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About madcohort

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City
  1. WOW.. whole lot said.. 1. We cannot draft in PC.. it works for Powder springs / Acworth / Oregon Park because they play at their park and only their park... In PC u cant sign up to play at BH and get drafter to play at Ridge Road. Wont work... dont even ask for it 2. You will hear : we tried a and b and it didnt work" - BULL HOCKEY... they tried a split schedule - a first half and second half that no one liked cus the parents couldnt plan their schedules. 10u two years ago organized their league in an A and B and it was awesome! U will always get this too if u split :" they should
  2. your right about renovating... But if this is a medical building , they will want to be as close to all the new medical facilities going up in that particular area instead of the old hospital area
  3. I suppose he is... I also suppose that the county can make some much needed revenue by issuing borderline tickets, wouldnt you agree?
  4. Now Riley, the motrorist was obviously in the wrong ( i got the same ticket at the same intersection turning left onto EP)... but you know and i know that there has been a rise in teh amount tikcets being issued in the last year or so. Coincendence? Maybe... But like all municipaliites, i belive that PC needs cash and these tickets help fill the coffers. Yup, it is a safety issue, i agree... but all too often municipalities are under the gun to raise funds through traffic violations....
  5. hahahahahahahahahhahhaha Man... you shoot yourself in the leg and must plea for 2 years you kill a few dogs and interstate gamble and you must plea for 23 months You run someone over while drunk and get 30 days or your a kennedy and you watch someone die, and purposely call everyone but the police and you get re-elected!!! Shouldnt the sentences be reverted? Kennedy get two years? Stallworth get 23 months Vick get 30 days and Plaxico elected to the dumbazz hall of fame? WHOOHOOO.. aint sports grand! Shou
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