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Posts posted by momoftwo

  1. That's so funny because when my dad was alive and he had a garden they had squirrels that would come and steal their tomatoes (the green ones) and put them on the fence post! Daddy got a kick out of them though.


    Actually there is help...and the sooner you admit you are a pcomer...the better.


    Twelve Steps to PCOM

    1. We admitted we were powerless over pcom that is owned and operated by Pubby — that our lives had become unmanageable.


    2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could connect us to faster internet service.


    3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Pubby as we understood Him.


    4. Made a searching and fearless profile and avatar for ourselves.


    5. Admitted to Pubby, to ourselves, and to another top 20 pcom poster being the exact nature of our wrongs.


    6. Were entirely ready to have a pcom call out remove all these defects of character.


    7. Humbly asked pcom posters to point out our shortcomings, misspellings and grammar errors.


    8. Made a list of all pcom posters we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all with an I'm sorry thread and/or fundraiser.


    9. Made direct amends to such pcom posters wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others or the pcom moderators closed down the thread.


    10. Continued to take personal inventory, airing all dirty laundry on pcom and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.


    11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with Pubby as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out (prayers said).


    12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs by posting links to pcom on all our websites, including myspace.[/size




    Hello my name is Penguin...I am a pcomer.


    Sounds like someone is in/has been in Celebrate Recovery....

  3. OK so I get a prescription for Percocet.

    Walgreens gave me OXYCODONE/APAP 10MG/325MG

    Target gave me ENDOCET 7.5/325

    I was in more pain yesterday than anyday before, and that was my first day with ENDOCET.

    so my questions are:

    do the different name brands work differently.

    or does the 7.5mg and 10mg #'s make a big difference.



    My daughter use to be a pharmacy tech. She says its the same thing different brand names. If you are still in pain and concerned check with the pharmicist or your doctor.

  4. P.B. Ritch's fall festival will be Oct. 5 (Friday night from 5-8) anyone interested in setting up table for FREE, please pm me!


    Yes it's FREE to set up a table!!! ** They just ask that you raffle away one small something at your table **


    Just pm me so I can get your name/number so I can let PTA know who and how many to expect!


    also we just ask you bring you own table/set up!






    I sent you a PM I want to participate.

  5. If anyone in the Rome area is looking for a job, we are starting to hire for tax season. We're having a job fair Thurday form 9-6 up here at CCH SFS (6 Mathis Drive). I think we are looking to hire on 15-20 direct hires, and 100 or so temps (through Kelly services) with the possibility to get hired on directly after tax season. So if your interested just come on in on Thursday and be sure to bring a resume if ya got one and GOOD LUCK!


    This was a message I got from a friend today. I use to work there also before I became disabled. I went in through the temp agency and was hired on permanent. It is a good place to work. You work long hours during tax season and it is doing tech/customer support for a tax software program.

  6. Claude Samuel Hall Jr. “Junior”


    West Cobb Funeral Home


    Visitation: Wednesday 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm


    Thursday 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm


    Funeral will be Friday in the chapel @ 11:00 am


    For most of Paulding county that knew this is Sammy Hall's dad.

  7. This was written to me after I offered to help this man with clothing. I am thinking of collecting food for him during the 50c sale.

    Read this and tell me with if you can help or not.

    Dear Kristi:


    I appreciate your concern. God knows I really do. I am sorry if I took my anger and flustratitions out on you. As far as more about my situation it is a long story that started January 17 2005 and now my situation is on the last string of the rope.


    I have never been one to ask for help in anyway. I have always been the one that was there to give. I have litterly given the shirt off my back to help someone. I have given my last dime to help people because I always knew that I could replace it. I have always worked my whole life, most of the time two jobs at a time.


    But.. January 14, 2005 while I was at work, my entire left side went dumb and I could not move or talk. One of my co-workers called the medics and had me taken to the hospital. On January 17, 2005 emergency surgery was done on my C-spine where the C5 had collapsed causing stenosis of the spin cord. (nothing has been the same since) On July 15 2005 I was rushed back to have surgery on the L4-L5 where they had collapsed.


    All of my benefits from my employer ran out November 11 2005 leaving me with no income, no insurance nothing. Even the company doing my SSDI was withdrawn. Leaving me broke and with no help. Social Security turned me down on December 9 2005. I was turned down for any kind of assistance from the State. No food stamp, medical coverage nothing.


    Since than I have sold everything I own to keep living. I even sold my home, my furniture, everything and moved into a roommate situation where the room was furnished. I have been go to Department of Labor Vocitional Rehab Services trying to get work. No one will hire me because of my disabilities.


