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Posts posted by mrsjones

  1. Got a shotgun- you could fire that down in there and it won't kill your rose bush. Good luck- I hate snakes.

    hmmmm... i hate guns.


    i wonder if there is some sort of snake bait or repellent out thar. i need to save my hubby.


    (please be nice to me, i was raised in NZ where there are no snakes)

  2. WTF?
    :lol: :lol: a snake babe, i sware!bout yay long > < (long enough to make me go eeek :o ) twas black it twas. and moved fast. when i got outta the car it slithered off to a small hole that went under the driveway. i was gonna stomp it, but it was a wee bit bigger than a good stompin would take care of. the hole is near that miniature rose bush thang.i sware! :o
    We ( well hubby ) killed a copper head in our yard this past weekend. AHH, I guess the snakes are coming out cause it's too hot.
    how'd he kill it? :ph34r:
  3. Um... to drive a bus! :lol:


    A field trip for a Chinese delegation. The bus is for 30 passengers and we need a CDL driver. If you are interested in driving for us you can PM me and I'll give you more detial.





    wish i knew how to drive a bus.



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