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Posts posted by crossroads

  1. oh my goodness!!!  I would love to have her, but I cant. I already have a zoo.  1 choco lab, 5 cats, fish and a hamster(who needs a new home)

    I will check around with my peeps!

    Let's get the word out, Sweet Cindi deserves a pampered life. I have to use sweet when I talk about her. Afther all she has been through she has such a sweetness about her. I will be checking in all day for response. I call and left my number on Tracy's machine at the shelter.

  2. Meltid, are there any updates on this sweet girl?


    I am going to once again make a plea for donations.  It is cases like Cinderella's that PHS helps.  Unfortunately, these medical cases also take money.  We do not receive money from larger Humane Societies around the country, we rely on donations from the people here in the county.  I know that everyone has been doing everything they can for the people of the hurricane but if you have a spare $5 or $10 we could really use it to help Cinderella.  You can either stop by the shelter and make a donation or you can click on the PayPal link in my signature and make a donation.


    crossroads, I hope you are able to talk your husband into adoption.  It is a wonderful thing to help a homeless animal.

    Meltid, Hubby wants to help, but we have 4 ferrets & a baby on the way. HOWEVER I WILL PAY FOR THE ADOPTION FEE. I will send you my nunber or I can call the shelter and set it up. Anyone want a sweet cindi? Its on me.
  3. I am just anxious to hear from crossroads to see how far this woman drove to throw her out after she caught her on her road first!!   :angry:

    I caught her trying to drive off and leave the poor dog at Nebo and W. Hiram Pkwy. I called the shelter this afternoon, Cindi was redroped @ the silver comet trail in hiram. I am tring to sweet talk hubby into adopting her. I would love to pamper her. The pic's helped. I think I saw a little melting of the heart. YOU GUYS ARE RESTORING MY FAITH IN HUMANITY. I can't thank you enough. PLease everyone, learn from my mistake.
  4. crossroads ~  Just know that she is in very good hands now.  She's already been started on antibiotics and will be going to the vet this morning as soon as they opened! 


    I'll get a picture today and post it.  She was/is a darling!


    You go get that woman!  Let me know if you find her and I'll help you kick it!  :angry:

    I just tried to call the number you listed. As you must know they open @ 11am. I am so glad she in in your care. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I pray she will be ok.
  5. crossroads ~ What did this pet look like?    A road officer was called out yesterday to pick up a Sheltie.  When he got her back to the shelter, her ears were in TERRIBLE shape.  I believe this may possibly be the dog.  As far as I know, she was found on the side of the road yesterday.  :angry:


    newhope ~ The Paulding Humane Society has a medical fund (through donations and fundraisers) that we will help anyone who's pet needs vet care such as this.  All they have to do is call.  (One of the reasons we're always begging for money!)  ;)


    This baby will be taken care of now and I'm sure will find a good home in time.  She was such a good little dog.  I can't understand how anyone would think she would be better off on the side of the road!!


    crossroads ~ Next time, don't trust them to do what they say.  I learned a long time ago, they will usually follow through with their original plan.  In fact, she probably didn't want to bother driving all the way to the shelter!  The "fear of the shelter story" is just a big excuse

    And, if you by chance got a tag number, please call the shelter at 770-445-1511.  Animal abandonment is a crime.  She could, should and would be charged!

      YES THAT IS THE DOG!! I could kick her ass and if I ever see her I will!!!

    the first 3 #'s of tag 759 small red truck. female 35ish dark brn hair, very short cut. I AM GOING TO MAKE IT A POINT TO LOOK FOR HER. I WILL RECONIZE HER.THAT F@#%^ B!!%#! ALL OF YOU AER RIGHT.DONT PUT YOUR TRUST INTO ANYONE UNDER THESE CONDITIONS. I AM HEARTSICK THAT I LET HER FOOL ME, AND AT THAT PUP'S EXPENSE. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN . Thank you all for the well taken information and advice. 

