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Everything posted by WHITEY

  1. Were you involved in assessing the cost and benefits of economic development projects at the airport? I am concerned about the 2,000 to 3,000 proposed jobs that would be created at the airport, Do you have any idea where that came from after spending $67,000,000 and only three jobs created everyone should be concerned.
  2. Yea he was the lead man on the movie theatre and was also the very involved in the airport deal.
  3. Jamie everything is about JOBS JOBS JOBS how many PAULDING COUNTY FOLKS are working there and how many from outside the county.... The airport created three jobs... Two are not Paulding County Residents. Did the study you made show how many residents moved here expecting to work here?


    Well I know there was a meeting on it last week, Seems like I remember some of that group making some statements that all the deals at the airport was done open in public meeting etc. so I just want to make sure if the IBA was meeting that they issue minutes where we know what is being discussed
  5. You are probably hallucinating, No pirouette... but you are increasing my vocabulary. Why should there be any tax breaks for profitable business ? You do see what that has caused with the movie studio.


    I was in the barber shop this morning and overheard a conversation that there was a meeting last week concerning the Convention Center/Major Hotel chain. What are you hearing... Is it going to be placed on the Ballot and let the folks that ARE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY FOR IT vote it up or down..... Or is it going to be secretly voted on by the IBA and crammed down our throats similar to the Airport deal.. Dang Can't believe they would even consider a convention center when the general fund is now paying for the airport. Heck I do believe there were a quorum of IBA members present along with
  7. I guess you can read whatever you want into the post but if you will do a little research I posted my opposition to all tax abatements and special tax breaks when it was being proposed before it became law. T o make myself clear... I have never supported tax breaks for large Corporations.... Heck I don't even support the tax breaks that Jamie is promoting for interoll or Ronchii. Heck there is no guarantee that any Paulding county citizens will work at either place, Reminds me of the airport......... What a waste of tax dollars
  8. Pubby I am for a bond issue in May of this year, Let the citizens decide if they want tax dollars to continue the expansion of the airport, Dang that will settle everything. You are clever with your words, But do you recall all the tax breaks that was given to the large Corporations (not just delta) that had to be renewed every year.... And it was creating quite a stir at the Capitol mostly in election years when all the State wide offices were up for grabs??? Remember they passed the new tax deal that done away with the Birthday tax and in return taxed all sales of all vehicles NEW AND U
  9. That is exactly the point I was asking about. When folks proclaim that we need a manufacturing tax base, They really need to explain when that tax will begin to be paid.... If any of these company's go under or decide to move at the end of ten years then the County has lost over a million in tax abatements. Furthermore they also need to assure the citizens that Paulding County workers will be used, Not workers that commute from Cobb Douglasville etc...... After all the tax abatement is for the purpose of creating jobs for Paulding County workers using Paulding County Tax dollars to build an
  10. Jamie are you saying the Interoll will pay $1,773,658 in property taxes over the next 11 years?
  11. Never was meant to be temporary, It was part of the overall tax package that was adopted and passed by the legislature when the entire tax structure was over hauled. Fact is it was made permanent by the statute and Howard Maxwell voted for the changes. Howard and Mike need to understand that the folks up in the western part of the county don't want the airport to be expanded.
  12. Rockysmom that is not so I only want all of the commissioners to be open, honest and transparent. All of them should live up to the campaign promises they made when they ran for office. I am not comfortable with any of them sneaking around and having secret meetings and excluding other commissioners from those meetings that was directly affected. Do I think David Austin should be recalled..... Hell yes he was the ring leader of this scam... two of the others are going to face the voters this may.. Are you okay with the way this deal was handled?
  13. I am more concerned about who had the counsel submit this to Howard Maxwell, Was he duped into thinking the Commissioners would pass a resolution this strong.
