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Posts posted by brewha

  1. i just got my internet back up and read this for the first time........

    and YES party gone bad ...BIG TIME.......

    it was me that made the call from my house after leaving my neighbors house across the street.......


    the dad and son got into it after a night of playing cards (AS$HOLE) and drinking,,,,,,a little horse play turned into a fiasco


    .......i went home thinking it was settled down ....then everyone came to see about me except the mom dad and son........well minutes later the mom came runnin through my door....HELP HELP...their fighting again....so hubby and my neighbors hubby go running over to break it up......i stayed at my house with the mom....


    i was outside on my deck and heard them fighting again ...so i looked out, and the son was running back toward my neighbors house and fell down the hill on the street....the dad was in his truck trying to leave and the son went after him.....beating the hell out of the truck....that was when i called 911.....and yes i was hysterical......


    then i heard the screeching of tires and high pitched screaming,

    that was when someone was hit by the truck......my hubby was over there so i was flippin out....well come to find out it was the son that was hit......by the dad...

    dad leaves in truck....son leaves on foot going after the dad.....then cops come.....you know pretty much the rest after that......they never got the dad....but got the son walking.....


    the reason he got locked up was because he would not shut up ....cops told him to go in his sisters house and sleep it off....not to go back to his parents....but he wouldn't shut up......soooo off he went......


    and yes it was me who passed out..

    not from drinking though.....my nerves got the best of me.....i was scared to death ,hyperventilating...etc....i hate violence...and when i was talkin to one of the cops, i got all worked up again, and down i went.....talk about embarrassing....OMG.......


    sooooo now you have the scoop.....just thought i'd inform ya.......it was crazy......especially because for the most part half of the people there(there was only about 7 of us)don't drink much at all.......and that was the first time we had ever gone over to their house to hang out like that(and the last)...plus this was very non typical for this family ...they seemed so close....but i guess you never know what really goes on behind closed doors....or in this case what DID go on in their past...........


    oh well at least no one was hurt tooo bad and maybe there were some lessons learned....

  2. years ago my friend and i were out......and bon-jovi ,wanted, came on...

    well, i started belting out the words.......i'm a cowboy, on a steal horse i ride.....and i'm wanted.........well, she started laughing her a$$ off.......and said its not on a steal horse i ride.....it's says....i'm a cowboy, i'm gonna steal the horse i ride....lol lol lol......well as you can imagine ......her laughter stopped.....and mine began.....

    i still think back on that occasionally and laugh out loud.....i guess it does kinda make more sense if your a cowboy...to steal the horse you ride.....rather than on a steal horse i ride....lollol

  3. It's jive, man.  I'll break it down.

    no/babymama/drama => This is such a glorious day that I hope the mothers of these children do not ruin it by acting foolish or dramatic!


    baby mama comes from the song with the lyrics "who dat is?  dat just my baby daddy"  We figured if there could be a babydaddy there would certainly be a babymama.


    Maybe, since it's not being used I could go by Satellite.  :lol:  But, for now Mamma is cool with me. :)



    ok....i gotcha.....thanks for the breakdown..... :D ..

  4. i don't understand why they wouldn't change a 100.00 bill for only custumers.....the counterfeit theory doesn't make sense either.....don't they have those markers they can test them with?.....and them charging to cash a check for you is outrageous..........i bank at washington mutual(WAMU) and am very happy with them......NO FEES...

  5. i get the mamadrama part of the ...mama's drama....but how does nobaby fit into it?.......just curious....


    i would think it would be just ....mamadrama.....or nomomamadrama


    lololol......anyway...just wandering what the nobaby meant......

  6. wow......what a touching subject.......makes you really think......i can't hardly read all of these ...they're makin me sad...

    soooo.......i don't even wanna think back about mine cause then i'll get depressed.........i guess i will leave it at...........i would love to just start

    ALL over........relive my life....and use what i've learned to try to live

    an awesome fulfilled life.....

  7. these are all just too funny....some of them are awesome....they just have that perfect ring to them........i'm sure some may be very fitting too.....lol.........i hope we get just about everyone to do this........i just wish i could remember what/who they all are.........some are great nick names that might stick.......i'm tempted to start writing down ...who's who....just for future reference......if ever needed......lol.......


    mine just doesn't seem to flow.& sounds nasty..........but....thats par for the coarse for me.................your friend.........



  8. there's also one in cartersville.....not sure of the name.........and i believe there's one off 120 near the marietta square......i think the name might be roswell baptist church....i think they're the ones who have a school......but not for sure....but i do know that there's one around there.......


    sorry i can't be more specific....but maybe the general area will help you out.....


    all of them are not really that close.......i guess depending on where you live in the county would determine the closest one for you......good luck

  9. okay here goes....


    some things about me that p commers don't know......


