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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Posts posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. What's the scoville heat level? My kids alone eat level 1,000,000 like it was candy around my house. My family swears I can breath fire when it comes to spicy foods. I can toss down a Vindoloo and yell for more hot sauce. You'd better have a serious challenge before me and my kids scarf down your wing challenge like Christmas gum drops...8) 8) 8)

  2. The grass is growing like crazy!! Call me if you need any repairs for you mowers, tillers, generators, weed eaters, and other gas powered outdoor equipment. smile.gif







    Shop hours are 10 a.m. till 7:00 p.m., Monday thru Thursday & 12 noon till 6:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Please call ahead of time before dropping off any machines as this is a one man operation. Thank you. wink.gif

    How much will you charge to put a pull string back on???

  3. To some paranoia is another word for survival. Personally I think that the attack on religion has grown and now the attackers want to take the word, god, out of everything associated with the government whether it is words on money, engraved on buildings, a cross put up years ago as a memorial to those who died in this country's service, prayers, or bibles brought to school by children to read in their free time. The list goes on and on. How did it start in countries where Christianity was banned and churches and bibles burned? I have not been one of the folks who have been very concerned about it. Maybe I should rethink that.



    Oh ye of little faith, if it was that easy to stamp out Christianity, world leaders like Stalin would have eraticated it from their nations. Despite Communist best effort, Christianity continued in the old Soviet Union and large parts of Eastern Europe and now that they're gone, Christianity actually thrives (a form of it anyways). North Korea have been putting Christian leaders to death for years but they can't quite seem to stamp it out. Christianity continues, it's designed to continue even in the face of determined opposition. People will continue to meet in secret, that is happening to this very day. The only reason people start screaming the sky is falling everytime stuff like this happens is a lack of true faith and ulterior motives...

  4. The term "illegal immigrant workers" is one of the is one of the biggest bogus terms ever to come out of the American lexicon. The bigger issue is that in alot of cases these people are NOT being given a "better life", but are being exploited by greedy, shifty American firms and cooperations. Not only does this issue rob the US Government and State Governments of Taxes sorely needed, it also cheapens the going rate at which legitimate workers are paid. Do you think that a set of blinds produced by an American company using illegal workers cost significantly less than one produced by a legit American company using legal workers covered by American Labor Laws? Hardly. The guys using illegals just pockets more profit.


    Next is the issue of the illegal workers themselves and their treatment by these firms and companies. They are paid cash straight up, often at far less than the minimum wage. But since they are not being taxed on that income the illegal worker can come out on the better end than legal workers working for minimum wage. But the sad part is that these workers can be discarded faster than a used condom. They are not covered by ANY kind of insurance except Medicare or Medicaid. A worker gets hurt on the job, oh well, so long, we can hire your buddy to do the exact same job. No Lawsuit if the company is to blame, the guy never says a word because he'll be deported or worse. If he does say a anything to the authorities, his buddies are now gonna be gunning for him because INS raided the company and all his illegal buddies lost their jobs. I wouldn't want to be in that snitches shoes. If the developer finishes the subdivision and skips out on paying the crew their final paycheck, oh well. These guys working conditions are also at the best "questionable" at times. I was working in a new subdivision a few years ago and saw a Hispanic man cutting concrete with a saw. The dust was flying up in his face and he didn't have a mask or a set of goggles, I took a dust mask and goggles off my truck and gave them to the guy, probably saved his life or sight, how long can you live breathing concrete dust or rubbing your eyes to get the crap out and not go blind. Unreal.


    Another true story. Me and a few guys were sitting at a Chinese restaurant in Woodstock a few years ago during the last years of the construction bubble. We were right behind three developers who were talking about just finishing up a new subdivision of 300 homes. One of them bragged he was getting $90,000 a home!!! Then said all he did was drive around making sure his Mexicans were working. We knew exactly which subdivision they were talking about. No real secret they were using illegals because we were in that subdivision every day. The average price of the homes were between $300,000 and $450,000!!! That's obscene!!! Those workers were being paid $60 to $80 dollars a day, cash. It was disgusting...


    When people support illegal workers they are promoting the greed of these underhanded tactics and supporting the exploitation of these people. That's on top of Americans losing out on a decent paying job.

    • Like 1
  5. I've got a MAME cabinet I built, and built a skeeball machine a few years ago. I would order a DVD set, just google DVD MAME set. You usually just pay for the shipping/dvds and will get more games than you know what to do with.


    The cabinet started out looking like this -




    And this when I finished




    And just for grins, here is the skeeball machine. Its currently in storage, but its a blast to play.



    I've been toying with the notion of making a MAME cabinet, I've got two cabnets I bought for parts to make my Rastan Arcade Game. I just got the program many years ago with 400 roms, it's in a zip file I keep in a flash drive for those who want it. Wifey has threatened to chop my head off if I bring home another full size Arcade game, working or not...


    of the two screen shots..is the one on the left Tank?



    Nope, good guess...

  6. There's nothing quite like the religious trying to make everyone else follow their rules.


    Forgot to include link.

    They wouldn't even be able follow their own rules. The conservative muslims are every bit as rabid at condeming Christianity and the West as conservative christians are at condeming Islam and the Arabs. One religion trumps another in an endless vicious cycle. It's been that way for the last 1000 years and very few are interested in changing. Hate is hate no matter how you dress it up and justify it...

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