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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. He can't do this. If you claim that Bonds or Arod or anyones HR's didn't count you have to also claim that all their other stats didn't count. Then you have to go back and determine how many of their runs (HRs, Runs or RBIs) directly lead to their team winning the game. (This doesn't even count their defensive plays). Then you have to grant the losing team those wins. Then you have to determine which teams would have been in the playoffs had those records changed, then you better hope and prayer that all those are the same teams.


    Cancelling Bonds (or anyones) stats for a season means you basically have to claim that the whole season didn't happen. Besides that with as many players that were juicing you know that the pitchers were as well. Which means Hank hit his HRs off a clean pitcher as a clean player and Bonds hit his as a juiced player off a juiced pitcher, it's a wash.


    I HATE Bonds but he is the HR king. If you go and change the books for roids you can make the claim that Marris shouldn't have been credited with breaking Ruths single season record because they played more games, and Aaron shouldn't count for breaking Ruths career record because Ruth played in the dead ball era. There can be * put on everything in sports.



    i agree with you...but dont like it



    hank in my mind did it clean...bonds is a cheat


    he should be embarrased every time he is referred to as the home run champion


    it is like using a cheatsheet to pass an impossible test....without it you would not have been able to do what you did



    and that is living a lie


  2. But of course. I even thanked him... <_<



    think it is going to depend on how much over you were ticketed for, the officers testimony, and the judges demeanor that day....


    i would see if i could reach the officer on the phone and ask him...then the court clerk..court clerks in my past have had a LOT of pull....they might also be called the clerk of court and i have had one or two dropped at the clerk level but dont remember when where or why



    good luck

  3. "I think the problem is we don't have any black administrators in there. We don't have enough African-American teachers to understand the lingo, the swagger of our kids, the demeanor ...The school system is real old fashioned, and is still living in the 1950s and that's the problem. It's 2009. Kids change. Attitudes change. So we need more teachers in here that can adapt to the type of kids, black, white, Hispanic that we're raising now," Govea said.


    Another excerpt.^^^^ :rolleyes:





    He's in Cobb... :D :ph34r: Get 'em Tow...




    were we not raising kids of all colors since there were kids of all colors?


    "type of kids"




    they mention the kids rank in the nation when it comes to his sport....but why not mention his gpa?


    i mean it is a SCHOOL


    bunch of fast idiots and slow morons

  4. You can also try garlic oil in the ears. Garlic is great for getting rid of ear infections.




    just what cant garlic do?



    i mean it is a seasoning..it is great on vampires..and now ear infections?



    i love garlic

  5. Me either. I think there has been waaaay too much effort put into something that is just "someone's" attempt to garner attention. And sometimes I wonder if this person sits back and makes fun of people because they do fall for it.



    not that im saying it isnt real..cause im not involved in the project myself..but if it isnt and it is just a ruse..then i would have to say that someone that can amuse themselves with such an imaginative farce would not get their kicks making fun of others




    im just sayin

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