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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Posts posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. While these two cases are reprehensible, I'll guarantee you that this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the good that most officers do. It's really nauseating to come on here and see time after time the bad things a FEW officers do as opposed to an officer being praised for doing good. The board couldn't handle all those posts I'm betting. It's easy to call attention to wrong doing by a small majority of officers and to let the good ones, most of them, go unnoticed.


    The price of freedom is eternal vigilence.


    I don't like to see these kinds of stories anymore than most and I have many family and my best friend that are Law Enforcement. But I would rather see these stories out there, rather than these stories being covered up or silenced. That would scare me more. You hit the nail on the head, it is wrong for some to lump ALL Law Enforcement in to the same ugly sterotype, they have a tough job that requires them to make very unpopular decessions. Also throw in the guy who is on an ego trip and abusing his or her authority and it is very easy to sterotype an entire orginazation. But the good they do also, at the risk of their own lives, should and will always be cheerished and respected...

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  2. I've heard from some in town that the Mayor was openly bragging about making the call. Another curious thing that someone bought up was that the mayor might have been involved in toting Jay Smith from Powder Springs to Dallas in order to cast his vote for the Mayor. Jay Smith is the Autistic gentleman who had been a fixture around Dallas since I was a kid. I heard he had moved to Powder Springs after his mother died. This is just hearsay, of course...



  3. I use to watch this show religiously as a kid. Never missed and episode and I can still draw the ship from memory. I still remember drawing this ship on the playground, in the dirt at Mathews School when the 5th and 6th grades were still held there. It was bigger than a schoolbus and half the school musta came over to look at it...



  4. A bit of advise I give all my customers about their computers is to back up their files on a regular basis, have a recovery disk (easy to make) and never keep anything important on your main hard drive. Always keep it on flash drives or external hard drives and don't keep those devices always connected, only hook them up when you need them. A well known, or not so well known, fact about the major anti-virus/spyware companies is that they are paid by other companies to let their spyware thru. Also most service providers also download spyware regularly to your computer to tailor advertising to your personal surfing habits. These programs can be exploited by hackers so even with a good anti-virus/spyware program, stuff still gets thru...

  5. I've never had a problem with lug nuts and while I have had tranny problems, they have always been after a lot of miles.


    Maybe your problems are unique.


    The lug nut issue hasn't come to pass yet. That was from a watchdog group.


    My transmission went out at 68,000 miles. I started researching the issue to get an idea on how much the thing would cost to fix and I was surprise on how many times the transmissions were failing. I came upon complaint after complaint about Dodge transmissions. The guy I had the transmission changed at told me about the engineering of the series and how it was cheaper to replace the whole thing rather than try to repair it. He said he was covered over with business. It's not just the trucks. The mini vans are the same way. Some believe it was deliberately engineered that way to keep parts and tranmissions flowing from the company.


    My problems are far from unique...

  6. What you're seeing Subby is part and parcel with what's going on with nearly all products made and sold today. It's becoming nearly impossible to work on your own car these days because they have been engineered to fail at certain points AND been machined to make it too difficult or expensive to either repair by the consumer or simply be cheaper to replace rather than repair. It cost me $2500 dollars to replace the transmission in my truck and come to find out that all the transmissions in my trucks brand fail at 75000 miles. They can't be repaired unless you pay triple the amount in labor, it's cheaper to just replace it. I can't even change the spark plugs or the break pads on my truck because you must have special tools to remove those items and they only sell the tools to licensed mechanics...


    Another gimmick that's coming down the line involves tires. The auto companies want to rig the lug nuts so people can't change their own tires, you'll HAVE to call a tow truck and take it to a tire place that has the specialized wrenches to remove it. Then the tire company (they do this with the spark plugs as I found out) will only replace your tires with premium tires (for your "safety" of course) or they won't change the tire. Just one more thing to make Americans wail in dispair...


    Now how about to the creepy crawly front. Bug spray. Anybody notice how the store brand stuff just doesn't work like it use to? That's because the people who make the store brand stuff also make the professional stuff. The Pest/Exterminator Industry got the manufacturers of the pesticides to water down the consumer stuff to the point of ineffectiveness so people would have to call the bug man more to keep the bugs out of the house. The average consumer can't buy the professional strength stuff in the store, they have to have a license. So either pay the pest guy his over inflated prices or get overrun with ants and roaches...


    ...and to add insult to injury. All of the aforementioned products are manufactured overseas at rockbottom/slave wage prices to insure maximum profits for these f*%king bastards... Insane...:angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

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