  8. I talked to someone at the PCSO at around noon, and he was able to get in touch with someone from the Water Dept. As of then there was no boil water advisory in effect. Also, since then they have gotten paulding.gov back online (if it was down), and I see they are posting meeting notices there today. I would assume they would post a boil water advisory if there is one.
  9. I just spoke with someone from PCSO who confirmed with the Water Dept that we are NOT under a boil water advisory at this time. Paudling.gov is back online. I assume they will post any advisories there.
  10. Exactly! The explains why we have so many accidents and why we hear about road rage. And, I don't understand why most people don't get it.
  11. Not sure exactly how to do it, but I believe AT&T offers a version of their DSL for somewhere between $10 and $20 per month. It's not the fastest DSL, but it is faster than dial up. Is that an option or is DSL not available in your area?
  12. Mrnn, take a look at this article. This person seems to have been driving the way you said you drive. In this case the aggressive driver clearly made a mistake - he clipped the rear of the van. If he had not made that mistake would those two children still be alive? What do you think the chances are that you will never make a mistake like that? If the possibility of killing people isn't enough of a risk to make you be a good citizen and back off a little, is the possibility of spending years in jail for it a deterrent?
  13. ok, just for you.... "I don't care what you think, you're a bad driver!"
  14. That's my point. It's not mathematically possible for all of us to be "above average". If we were all "above average", well, "average" would change. But, the vast majority of us think we are above average drivers. Wikipedia has a good article about the "Lake Wobegon effect". Lake Wobegon is the fictional place where Garrison Keiller says, "all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average." I don't know about the men and women, but the children aren't all above average any more than 73% of us are above average drivers. The Wikipedia article tal
  15. Here's our promo video for this year. That's a cool song!
  16. Last year it was 8 churches coordinating it. This year it's something like 30-40 churches. We may fill up Sam's and Home Depot's parking lots!
  17. As soon as it's dark enough. I assume that's going to be around 8:30 or 8:45.
  18. Oh, so the fact that I'm actually running the video and sound didn't have anything to do with it?
  19. LOL! I'll get you a calculator AND a dictionary for Christmas!
  20. Ok, so far 72% of us are above average. Any math majors out there want to comment?
  21. Yep! That's my point. If the curve holds about 16.6% of us might be "stupid drivers". But, have you ever wondered if the other guy sees you make an honest mistake (and don't tell me you've never made one) and throws you into a category like the "stupid driver"? I'm preaching to the choir here, folks. I've done the same thing myself, and I'm trying to change my ways. It's hard sometimes, it's really hard. But, cutting them a break and taking three seconds longer to get where you're going is usually the better approach in any situation where thousands of pounds of metal and speed
  22. Exactly! Kind of.... If a standard bell curve applies (I think) 66.66% of the people should be average, 16.6% should be below average, and 16.6% shoud be above average. But, it never plays out that way. The vast majority of us think we're better than average. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. Cutting each other a break (giving someone else a turn) isn't a bad thing. And, leaving a little extra room will save lives. Because the other guy makes a mistake doesn't mean his family tree needs to be disparaged. I think a lot of people are hurt or die every year bec
  23. Anyone else care to answer the poll? The results are already showing exactly what I thought they would show. How's your driving?
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