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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. I'm serious. Geez.


    RE: mass transit/public transportation - It seems to me to be largely a question of semantics. But no doubt Paulding gets the best of both worlds with the GRTA (which I did not agree with them forming and still don't like the idea of) buses coming to the county line and people being able to ride in. And yet we don't have it anywhere internally in the county. Me likey. Or would if I needed it.


    RE: Melissa M's former employer - I don't find that to be a salient point to her qualifications for the job. She may have had a personality conflict with said employer, or she may not have done things exactly the way he liked, or he oculd be lying, or...any one of several other possibilities. I don't see where calendaring has anything to do with being a good rep.


    If she's a secretary, keeping a calendar is a critical part of her job.


    I don't see the clear difference between a park and ride and mass transit as semantics. pardon.gif Do I personally have a problem with a park and ride? No. I'm sure it's a good thing for those that use it. Would I have a problem with proposed mass transit? You betcha!

  2. Really? Then let's see your Google ink. Don't just make a statement, back it up. Please. I look forward to the link that we all can verify.


    The whole state needs a comprehensive plan for public transportation so we don't have as much congestion on the roads nor pollution in the air.


    Do your own research. You don't even need to leave Paulding.com. Google doesn't hold all your answers.

    • Like 3
  3. I did a Google search and it turned up nothing for "Melissa Morrison Democrat" or several variations. I am surprised people haven't figured out how to use search engines yet.


    aboortzion? Really? There is nothing a GA legislator can do about that and anyone who even makes it an issue is either a partisan hack or woefully ignorant.


    I would like to know Morrison's stance on transportation. We desperately need a better system of transportation and a means of paying for it. If the infrastructure crumbles, it costs more to rebuild and we lose those businesses that want to locate here.


    I would also like to know her ideas on raising the state's gasoline tax that Uncle Nathan decided not to enact while prices were down. Stupid move. Gas prices will be back up when he does implement the tax and it will just hurt worse. While the price of gas is down, now is the time to raise a lot of money and it not be as painful.


    Lastly, I would like to know if she has any ideas on the growing indigent care problems in Paulding.


    You need to did deeper. ;)


    No! Paulding does not need public transportation.





    Anyone is better than what we have now. She has my vote!


    Our current representative had a good voting record.

    • Like 1
  4. If you can't afford a trip to DC you can't afford to run for office in the first place.


    Why should he have paid for the trip out of his own funds whether it was $1 or $1,000?



    That is the difference,In the past the dark side would back there canidate. That left a bitter feeling. Such as using the head quarters to stuff bags for there canidate before the primary. That is why so many left because the dark sided tea party was not fair.


    I am glad to here there is a new Chairman trying to do the right thing,good luck :yahoo:


    So, you took your toys and went home?



  5. I Have never been a member of the Democratic party....where do you think you might have seen this Democratic website, with my name?


    I never found it necessary to physically join the Republican party until I chose to run for office. I was graciously accepted with open arms by the GOP at the Capitol when I qualified,...especially when I announced the seat I was seeking.


    Maybe the family support for the democrat who sought this same seat in the last election is causing his confusion. unknw.gif

    • Like 3
  6. I'm really not sure where the assumption is coming from the I would PREFER that folks drink in a restaurant and drive home. I've never said that and didn't even imply it.


    No, liquor stores would not be "required" to open, but they would feel obligated. Just in case their Regular Joe forgot to stop by on Saturday, they would much rather he continue to shop with them than go somewhere else.


    I haven't made a case for or against. I was simply stating some issues that some were choosing to ignore.

  7. Looks like the Sunday alcohol sales may not even get a vote in the state Senate. The Christian Coalition began putting pressure on the Republicans since they have the overwhelming majority and now there is doubt if the state will allow local communities to vote on Sunday sales.


    My Link

    The meeting is tomorrow morning to determine if the legislation has enough support to bring it to the floor. Your time would be better spent calling those who will be in attendance than trying to slant the truth here. drinks.gif


    It's worse than wussy pillows - There would possibly be some additional employment gains to be made.


    The state is also losing out on some major tax revenue. This is a user tax that would BENEFIT non-users. That's religion for ya, though... Just makes no sense.

    There's actually nothing to substantiate what you've said. There's no proof alcohol consumption will increase. Liquor store owners (who have long supported the ban on Sunday alcohol sales) predict they will actually lose money by opening an additional day with no overall increase in revenue. drinks.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for posting the info.


    I'm sure a lot of the frustrations listed out here are not in your direct control, but you can certainly make the appropriate staff aware of the concerns and evaluate if there are opportunities for improvement that are reasonable to implement.


    Thank you.


    Maybe those who are frustrated should personally share their frustrations with someone who has the situation in their control. Why would you ask someone else to do that on your behalf? Obviously, none of it was in Ms. Cobb's control.

  9. I understand what you are saying but you also have to think about:


    1. How much in extra gas in a year is it costing us the tax payers.


    2. Libaity... if something should happen( wreck..etc.) with the child in the car is the State, City, County going to have to pay?


    3. If the purpose of the officer taking the car home is that if needed they can and will be able to get to an emergency ASAP then if the office has a child in th car and gets a call I guess that sort of throws that out the window unless they are going to respond and take the child with them....maybe on a high speed chase?


    4. Does the insurance even cover this.


    All valid questions. Although the gas is not an issue for me, the issue of liability and the emergency situation could be addressed.

  10. ...and this is more to the point and the reason i posted this. Today, i saw this happening 3 times just between 2 schools for the <5 minutes i was at both locations. How often is this happening when you run it across the departments? And i'm not naive enough to think that it's just Sheriff Officer - take it across the county to all those that drive tax payer funded vehicles. it sets me off i guess because i just got finished writing the check to Paulding for 2010 and I (like many) are struggling. I'd love to have a no-expense vehicle. it'd be at least a $5k raise in my budget.


    So, it would appear that you are less upset about them dropping a kid off at school and more angry and bitter about your own personal circumstances. My family struggles too. So, I feel your pain. However, there is a taxpayer funded option for getting your child to school. It's a school bus.

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