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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. The cops are better equipped to handle these things, but somebody might die. https://www.facebook.com/TRUTHMAN777/videos/1660811090856937/
  2. But, the World Trade Center was blown away during the Bush Presidency! That wouldn't have happened if Donald Trump had been President.
  3. There's space along the our cost, meaning that the polar ice caps can melt away, and there will be plenty of room. Ain't that right, G D?
  4. Some people will tell you that smoking is not hazardous to a person's health, and even if it is everybody has to die with something, anyway.
  5. When I was growing up I had a firm belief that my own Father would have killed me. He was very conservative, and told me what to do, and when to do it. Even if he was not around I felt the danger of serious consequence if I failed to please my father. Later in life I came to realize that he just had to be in control no matter what, and to this day I wonder if he would have killed me for kicking his arse. Some people need a gun when their own child grows up and has to look down to see the top of their head.
  6. I need not say anything, because Norm Chomsky knows how to say it much better than I do.
  7. It seems you know much more about CC's behavior than you do about your own behavior, G D! You favor tradition, G D, and do not like change. Nevertheless, you do change! I am an old fashion Republican, who "like you said, is not a conservative." I don't like conservatism, because when people start telling me what to do, and when to do it, I tell them to mind their own business. And, I don't like today's Republicans because they are stupid.
  8. Your father is a very intelligent man, Lori! "He said there are a lot of reasons most people don't need guns." Every family has that one person with a bad temper. Every family has drama. Everyone loses their temper at some point. Everyone has kids. Parents are away from home at some time. The odds that you will be confronted with a criminal act that you would need one are higher than one in a million. The odds that if you have one you are likely to use it inappropriately are hundreds of times higher than using it in a criminal situation. If you don't have it the odds of not
  9. I still owe my mother 9 months carrying charges, and a year of milk. And, I never got the chance to pay her in full. It was kind of like this when she died: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1fj16eXQAc#t=84
  10. The light shines brighter through cracked pots. Even if you think you are a cracked pot, you should still stand up, speak out, and talk back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnQCPbTs9q0
  11. If you were my little boy, G D, you would act a lot different than you act. But, if you did act different, I wouldn't want some cop doing you that way. That SOB can trust in God all he wants to. but he can kiss my as. I'm an old fashion Republican, like the ones who came to Georgia and kicked arse, back in 1864.
  12. I used to get replies, that I was so grateful for. But, my imperfect ways has been detrimental, even though I have only intended to be truthful. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAAahUKEwj5zoHouerIAhVFeCYKHeBNCkg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpaulding.com%2Fforum%2Ftopic%2F229389-i-dont-come-to-the-cafe-much-but-i-want-to-stop-in-today%2F&usg=AFQjCNGBF5MRdHBiaCSqUCLX_03EfLzTAg&sig2=y2h226p_ff1TbuTSsYiaCA
  13. Yes. I was once a male in a female's body, until I was born. But, now I am a male who loves my mother, and my father. Furthermore, I love all my family, and friends. That's the POWER I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_76hFVpyRc&feature=youtu.be
  14. This is the greatest attitude, about situations like that, LPPT, I have ever heard in my 71 years of life.
  15. Yes, you are right! I do think the Officer was fired for all the right reasons, however! Teachers would have known how to handle that situation a lot better, if they were given the authority.
  16. In God that SOB trusts, but by God he can kiss my as! There are to many of us who don't like that kind of trust in God! The more of that BS we see, the more we learn the facts.
  17. Why? Because You Will Regret It. http://cdn.superbwallpapers.com/wallpapers/digital-art/abraham-lincoln-riding-a-grizzly-holding-an-m-16-19384-1280x800.jpg
  18. In God I trust; all others must pay cash!
  19. BUT, THEN I WAS BORN. https://www.facebook.com/100PercentFEDUp/photos/a.330374477016724.83603.311190048935167/931028643617968/?type=3
  20. It needs two benchwarmers https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12106800_1039720142725060_8447650516956200196_n.jpg?oh=7a0c1b64e61c7056f276718165ae3716&oe=568EE306
  21. You've got to get an attitude before you can get yourself going. Then don't just move a little, move a lot. In other words wiggle! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4hC7xXAgUQ
  22. That is when Republicans were right. WAY RIGHT! I'm still an Abe Republican! Click here for the details > https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=OIP.M86a1611c0c5d9461acc7a530c1b259e2o0&pid=15.1
  23. ATLANTA -- A nationwide sex trafficking sting recovered 149 children, one as young as twelve years old. Seven of those victims were found in Georgia. http://www.11alive.com/story/news/crime/2015/10/14/sex-trafficking-string-rescues-7-georgia-kids-arrests-9-pimps/73925764/
  24. The government is paid by billionaires; not us. Billionaires not only pay big money to advertise for votes, to get their representatives into government offices, they also pay them a lot more than they are paid out of tax funds. Our government is bought, and paid for!
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