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Posts posted by momoftwo

  1. I worked for McD for years and I was mostly in drive thru. I either took the money or handed out the food. When I handed out the food if I saw 1 person in the car with 2 or more drinks I always put them in a drink carrier without asking the customer. I had a lot of people to take them out of the carrier and hand it back with I don't need it but thank you. As far as putting ketchup, BBQ sauce and so on in your bag that cuts into the money. If you put condiments in each bag and that person didn't want any and is then throwed away that is money lost. That is why there is a sign that states condiments on request are given. I do think the young people need to be more customer aware. My BIGGEST pet peeve is standing at the counter and asked can I help you? Then when you try to tell them what you want they are turned around talking to co-workers and ask you HUH? That not only happens at fast food but at basically any store.

  2. I had a big box van do that to me when I was pregnant with my youngest child. You should've seen the look on that guys face when I got out of the car all big and pregnant. <_< Lucky for him me and and the baby were fine.


    Sorry that happened to you.


    Thanks. When I was 4 months pregnant with my son we were hit in the side of my car, which was a Chevy Chevette. We were hit by teenagers and when I got out of the car both of the boys said oh man! She's pregnant. I was already big because they thought I was going to have twins. But I am short so I showed early. Thank God we were okay today. It could have been worse considering how fast everyone was flying coming down 41 from Cartersville.


  3. dang girl,


    you are lucky she was honest and you didn't get ticketed for rear-ending her!

    Yeah, my mom and sister were close by so they stopped by. My mom was afraid of that also. They wouldn't get out of the car and we were afraid they were going to leave.

  4. Okay so most of you know my daughter on here JennieBug. We got hit by a car today. It was really the craziest thing though. We had stopped at the Chevron at the corner of the 41 flea market so when I pulled out on the 41 side to get in the first lane to continue on 41 this "person"sitting at the red light throwed it into reverse and plowed right into us!I didn't have time to put the car in reverse so I started blowing the horn. But to no avail she didn't hear it. Okay so the jolt was hard enough to knock the lady's bumper loose and jolted us pretty bad also. Having a bad back it doesn't take much of a jolt to stir things up. It jolted up her knee which she just had surgery on 3 weeks ago so we went to have it x-rayed. We are okay just sore. BUT PLEASE WATCH OUT FOR THOSE PEOPLE DRIVING IN REVERSE!! LOL

    She said she had went past the white line to stop at the red light and decided to back up. She said she thought I was in the other lane...go figure!

  5. I have had 4 houses built in Paulding. I would like to say a few things;


    She notified the builder of the outside crack withen 3 months of closing.


    Builders will normally warranty a home for a period of 1 year.


    After 1 year the HOW goes into effect. Normally it is a 2/10 warranty and that is IF your builder provides one. I would personally not close on a house without one in the contract.


    She should have persude the builder within the first year. However, since she didn't, it is now structural and the HOW should be responsible. If it were me, I would put it on the news too.


    My whole comment is the fact that SHE SHOULD HAVE pursued the problem harder and within that first year. But SHE DID NOT and yes I do know for a fact that she didn't. IF you want to know more PM me. If she would have pursued the problem in the first year things would probably not be as bad now. I hope she gets her house fixed. I DO agree that is what the home owner warranty is for. My argument is she delayed on this for 7 years something that SHE did know about.


  6. Well, after sitting by and reading on both of the post lets see. On the video she states that she knew about the crack on the outside....yes, that is correct but what is failed to mention in the segment is that she also knew about the crack on the inside. The carpet had been pulled back way long before they were going to put in hardwoods. She had known about this problem for I know about 7 years.

    So my question is: Why she didn't pursue the problem before now?

    Why wasn't the carpet layed back over the "crack" when it was found to make sure nothing came through the crack?

    Why are you going to leave your windows up in 20 degree temperatures?

    My warranty imformation is as follows: The builder is responsible for one year.

    I know because I had a creaky floor that he came and fixed.

    The viewing public is only getting one side of this story.

    A question for the experts: The crack is wider on the inside of the house than it is on the outside. It is the same continuous crack, why?





