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Everything posted by chickadee

  1. As of midnight we have just under 5 inches.
  2. At 10:15pm we had just over 2 inches.
  3. Our son, Jacob, decided he wanted to track the snow fall so we measured off a piece of wood and secured it to the back porch so we could watch the snow total. He's created a log complete with the time and depth of the snow. As of 9:45 in East Paulding, Jake was measuring the snow fall at 1 inch deep. Stay tuned for updates on the total.
  4. Love, love, love this! I'm sure I know of two little boys that will be by to see you.
  5. So sad to hear this. I grew up knowing the Parkers. Wonderful people.
  6. Daddy... I mean JohnnyJ... is out of the hospital! He is staying with family until we feel more comfortable with his ability to get around on his own. If you want to go see him, call him, etc send me a PM and I'll give you directions. It may take me a bit to respond but I promise I will. Thank you all so much for your love and support - and not just this week. We've been part of the pcom family for a long time and I have seen some amazing things come from this network of people. You are more than just friends, you are family. We are very grateful for your love and support. Al
  7. Looks like he's coming home today! He's going to stay with family for a day or two just to be safe and then we'll let him go back home!
  8. I was going to say it was "user error". He'll be in a wheelchair for a few days and then they'll progress to a walker. We'll see. Chickadee
  9. Update - hemoglobin is low so they are giving him some blood.
  10. Yes - Room 312! Let the visiting begin! I need him up as much as possible. He's been laying and sleeping too much. Doctors want him up!
  11. Thank you all so much for your help. We may be able to help a few extra people if this pace keeps going. We've had to turn people away in the last month or so because we didn't have the resources to help them. Thank you all! Matt's cell number is 678-825-7485. He's at work but leave him a message and he will call you back as soon as he can! Chickadee
  12. Good morning! I spoke to Daddy this morning and he sounded 100% better! He was awake and able to carry on a conversation with me. He wasn't in pain. Those of you that have been to see him know how much of an improvement that is! We will update when there's more to know. I'm sure you will probably see him snooping around on here at some point today! Caped Crusader ---- he enjoyed some of those dumplins last night! I just kept shoveling them in! He asked me if I was trying to fatten him up for Thanksgiving. Thank you so much! Thank you to LPPT and the rest of you as
  13. Surgery is done. All went well. We are waiting for him to wake up. He does have pneumonia so they want to get him up as soon as possible. We are waiting to see him now. Chickadee
  14. UPDATE - When I walked in at 130p today the nurse told me they were going ahead with the surgery. They are putting in a rod to repair the hip. We walked down to the OR with him and he was being his normal self trying to talk me in to getting him a cigarette. He should know better than to ask me but he did it anyway. The doctor said the procedure should only take about an hour. The nurse just told us at 220p that they were getting started. I'll update when I know more. Can someone get in touch with LPPT for me and let her know? Dad's phone is deader than dead so I can't get
  15. Update - the ortho doctor just came in. He's concerned with how the break is in addition to how thin Daddy's blood is so they are going to run some more tests. The doc said that normally you do not see these types of breaks in people this young so he's concerned that there is something else going on with his bones in general. But of course, it's a waiting game - we have to wait for more tests to find out what the next step is. Stay tuned.
  16. Hi everyone. Daddy is doing fine just sleeping a lot. We will have an update regarding when the surgery will take place sometime tomorrow. His blood was too thin to do it today. Thank you all for the get well wishes, prayers, thoughts, etc.... Take care! Chickadee
  17. My brother and I are sharing that responsibility. He's supposed to be going to our step-sister's a few days during the break as well.
  18. Hi all! We finally saw the cardiologist. They cleared Daddy for surgery. They said that considering his history of heart issues that his heart looks well which is wonderful news. Now we are waiting on the lung doctor. As LPPT said he is in pain but they have him on a Morphine pump right now so he is managing. Before I left he told the nurse he had no pain so that is good. We still do not know anything about when they will do the surgery. As for what we need - thank you all so much for your offers. At the moment I think we are okay. Cards, phone calls, and visits for no
  19. Thanks for calling! Didn't mean to run so quickly... they were asking questions and no one knew the answers but me, of course... LOL As soon as I know more I'll update. He's pretty much out of it right now. Morphine is his friend right now.
  20. I called and left her a message this morning but haven't heard back. Then I sent a message to her, Pubby, and Lady Raider.
  21. Say a little prayer, kind thought, etc for JohnnyJ. He fell this morning and fractured his hip. He's at WellStar Paulding in room 312. Surgery is a must but it can't be done just yet. He has to be cleared by the doctors for surgery. Chickadee
  22. Elementary at 10:30 and Middle/High at 11:30
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