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Posts posted by momoftwo

  1. Was married to #1 for 10 years. (JERK!) :angry:

    Married to #2 for 6 1/2 years, but waiting on news that the divorce is final. (Not really a jerk, just impossible to live with! :glare: )

    The first 2 I married for love. The next one...hhmmmm...let's just say love didn't work out. I'm going for $$!!!! :lol: NOT!!! don't want one, don't need one...for now ;)

    I'm just gonna' have some fun for a while!



    I so agree with you...don't want another one!

    Married #1 he walked out 2 weeks after our daughters first birthday married for 3 years. Divorce was final on 3rd anniversary. Gave daughter up for adoption to second husband...only saw her twice after that.

    Married #2 I left because just didn't care to get hit again married 11 years

    Married #3 He left over 3 years ago because I was unable to work anymore.

    So, no I do not want another marriage when I get this divorce.

  2. I remember all of those. Its funny cause we lived near the Rock store in New Hope. My sister and I would ride our mini bike to the store take a couple of coke bottles to "cash in" and use the money for the gas. It would fill up the tank I think for a dime! I loved those times. Now it seems like everyone is just in a rat race all the time.

  3. Seems a little paranoid to me. Whats the big deal? :unsure: I have had appraisers take pictures of my house for their report. I just happened to be in the yard once when one came by.



    I am not parnoid. I just didn't like the fact that someone was inpinging (sp?) on my privacy. It was just strange and annoying. I have been in my house for 7 years now.

  4. Okay so this person rides by my house and takes pictures of it. When they drove back by I stopped them and asked why were they taking pictures. The reply was we are taking pictures of houses because we are looking for a house..Hello? mine is not for sale! Well we are taking pictures of similiar houses so we can have them for the appraisal of a house we are looking for. I told them they should have asked!

  5. Thats so funny cause when I married the person that I am now divorcing he had clothes that he had worn 25 years earlier! So, yes I tried to clean them out and his reply was always I'll lose some weight one day and get back in them. Well, slowly but surely I threw them out when he would be at work.

  6. Are fireworks allowed with the drought and the burn ban in place? Was just curious because in my subdivision seems fireworks are in order on EVERY holiday. They make me nervous in general because they seem to be fired off at whim not caring where the fireworks go and with the drought and all you never know.

    I just pray that no one shoots off fireworks in the subdivision that I live in. My property is surrounded by trees and that would make for a blaze! But in my subdivision someone is shooting off fireworks all year long. Its like for example its national tree day lets shoot off fireworks. And it drives my dog crazy! It is so dry I hope everyone uses common sense!

  7. Just as soon as you click on the box it should open it up and then start playing. I will check it.


    I checked and everything is working fine on this side. Hope you can hear it.

  8. It takes me to your photobucket page but it doesn't play! How did everyone else here it?


    Just as soon as you click on the box it should open it up and then start playing. I will check it.

  9. th_ThreeSongs001.jpg


    Click on this box to hear Sky Full of Angels.

    She is in the middle of being signed with a record label.


    I figured it was you or someone you new. I don't know how old she is but I would say. With more musical instruments and some back up singers. Who knows . I real think it is good and could be made better. She knows her highs and lows pretty good. Did she wright this song? I would tell her not to give up. She is on a good start.Singing is hard and it takes practice and more practice.Tell her to Hang in there.


    Thanks. She is 24 and has been singing for a while now. She has sang in a Southern Gospel group and is just now starting on her own.

    She is in the process of getting her demo done.

  10. Okay so sorry I couldn't figure out how to post it. Give it a listen and let me know that you think. You can also go to myspace.com/jennifertruitt1982 to hear another song.

  11. Hey everyone,

    I know this is unusual for me to post something like this, but I think everyone needs to be aware and know what is going on. I am sending this to you, so you will in return send it to all the women you know and care about.

    My sister just informed me that she spoke to a police officer today (on a field trip to the zoo with her daughter's class) that there will be HEAVY police activity in the metro area this weekend, specifically Lithia Springs, Douglasville,Villa Rica and Carrollton. The police officer went on to tell Alicia to pass this information on to others.

    There has been a lot of vehicles broken into lately in broad daylight in Carrollton and in Douglas, which sparked the interest of the police to watch out in the parking lots for suspicious people. This past week the Carroll County officials arrested several hispanic gang members at the Carroll County Walmart. It was reported to the police there will be an initiation this weekend that will take place at a Walmart, in either of the towns I just mentioned. The initiation for this gang is for a wanna be member to abduct, kidnapp, rape and murder a woman who is by their self at a Walmart. The officers will be out in record numbers beginning today and ending Sunday night at the Walmarts in the surrounding areas.

    Please be careful and be watchful of those around where you are. My sister was very serious when she was telling me this, and now I am telling you. Be careful. And please pass this along to anyone possible.



    This was a bulletin that I had gotten also. In my opinion I had rather be safe than sorry. Hoax or No Hoax when anything like this comes up I personally would rather be "informed" to let my family and friends know to at least be careful and watchful. People shouldn't make fun on a situation like this because I am sure that you wouldn't be laughing if it was true and it could be your wife, your mom, your sister or your daughter. Just be careful and be aware of your surroundings. After all this is 2007 and we are not living in Mayberry anymore!

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