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Everything posted by DOT

  1. Let me Guess Adam Gregory,Vernon Collett,Paulette Braddock, And Tony Crowe How many did I miss?
  2. I read the article, and, it plainly states that he wrote the article, if he wanted to respond, why would he not use his own site? What info do you have about who wrote the article?
  3. Mr.Anavitarte It appears to me that you were a driving force to get the Domestic Partnership law passed while serving on The Doraville City Council, I was just wondering if you get elected to post 4 do you plan on spear heading a drive to have it enacted in Paulding County
  4. I s Jason is a member of this organization? GALEO is a 501 © (6) statewide nonprofit and non-partisan organization providing a voice for the growing Latino population in Georgia, and providing a framework for collaborative and proactive legislative initiatives for Georgia's Hispanic community. Some items from the Web site http://www.galeo.org/agenda.php?agenda_id=0000000766 http://www.galeo.org/friends.php
  5. greeneyed girl if you are speaking of this group that is a easy answer, They are all the product of the past good old boy network, You know the tax and spend group, that has nearly bankrupt the county. PSST Let you in on a little conversation that I overheard in the barber shop today, Some of this group has plans to nix the construction of the hospital on bill carruth parkway,and relocate it to the Cedar crest area, Remember what the past adminstration attempted to do with the hospital? Do you remember who owned the land ETC. So........ Let us talk about the issues, Like the proposed hos
  6. Obama,Pelosi and reid are not running for election in Georgia, Only Georgia Democrats and Georgia Republicans, With a few Libertians and Independents. The State of Georgia is in the worst shape it has been in for many years, And I think Georgians are going to vote for more Jobs, Better Education, and Less taxes And the Republicans have failed miserably in all three of these areas Those are the meat and potatoes issue facing Georgia
  7. The bolded is the exact reason that I am voting against Beverly Cochran, and speaking out against Jason, Collett, Lane,Paulette,and Golden
  8. Other than the balanced budget that you mention, Which ones are being enforced? And BTW the budget was balanced on the Backs of the citizens through higher property taxes and higher fees such as hospital fees and new tag fees Oh ...... I forgot to ask are the new immigration laws working, Are they being enforced, How about Tort reform,Is it being enforced, is it working. You are correct those laws were passed, And unenforceable by the Republican Controlled State of Georgia, In the mean time we have the most Bank failures, Hghest unemployment ever recorded, And the legislature has did nothi
  9. Nope our representives felt that it was okay for me to continue to pay the fuel tax,But Delta needed a little break OMG!!!!! So you do agree with bail outs?
  10. How about just citing a couple in General terms?
  11. Real nice diversion tactic yourself, First the Teachers in Paulding County did a tremendous job with our kids, In my opinion, It appears that we have a difference of opinion on this matter. Secondly I asked Did you overlook this question. Surely you can point out some things that were accomplished by our Representives?
  12. I was thinking the same thing, Better not early vote this one the scheeze is sure to hit the fan near the election day
  13. Well I guess Paulding county could reelect some of the good ole boys for the District 19 seat and we can continue business as usual and if the housing market ever rebounds, Maybe the economy will rebound here in Paulding county and the state of Georgia. Or just maybe, Paulding residents are fed up with the business as usual, and will reject the politics of the past. Since you mentioned Delta Workers, Care to talk about a company that went Bankrupt, Transferred all of the pension liability to the government pension plan, That is paid for by other Vested pension plans, And guaranteed by
  14. I have neither posted lies nor trashed Mrs. Cochran, And neither have I sat back and agreed with some of the praise that has been heaped upon her. My friend that is called a Political discussion about the issues. If you have been following the discussion about post #2, I am sure that you Realize that Mrs. Cochran has attempted to distance herself from the past administration, however the interview that Pubby did With Mrs. Cochran certainly dispels any Thought of a disconnect from the previous administration Given that thought you have the opportunity to campaign for or against her as you w
  15. Care to elaborate what kind of help she could provide as a AA, That she can no longer provide?
  16. I believe that the record will reflect that both Golden and Braddock were very liberal when it came to imposing tax increases while serving on the school board. Can you point out some of the tax Increases that Braddock opposed?
  17. I was not here in the 50’s, so I have no idea what it was like here back then. I was here during the 2000 thru 2008 administration and I am completely aware of what it was like then, and even today, some of the remnants of that administration are left over, with the likes of Kirby, Powell, And Ragsdale. Two of which have opted not to seek re election. You Stated It appears to me, that the three commissioners mentioned above refused to move Mrs. Cochran from her previous position, thus the need for the contract in question. As the old saying goes birds of a feather flock together, it
  18. If I have followed and understand the issue correctly, It is not a matter of smarts, But rather a political connection with some of the good old boy commissioners left over fron the previous adminstration
  19. Since when has someone gave you the authority to make such a statement
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