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Posts posted by momoftwo

  1. I have had a myspace for about 2 years now. I have never had a problem with myspace. I run my virus program every 2 weeks and run the spyware program weekly. Could be in an email your recieved?? Other than that I have never had a problem with myspace.

  2. Thank you everyone. I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning and he actually followed me down the steps. Ate his ground beef and was wagging his tail! He has not been sick today and his pooie is not as loose. Hopefully tomorrow will be a even better day!!

  3. sounds like it is food related only but is he running a fever? (ears will feel really warm to the touch) if not fever, get him back to old food first and foremost -- switching food should be done over at least a week, starting with more of the old food with a little new thrown in, to more new food with a little of the old food thrown in - changing the ratio of old to new slightly each day but might still cause some tummy problems --


    tonight some ground beef would be okay - but rinse it before serving (boiled is better but rinsing will get off a lot of the grease), mixed with rice is great if you can, do not give a lot of this mixture! I'm assuming your "baby" is 8 -10 pounds? I would not feed more than 1/4 - 1/3 cup food tonight, can feed more tomorrow if he is better.


    on the yogurt - your call on to do it or not. I've never done it for a short term, one time problem - but have for situations which have been several days or a week in duration (the boiled beef/rice mixture is good short term day or two problem). IF you do give some yogurt, you only should give a tablespoon or so and it should be PLAIN yogurt - the fruit is not really good and will add additional problems.


    good luck!


    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. My baby is 5 pounds. He is my baby...Its hard for me to even leave him in another room if he don't feel like following me. He is my constant companion! He is not warm. You can just tell that he feels bad.

  4. First of all.....get him back on his regular food and transition him to the new food slowly, like 3 of 4 weeks. Get some kids pedialite and let him drink that instead of water....that will get him back on track.




    Thanks I will try that. He was eating Jim Dandy food and we got a bag of Kibbles N'Bits for a change. I will go and get some Pedialyte.

  5. My 4 year old tiny toy poodle started getting sick yesterday. He has had diahrea, vomiting and he will not eat anything today. He is drinking water but not eating. We changed his food and this started I am not sure if it was just a coinsidence or not. The problem is I do not have the money to take him to the vet. Does any one know of a vet that will make payment arrangements? Help its breaking my heart.

  6. I always had the same question about people bringing their sick children to church. High fevers, strep, and anything that is contagious. We even had people bring their children with chicken pox! If you have sickness....stay at home....no one else wants it.

  7. I have a friend that just had a similar situation. She called around, and ended up paying $250. Do you have an actual survey that was done? You looking at the legal map that's on file with the county?


    I have the plat that I was given at closing.

  8. That's probably about the going rate, unfortunately.


    Usuallt your pins nearest the road are easiest to locate.

    (Look around where you think the line is... about 6' to 10' off the road)


    If you can locate both of those, and you have the plat, and your land is clear enough

    on the borders... you might be able to measure out lengths of twine/rope/whatever

    the right size for your 'sides', and walk each out until you hit the end of the twine. A simple

    arc between yours and your neighbors should have you walking all over your pin on each side.


    (That is, if your neighbors haven't yanked the pins and placed them where they

    want them... knowing you don't want to pay to have a survey. Sucks, but happens)


    That's the problem. I have lived here for 7 years and the people next door also. We always knew where the pin was closest to the road. She had her's surveyed?? It moved the pin over like 3 feet. She placed a corner fence because of where the pin was. Now I don't know. My land is totally cleared.

  9. Does anyone know of a survey company that is reasonable. We have a problem with the property line and I called the people who surveyed my property when I bought it. They want $250.00 just to show me where two of my pins are. I have the property plat but what we thought was the "pin" is now being said that it is not by the adjoining property owner. If anyone knows of someone please let me know. Thanks in advance!

  10. My daughter has lost 14 pounds on her on. Put smaller portions on your plate and stay away from high fat and count calories. It hasn't costed her anything to back away from the table and use smaller portions. My son lost 115 pounds on weight watchers but he didn't go to the meetings. We borrowed the books from someone and he counted his points. He lost the weight in 9 months. Also, cutting out all the sugars will help in losing weight also. Its a lot less expensive also.

  11. C_Watkins:


    I would tend to believe that the distinction may be parsing words or matter of semantics. Just as you or I would likely have a sore spot from a bee sting; others more sensitive could have a systemic reaction. However if we had a dozen stings, we could develop a more serious reaction. Regardless, that some are less sensitve to the bee's poison sting begs the question.


    I know for instance that I have a resistance to poison ivy. I've walked through it and I do have a reaction ... bad itching but if I wash it off, my skin doesn't break out. Now my brother or wife, either one, would develop the most horrible of rashes with even the slightest contact. Yet most in the medical field would say that poison ivy is 'poison' because the vast majority of people do have a predicably harsh reaction to it.


    Bottom line, what is being argued is really semantics. The CDC may say that mold is not a toxin but to suggest it is enert is belied by the requirement that mold in a home has to be disclosed to prospective buyers.


    I think we do everyone a disservice by denial of a problem.


    In terms of your assertion that you or I would probably have mold in our bloodstream if we were so exposed, I would question. The reason is that I suspect that some of us have immune systems that are just capable of handling the molds around us better just as I am able to handle, more effectively, the toxins associated with poison ivy.




    As far as the bee stings I am very allergic and have to get a shot if I am stung. My sister on the other hand is not allergic. She has the problem with the mold in their house but her husband does not. Her lung dr has been the one to tell her that the mold is her problem.

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