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Posts posted by crossroads

  1. They went with a MotoTRBO system which is digital but is not decoded by any commercially-available scanner. Scanner listeners are out of luck with the new system.


    And just so you know, MotoTRBO is a proprietary system by Motorola that was never intended for use for public safety; it is a business radio system. (Idiot move number one of our county commission). The "standard" for digital public safety radio systems is the P25 system, which is not only open (non-proprietary) but is also what is used by EVERY county that surrounds us that has gone digital. (Idiot move number two of our county commission).


    When our county chose the proprietary MotoTRBO system, they instantly killed any hope of interop between our neighboring counties with P25.



    Thank you for the information. I am very upset now that I can't listen. There are so many "things" that go on in the county no one will ever know about now. I listened out for break in and such. I would think this is a public issue and should be open for all to listen to. This really sucks for us scanner listeners. Now I guess I will have to listen to music while cleaning my house.

  2. That wreck almost ended up being two wrecks. Durn deer jumped in front my car. If I had not been slowing down already...


    That's where I grew up. Deer use to graze in our yard. I am glad you dodged that deer, and I'm glad for the deer too.


    It's called "Gallows Humor"....look it up.


    That comment is really uncalled for. God forbid one of your loved ones to this way to end their life.

  3. Thank you for the heads up SS. I have had the same thing happen to me. The guys even walked around my house while I was on the phone to the police. I yelled at them and the left. I was afraid to wait for the police because I believed they were ready to break in. I did make a report to the police. Then I heard on the scanner they were at another house doing the same thing, possible break in. Scary.

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