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Posts posted by peachesga

  1. I think men's dress shirts are $1.09. Can't remember about pants. Hiram is too far to go for me, too.



    Can you tell me what they charge for men's dress shirts and pants? I have used the cleaner in Hiram, but sometimes it's just too far to go.
  2. Does anyone use Cole's Cleaners in Dallas (Kroger shopping center at 61 and 278)? I use them, and have been very satisfied. My question is, what do the points earn you? They show up at the bottom of your receipt. Thanks!

  3. how unbelievably crude.


    Let me guess. You know the allegations are false because:


    A. You worked with him at "The Firm".


    B. You went to church with him.


    C. You believe everything a politician tells you.


    D. You are the lobbyist and whatever it was you wouldn't call it sex.


    E. You are convinced that the only thing a politician screws is the constituents.


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