    Oh, I remember that about the pancake mix.I had seen it on TV when they were telling about it. But I had forgotten. I agree a couple of days past the expiration date on cans is fine but not years.


  8. I know what you mean. My sister has gotten some bad food at food banks before. It should be regulated better.


    Did you get to go to that food bank where you could pick out what you wanted for $8 yet? You could check out the expiration dates that way and get what you need too.


    No, don't have the gas right now until my check comes in at the end of the month. But I am planning then to go.


  9. My mom is on Fateo?? I think that is the name. Its an injection that she has to give her self daily for 2 years and then once a month thereafter. Not to mention having to go to the specialist for a 20 minute IV therapy once a month.

    We would really be shocked if we had all the information on all medicines.

  10. Again.....did you want some help organizing any sort of food drive for the local food banks?


    I can't do a food drive. The only time I get out of my house is to go to the doctor and the store once a month. Other than that I am at home. I don't know what to tell you I just know my body can't do it.




  11. If yur situation is as u say it is..why are you not recieving foodstamps?



    I was sick for awhile with kidney stones and food banks were my savior..as well as gracious p.commers who went above and beyond to help me.....and I have been to many food banks... and varely rarely have I even recieved meat..let alone bad meat..mostly can foods and bread..( which has never been moldy) I have recieved lots of food written in spanish had no clue what it was but if im hungry I will eat it...

    as far as can goods it has a bast if used by date..does not mean it is bad by that date..just not as fresh.. I must say I nor my children have ever gotten sick from any of the food banks food..and I think to complain about a charity organization trying to help you is very ungrateful... as I said before if the situation is as u said get food stamps..if u can't then there is something else going on that you choose not to exspose.... I appreciate everything the food banks do and have much respect for people who woork for free to help feed my children when I was unable..and your bashing of this site is ridicous as these people will give you the shirts off your back to help if it is needed... but they will not help you when you have such a stank self deserving attitude...


    To further my explanation, yes I do get food stamps. I was able to start getting them about 6 months ago. I went as long as I could trying not to have to apply but I did break down to apply. I have not been to a food bank in a while now. My only explanation was food should be monitored in food banks as the same in grocery stores. I do not have a self deserving attitude. I do not expect anything from anyone. Outside of going to food banks I have made my way of selling items to help out monetarily. If I stepped on toes I had no intentions of doing that. But everyone always reads what they want to in any situation.


  12. Here we go again! Taking something that was said out of context just to make childish remarks. Let me phrase it differently once again! Even if you have never been there...go ahead and comment...you are going to anyway!

  13. From the other post I see that most of the people were ticked off about my comment on bad food from food banks. Let me explain maybe in a better way. I have always been grateful and appreciative when I have had to get food from a food bank. My statement was about food that is out of date. I don't think it should be any different in a food bank than in a grocery store about "food quality". I was only trying to express the fact that going to a food bank should not mean that you should have to recieve out of date food. Cans that have expiration dates of 2005 should not even be on the shelfs in 2007. I have always been appreciative even when I was throwing up due to something being spoiled. No one can tell me that it would not bother you to recieve out of date food for you to eat and feed to your children praying that they will not get sick. That is the fact that I am trying to make, not that I am unappreciative. But no one will never know about it until you have been there. So unless you have been in that situation you really don't have a point to make about it. I do understand that the food is given to the food banks. I am not stupid. But I see it as the responsibility of the food banks to make sure that food is not out of date.

  14. My doctor told me today i am on the "high end" of too amniotic fluid meaning i have more than i should. He said that either i am not absorbing it like i should be or my baby isn't injesting it like she should be. What could be the downside to this? They called me after i left the office to tell me so of course my questions came after i hung up the phone! I am going back thursday though and am going to tak e alist of my questions with me..but in the meantime does anyone know anything about this and what could be the downfall? It seems like everytime i go to the doc there is a new "problem". I hope my baby is going to be ok :( Last week i was in the hospital because my potassium level had gotten so low it was beyond critical. I couldn't even stand up or walk. I had lost all strength in my legs! And now this...they said they are "going to keep a close eye " on it. And will give me another ultrasound at 39 weeks (im 37 and a day right now) to check the fluid.