    Now I have nothing at all. This past week the only food I have had is what I had left in my cabinets. The last of the can goods, and dry goods. I have had no meat, bread, milk anything except can vegies, can soup, and dry noodles for the past week. Well yesterday I had the last pack of dry noodles and have nothing else. I was having this garage sale so that I could buy some food. I am suppose to be eating at least one portion of meat each day to help with bone denisity.


    I have not sold a thing at the garage sale. Never in my life have I ever had a garage sale where I have sold nothing. I just can't believe it. I have called a couple of the food banks to try and get some food, but I have to go there to get food. I have no car, my truck was reposed last month because I could no longer make the payments. I explain this and am told, "We would love to help you but you have to help yourself too". "In order for us to help you, you have to find a way to us, we can't come to you." I have no one here. I have no family. My roommate is staying in Cartersville now and does not have the time to come down to help me get to a food bank. He has been a God sent angle because he is not kicking me out. I have not paid my rent in 2 months now. What more can I ask of this man? If it was not for him I would be homeless.


    I just have nothing left to give. Some times I beg to be taken out of this world. Why am I being made to stay when I can do nothing for anyone or for myself. I have always given. I have even opened my home to others and been wronged for it. Why am I still here?


    Anyway, you wanted to know, now you know.




    I understand his pain. I am practically in the same situation. There is also a place behind the hospital on Buchanan street called Higher Ground that can help with food. I have nothing to give but I can pray.

  8. Just so you know, I'm the one Jason is asking for help for. I had no idea he was going to do this. He just informed of this a few minutes ago. For the record...My now ex-husband has been gone since October. We had to move into a smaller house, which we still really can't afford without his paycheck. I get no extra help from my 1st ex (father of kids) other than child support. He didn't help with school clothes or supplies. Even though I am a bus driver and could've taken the summer off, I worked all summer to try to make ends meet. (They still don't.) I will continue to work a 2nd job as soon as they put me back on the schedule. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I've been wearing the same pair of tennis shoes for 2 years. I just don't spend money on myself. I try to take care of my kids first. I'm not one to ask for help. So by all means, don't help if you don't feel comfortable. But I can tell you I won't refuse help that is offered for my children. If it was just me, I'll manage. But my kids are a different story. I'll never refuse help for them! My mom is running any last minute errands she has to do before she heads out to Carmax to sell her car. This really is tough for all of us.


    You have no idea how hard it is for me to tell all of this personal info, so please realize how desperate we must be. You don't have to give anything, just please don't judge me or scold me. If all you can offer are prayers, they are greatly appreciated too!! :wub: I just keep telling myself...This too shall pass.


    I understand your pain. It is hard when you can't make ends meet. I understand how a spouse leaving puts you into a hard financial bind. My husband (I use that loosely) left over 3 years ago and I have gotten no help from him. I understand your pain on the shoe deal. Its been about 3 years since I have bought any shoes. This summer I am wearing my daughters flip flops she wears a 9 and I wear a 7. Though I cannot help you financially I sure can help you by praying. That is what has gotten me though so far. My problem is that I am disabled and just get a monthly check. Thankfully you are able to work and I know that God will bless you. Right now you are walking in the valley and that is when we learn. Before long God will have you on the mountain top! God bless you and if you ever just need to talk you can PM me.

  9. I expected that place would go out of business. It always stunk in there and they didn't take very good care of the animals. We were in there twice and each time they had puppies that was quarantined or sick. Not to mention they didn't have very nice workers there also.

  10. Does anyone know of a program that will convert a photo to a cross stitch pattern? I have searched the web but I am not to fond of downloading unfamiliar sites. So if anyone knows of a program please let me know. Thanks!!

  11. My daughter has a Zeta electric violin that she needs to sell. Does anyone know of a music place that buys used instruments? We have tried Guitar center and Ken Stanton. We don't want to carry it to a pawn shop. It has only been played a few times. Its in perfect condition. If any one knows of place please let me know. Thanks!!

  12. Okay so I was walking in my yard on Saturday and stepped into a yellow jacket nest. I got stung 3 times, thankfully that was all because I am highly allergic and ended up in the ER. They had to give me breathing treatments, prednisone, morphine and a prescription for the epi-pen! It had been 15 years since I had been stung by anything. So, I waited thinking since it had been so long maybe I wouldn't have a problem. Wrong! My mom poured gas into the hole and killed them!! Be careful everyone.

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