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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. Puma track shoes.

    Remember to concentrate on walking heel,toe-heel,toe on a treadmill.

    It will prevent knee problems.


    I don't wear heavily built up shoes on a treadmill.

    The better ones have a little give to them.


    Not all athletic shoes fit all people properly,

    Try a lot on, and don't assume the most exspensive will be the best.


    Some people need a lot of arch support, and some don't. I need no arch support.

    You may need a lot.


    So try a lot on.



    so i have a square foot.... who (which store) is the most knowledgeable (in your opinion) in helping me find something that fits right? i have no clue if i have a high arch or not, or how much support it needs. :blink:

  2. Congratulations mrsjones & family! Gorgeous daughter with her new friend!

    is that baby really talkative - if so I think I know that one! Lucky is sure a great name, and very fitting, as he found your family! :wub: that's two for you in such a short time - THANK YOU! (and as riograce likes to say, they are like potato chips aren't they?? :) )


    Thank you retiredteacher for your wonderful comments about the shelter and for speading the word. One at a time we will get the word out!


    Meltid .... I know you are only reporting reality, it must be very hard on you and the entire shelter staff today. I thought I felt my heart breaking all day as I saw it coming last Saturday.

    May they all rest in peace ..... :( .....

    that be her!


    the kids ask her questions all.day.long. she answers "yes" to everything. they are still waiting for a "no" :wub:



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