  14. If the leaders of this county would get on this board and be open, honest and transparent they could resolve this entire mess. The problem is they are not going to face the public in a meeting where they could be asked questions and be expected to answer those questions. Are you watching the videos that are being provided on face book of the BOC meetings. there has been some communication there.. are you okay with what you are hearing?
  15. Mojo 413 I see what you are talking about in the handout, I am not sure where that information came from. I am looking at the Ad that the Chamber ran that had the Board of directors and the executive board implying support for the ad and it plainly states "2,000 to 3,000 new jobs by attracting a variety of aerospace businesses near the airport". The chamber could of mentioned it in the Myth and Facts that they put out but I do not recall that. Cpr probably knows seems she is in tight with Carolyn and Shelbia. Hey I think you are correct maybe CPR can get the Chamber to host a pro air
  16. Who is Shelbia? I always thought that Blake, Carolyn, and Jamie was working hand and hand together to promote and bring jobs to the County. Carolyn always runs ads and other things promoting Jobs Jobs Jobs And More jobs And So does Blake and Jamie, I really thought we had a dynamic trio of folks working to bring jobs to Paulding County. Heck I heard Carolyn speak at the IBA meeting about the special tour that certain folks were going to get before the Hospital opens some kind of tour. I thought that Jamie would of been appointed to the Airport Board and the Industrial Building Authority ins
  17. I wonder if they will have a opening shot like our group had, It really quieted the crowd when that 737 came flying through the auditorium, And really gave the crowd a reality check of things to come if 737's are ever allowed to come zooming in over Hiram and Yorkville. Heck I pass on the donuts if they will just keep Pubby and Concerned PLDG. Resident off the stage.
  18. Hey Concerned Pldg. Resident You failed to respond to this post... What you got against Carolyn?? What problem do you have with Carolyn she is part of the dynamic trio that intends to bring 2,000 to 3,000 jobs to Paulding... How do I know this....well I read it in the paper you know the full page ad along with the Board of Directors of the chamber who supported the commercialization of the airport. Yea Blake, Jamie And Carolyn the dynamic creator of aero space jobs.... And what have they done.... A secretary job and a FBO operator wow and what kind of salaries??? I am guessing close to or
  19. WOW mojo 413 what a great idea, just think the pro airport crowd can set up a meeting of their own and discuss among their supporters the many benefits of having a Commercial airport. Wonder when they will do this?
  20. So agree on your little proposal law, let the 737's start zooming in over Hiram/Yorkville and everything will be okay. And when Delta and the City of Atlanta want to come in and expand on their 10,000 acres we can have a vote. OKAY I get that picture..... Yea..... I can see the Chamber now full page ads ran twice daily Delta wants to bring a zillion jobs to Paulding County, Including mass transit gotta have this supported by all 30 members of the Board of Directors including Commission Chairman Punkin. PUBBY..... Just one little thing you are missing them 737's are not zooming in ove
  21. Pubby Sit down and be still for a while, Let the courts do their job, No need in getting all up set over this. Some strange things do happen when a person gets under oath and swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god. Those words have a lot more meaning and standing than a campaign promise. Let the sun shine through all these dealings, why don't you encourage the County to hear the law suit instead of trying to change a constitutional Amendment to circumvent it. The citizens of this county are just as entitled to know everything t
  22. The county government has a responsibility to communicate, I have suggested town hall type meetings in each commissioners post. After the town hall meetings have a vote during the upcoming primary elections. Pretty simple if a majority of the citizens support full blown commercialization of the airport including unlimited passenger service then that settles the issue. If a majority supports the General Aviation concept with no commercial passenger service then all expansion work ceases immediately and the contracts are null and void.
  23. We have not blown off anything, When you first raised this issue and expounded on it you were told then even if it was passed and enacted into law that if the leaders wanted that changed it would secretly be done without the knowledge of the citizens..... Laws are changed every year, Looking back on what recently happened this week when the Leaders of this County attempted to covertly change a constitutional Amendment Supports exactly why folks were opposed to such a law being enacted. I propose that the folks live up to their promises act like grown honest men, stand by their beliefs ju
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