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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. This video shows how a 14-year-old boy stands up to his mother to demand that she respect his informed choice to live with his father. All police officers should do what was done by the police officers in this video and to limit their authority to keeping the peace, not taking sides in a custody dispute.
  2. Yes saw a Gross Old Pervert up there over my head, G D! Was that you?
  3. People in GA just don't care, and will re elect these kinds of people like Dekalb county has for representatives. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/fbi-looking-ethics-scandal-ties-governor/nbLNY/
  4. I love my fellow man, and I do so on P.com. If I have money enough I will send some to my P.com membersgip.
  5. It's less likely to get you killed than it is to smoke tobacco products. When someone flips me off I just feel sorry for them, like I do a smoker. They are taking chances with their life.
  6. Jesus said, "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." I don't go to church, I am a member of Christian faith.
  7. In my video, Pubby, the cop is the one with no tape, but the guy he pepper sprayed certainly does have it on tape. That was an illegal arrest. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0LEV1pXJs5VvssAIYdXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyNGV1YzFmBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjAwNDBfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1439602392/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.policemag.com%2fchannel%2fpatrol%2fnews%2f2013%2f01%2f04%2fcourt-flipping-off-cops-is-constitutional.aspx/RK=0/RS=o2cMcchPXT1y0Z_IfvNVtGerowU- Sense ignorance of the law is no excuse, the cop should be in serious trouble.
  8. It's may be the law, but some people haven't read, nor heard it. In Georgia, the law is under question as to whether you can post O. C. G. A. for people to view, as it's behind a pay wall. Here's a police officer who doesn't know the new law as yet.
  9. I had heard that, but wasn't able to listen because I was busy with other things at the time. Thanks for your reply, satelite! I think I will test that new law out on a police officer. I don't think they would beat an old man up, maybe!
  10. Reality, is just what you claim, but I can't see how what CC said was so funny. Your last paragraph is more about a people's government like we have here in the States. We vote for our government representation. But, we loose manufacturing jobs to China, while we are more of a Christian nation. I don't see anything funny, but it is depressing.
  11. The cops treat it much worse than just an improper hand signal, J W!
  12. Thanks, FB! It's mostly when I am driving the speed limit, when it is 25, and others want to drive 55. But, it's also when I'm trying to get in the slow lane, because I'm trying to move out of the way of speeders in the fast lane. I don't like that new law, but I do move over now.
  13. I've always wondered if flipping someone off is against the law. Would that be considered disorderly conduct, or what? Maybe it depends on how prominent of a citizen the person you flip off is. I just don't know. I get flipped off quiet a bit, especially while I'm driving.
  14. You'll just don't understand. Everybody's dancing in the moon light, It's such a fine and natural sight. Give me your hand, Lo!
  15. You don't need to be nice T T; you just need to admit that the top running Gross Old Pervert knows that the economy does better under the Democrats.
  16. It was a Nuclear explosion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYEUsuT96W8
  17. Own my way, Thad! How do I get there? Mine has no wheels, however! It's solid aluminum and very light.
  18. Of course, not, Lo! It depends on who needs to get caught, and who needs to stay covert in their operations. Somebody pulls the strings, in Georgia. It might have more to do with ALEC than any other organization. That corporation loves our State legislators.
  19. Thanks for that info, Pp! As for as the trash service providers, however, overhead is down, because of the gasoline prices from years past. That was once a big expense for all the truck, which is less now! You guys need open records going on in Paulding county.
  20. Your government, there in Paulding, is throwing you to the wolves. They don't want to represent you guys. Like I said, Bartow county still represents its citizenship, as for as landfill charges are concerned. If you will check, your trash collector is probably being charged heavier prices at the landfill. I asked my trash collector why they were charging more, sense gasoline for their trucks was way down??? He said, point blank, that land-fields were charging more money here in Cherokee county. Does Waste Management own your landfill?
  21. Thanks, cptlo! Well they worked when I first put them up. Sometimes I wonder about this old misspeller of words, and his senile approach to the reality of things.
  22. Well, guess what folks; my links, up in my first post, just disappeared. Are the citizens of the state of Georgia being censored?
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