    Anyhoo...i strayed off my subject..so does anyone know anything about my original question ?


    My niece had to much fluid with her last baby. But everything was fine with him. Good luck


  15. As you all know, I too have been battling SS and have lost my home and everything and even ended up homeless for 10 weeks. And thanks to the help of my community here I was able to come back off the street for a few months. I may end up homeless again in March if I don't get SS by then.


    I started my fight January 17, 2005 and still am waiting and seeing this video this morning made my stomach tie up in knots.


    And to my friend Fluffy, no they are not going to pay you all the way back. The farthest they go back and pay is 3 years. That came right from the mouth of my SS worker. Only three years no matter how long it has taken.


    This video has me scared to death because I have already lost everything, I have nothing else to lose except my life. Is this what my government wants is for me to lose my life?


    Georgia is one of the state that has the quota system we need to write each of our Representatives and Senators and send them the link to this video and demand that they take action or more of us will be visiting each other out there on the streets as homeless hard workers kicked to the curb by our government that took our money for years and now won't help us.


    Please help me in starting a strong campaign against Social Security on the State and Federal Levels. This has to end. How many people have died because they could not get disability? Think about that good and hard. According to the video, most people that are turned down the first time never re-apply. How many of them have lost everything and ended up on the street as homeless and died?


    Okay, hello everyone. After sitting and reading these post I just had to post my history. Also after listening to the video.

    Thomas, you said that you started your fight as of January 2005 with your disability claim. I started mine December 2005 but that was not the first claim. As stated in the video people just give up! I filed a claim in 2001 because I was taken out of work from my doctor and was told to file for disability. I was denied twice and then filed to go before the Administrated Law Judge....at that hearing I had never been more humiliated in my life by a "man" that didn't know my daily life. He didn't live in my body and know what I was going through but he could sit and make a decision on my life because of his title. I went before this judge twice. I have Lupus which was one of the claims...I was told that if I had ANA's of 640 he could approve my disability claim. All of the medical records were in front of him with positive ANA's of 640. He refused to listen to the attorney. At that time I received a denial on my claim. The attorney filed an appeal which has taken 3 years to hear from. I did go back and try to "work". I was so disgusted! I was unable to work. So in 2005 I filed a second claim. I received a letter from my attorney that my first case has been remanded back to the law judge because there was evidence it should have been approved. I did get a letter a couple of weeks ago the SS court has requested the evidence form so I should have a hearing I was told in the next couple of months. My medical conditions are Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylitis, Bursitis, Depression and Anxiety Disorder, Degenerative Disk Disease, and Herniated Disk. I walk with a cane and I am on a walker more now than the cane. I cannot get all of the meds that I need or the medical treatment that I need for lack of money. Though I was told with the first case that I needed to go to the doctor more. Hello??? No money...no doctor! I do not understand SS. If my doctor disables me then why should a "man" rebuke that when they are not medical doctors? Yes, I would love to work and make the money that I use to. I would love to go out and eat at a restraunt. We do good just to eat. I would love to buy new clothes. I would love not to have to sell my belongings. But we live in a world where our lives are dictated by the government.

    For all that are disabled and fighting the fight for their benefits I feel what you are going through. My days are spent either sitting, laying or sleeping. I do not like to go anywhere because I pay for it with my body.

    So to everyone keep fighting it has to stop sometime.


  16. post-5604-1187811221_thumb.jpgpost-5604-1187811231_thumb.jpgOkay, don't forget about the yard sale in Safe Harbor Subdivision on Buchanan Hwy Friday and Saturday. We will have lots of misc items such as household items, clothes, shoes, CD's, craft items, speaker box for automobile, children's clothes, pictures, toys, and a lot more stuff. I am posting a pic of one of my items. It is a three shelf corner birdhouse unit. Also a pic of one our very own creations, Miss Pumpkin, she makes a beautiful centerpiece which she also has a candle holder for more beauty.
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