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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. Could I have it also? Please. (not that I can do anything since I only have 1 car now even though hubby could fix his car because the new radiator is in the back seat of his car that isn't running and needs a radiator and he has everything he needs except the motivation to get out there and get all sweaty taking out the old and putting in the new..... what the hell happens to guys when they turn 50+....... nothing ever gets done.) Okay...... I feel better now. :D

    i'm not able to pass it on, but hopefully someone will see this for you.



  2. aww d and e are so cute :wub:

    d looks so grown up. :)

    i was trying to respond to k's pic yesterday. stupid non paying member whatever that message is that wont let you have a laid back time on pcom kept hitting me tho, and of course by the time i could have commented the thought was long gone... 40 seconds i think it is ( :wacko: )


    anyways, she is beautiful and smilie and happy and just should be made into one of those american doll thangs.


    i'm glad her day was good.


    me :)


    oh and what i was talking about up thar ^^... "flood control"

  3. My husband has red blisters in the back of his mouth, of the roof. His throat doesn't hurt, just the roof of his mouth. It feels like a raw hurt, like he ate too many fruit loops. :lol:I am making him an appt tomorrow but what does that sound like?


    ETA: Wrong forum. :lol: LMAO

    just what/who has he been putting in his mouth?



  4. Ok-well apparently her day went well (kingergarten) I too heard about pizza for lunch, basketball something in gym, playing and eating snack outside, and she made sure she told me 10 times that she got a smiley face not a sad face. I had a slight issue with the bus ride home. She "forgot" to get off the bus. The bus stopped, I waited for her to get out, she didnt' I super panicked. Bus driver started to call into the school while telling me repeatedly "DON"T PANIC"----TOO LATE.. luckily a wonderful little girl that lives on our street knew my child was on the bus and went and got her off. When I asked my daughter why she didn't get off, she told me that the bus driver didn't stop at her house. and that the bus driver was on the wrong side of the road (my daughter knows she is not allowed to cross the street) (even though I was standing right there) so anyway, hopefully she will do better tomorrow.....hopefully it can't get worse.

    whew. i'm glad she made it eventually :D


    that reminds me of another story about the bus. on the fourth day the doors opened and no child. i waited and waited and then finally the bus driver signalled me on board... baby had fallen asleep she was so worn out. i had to go in and carry her off the bus. :wub:


    ps: all i heard about lunch from my "K"er was the free icecream :D he wants to get lunch from the cafeteria again tomorrow.

  5. mine did great. they were all :D and :lol: and :wub: when they came off the bus.


    funniest part so far.... my 2nd grader got to make a book about her summer. one of the topics was "three things i did this summer" i cant remember the first two off hand, but the third was "i got lucky" :giggle: (lucky is our new kitten)


    me :)

  6. My son loves to watch the avatars go by as I read. And Mrsjones you are his favorite! Every time it goes by he is like there she is! His second his Miamidolphinfan because he loves the Miami Dolphins! I love the kittycat licking the screen. I do miss the red shoes. I just got my first one..it is oookkk. But since I figured out how to get one I will be changing it here soon. I just wish I could remember them all!
    i luff yers. when I see it I have to do the "rattatatatatatatatatat" noise in my head :dopey:
    :wub: yers made me :giggle:
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