  6. yesrerday I was working in my yard, when I saw a truck stop on the dirt road by house. I could see the person was letting a small dog out of a pet cage. by the time I got down to the road the truck pulled away. The dog saw me and came towards me. I was such a sweet pup. Inoticed the driver of the truck at the stop sign watching me. I walked up and asked if she had put this dog out. The driver was sobbing.She said the pup had someting wrong and was sick.She did not have the money for the vet.She wanted the pup to have a chance instead of taking it to the pound and put down. I looked closley at the dogs ears and oh my ,this poor animal was in really bad shape. I told her I knew how she felt, but this dog would be hit by a car or starve. I said please promise me you will take this poor dog too the pound. She is suffering and will have a horrible death if you abandon her. She cried, I cried. I put the dog back in the cage, and she promised me she would go to the animal control. What can a person do when they don't have the money for the care of a pet? Is there any other outlet for people with less than most of us who want to care for , but can't afford a pet? I started to take the dog, but I have other pets and did not want whatever was wrong with dog spreading too my pets. The poor thing!!! I feel so bad for this lady and her pup.

  7. This was written by a black guy in Texas with a great sense of humor and creative!!!


    When I born, I black,

    when I grow up, I black,

    when I go in sun, I black,

    when I cold, I black,

    when I scared, I black,

    when I sick, I black,

    and when I die, I still black.


    You white folks....

    when you born, you pink,

    when you grow up, you white,

    when you go in sun, you red,

    when you cold, you blue,

    when you scared, you yellow,

    when you sick, you green,

    when you bruised, you purple,

    and when you die, you gray.

    So who you callin' colored folks ???

    NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!!!

  8. :ph34r:

    I would like to give a big hardy thank you to all those who voted to re-elect the moron who currently holds the position of sheriff.  You voted him in now sit back and relish in your great achievement of keeping the county in the 70's.....

    paulding in the 70's had little crime and NO traffic. I wish PC was the same as then. I feel blessed to grow up in a beautiful country setting. Today, however, you can't sling a dead cat without hitting a damn yankee. The insurgens talk about this small town they have discovered the gripe about not having enough "eatin places" like Douglas or Cobb. Then when they gripe about the traffic. This place has lost it's charm. The developers that I grew up with have made millions with out a care or a fiddle dee dee to the reduced quality of life the over development has caused. I was in the loop. I married one. I also divorced him. Greed took his boyish charm too. I miss him and the OLD PAULDING. Both gone forever.I think I hear Alabama calling. Thank's for letting me gripe for a change.

  9. My mother in law was telling me that she heard there was going to be a mall built in New Hope. Has anyone heard of this? Is it true?

    Dallas needs some growth. There has been little or no major development around Dallas. Some developers who live near or on the main roads thru town don't want growth on their side of town. Their efforts have been rewarded with restrictions regaurding truck traffic thru hardee st and surrounding streets. These are the very same people who have made a once great place to live into another traffic laden, fast food, crowded schools an over developed nightmare. They don't want the traffic and noise pollution they helped in creating in their sleepy part of Dallas proper. Those of us who have to put up with sirens, noise, and substandered education for our children have had enough. Let the growth go up towards Cartersville way. Enough already in hiram. spread the growth to points downtown. Let the people who planed on keeping the "riff raff" away from their quiet little downtown get a taste of the same mess most of the county folks have put up with. Let the mall go on their side of paulding.Did their off spring go to public schools???? I wonder.............
  10. When I first went to the "Hickory Hut", it had no name to speak of. No signs out side. We called it the Dallas hilton or the green fly inn. Call it anything you want, but this patron of twenty seven years calls it...."THE VERY BEST ANYWHERE." As a matter of fact, thats goin' to be lunch for today.

  11. Her son was killed by a speeding auto some years ago. The accident happened around where the Dairy Queen is now located. She has become a sad mental case. The screaming is to slow down traffic. Her name is not Jesse. She means no terror nor threat. She needs help and our better understanding of what she has not been able to deal with. I suggest talking to her. Ask her why she does the things she does. She will tell you. This county USE to take care of the likes of "Jesse." Now people like her are in the way of progress , or so it seems.

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