    * not sure if i'm classified as a "yank"....or"Rebel" born in GA. ....... moved to Germany ........back to GA .......then to Green Bay Wisconsin until i was 10...( my parents were friends with a few of the packers, that i got to meet & hang out with )........then moved to New Jersey ...were i stayed until i was 27....(i lived between , and grew up with the kids of..........Greg Lazinski, & Bob Boone.......former Philly players)then at age 27.in.1997 moved back to Ga.....and yes i was an army brat...lol...


    **i am the middle child of 4...and the only girl


    *** almost everyone one my mom's side is a leftie.....i was but broke my left arm when i was young & had to learn to write with my right....but....i do a lot with my left ......2 of my kids are lefties.(so are their daddy's)and the youngest is kinda like me......


    **dad is a West Point grad... :huh: ...and briefly played for the Detroit Lions, until he had an injury... :blink: ...


    ***hubby and i partied with the band members (except the singer....he hurt is back) of Poison at Fuddpuckers , in Destin Fl.....during our honeymoon in 2002... :D ...


    **** 2 of my children are from dark haired ,olive skinned, italians... ;) ...who both have the same name.....Keith.....both lefties....and do look alike.. :unsure: .lol....but...my hubby ...whom i met on-line while i was in jersey ...& he was here.. :o ..has blonde hair and blue eyes... ;) .....point being....i prob would have never hooked up with him if i met him in person......not my type...look wise....just goes to show ya....looks aren't everything.. :ph34r: .


    ***** i have only been married 1 time.......and that is to my youngest child's daddy(we're still married).... :wub: ........i wanted it to be for all the right reasons....not because i had to...... :wub:

  10. i will pray for the best outcome for your daddy.........and for your family to have the strength for whatever the outcome may be........which will be good with as many prayers we al have going up for him........

    GOD'S SPEED........


  11. erin just called me from the community center, asking me to request that no more donations be brought here.......they are overwhelmed with supplies, and some shelters around the area are not accepting any donations either at this time......

    some non- perishables are being brought to local areas to replenish their supplies.

    thanks sooo much for everyones generousity at this terrific time of need.....

    what a great feeling it is to know we have neighbors like this........


  12. Well Eric is coming back according to early returns.... Not my favorite but at least he doesnt blame America for all of the worlds woes.. Oh yeah James won POV AGAIN!



    omg.....you should have put that last bit of info into a new thread......and marked it SPOILER.....this thread said.......possible spoiler......meaning ...if you haven't watched thurs. episode yet......then...........it would be a spoiler....


    i haven't read ANY of the spoiler threads......yet...... because i don't want to know what happens .....BEFORE i watch the show......it takes all of the excitement out of it for me..............

    i know you didn't do it maliciously, and i'm not mad at you, but PLEASE.....next time try to put it in a separate thread.....so we can be warned, and decide whether we want to read it , or not.................. thanks


    edited to add: oh yeah.....i voted for kayser to come back........although like some of you.......i feel like eric will win, ....only because he would stir things up more, and make it more chaotic, and controversial

  13. congrads gt...........i feel your pain.......it's been 6 yrs, but i remember it like yesterday.......ugh....the smells........the 1 that got me the worst was coffee.........anyway....i have some phenergan if you need it.......i got it for stomach virus about a month ago.....but only took 1....soo....let me know........


    oops i replied to the wrong post........jet....if you want it you are welcome to it also..........just let me know......

  14. OK!  So maybe since someone else went there I can share some of the options for natural labor inducing on the board!!!    :p



    ** Warning - if you're easily embarrassed, or bothered by sensual matters of the human body, don't read further.  I am *NOT* a doctor, so consult with your OB-GYN and/or Midwife before trying *ANY* measure to induce your own labor.



    ~ Nipple Stimulation:  This is a well-known method of making the uterus contract. Used by midwives for centuries, it not only stimulates the uterus during labor,

    it is beneficial after the birth to aid in expelling the placenta and avoiding hemorrhage. Since this method uses her Natural oxytocin, it is the safest form of induction.


    Start by applying warm compresses to both breasts, uncover one breast and begin use of pump. Using an electric breast pump, start by pumping on uncovered side for 15 min then switch sides and place warm compress on pumped side and begin pumping on other side, continue this alternation technique until regular strong and rhythmic contractions begin (usually 20-30 minutes) then stop...if contractions should begin to decline in strength or regularity, resume breast stimulation with breast pump for 5 min/side until the strength and regularity resumes. Contractions should be a minimum of (5) minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds.


    An Alternative Method - Get into a tub of warm water, not too hot, but comfortably warm. Soak a towel in the water, about the size of a dishtowel, or a washcloth would work as well. Drape it over the breasts. Roll one nipple, through the towel, for up to 15 minutes, or as long as it takes to make a contraction happen. When the contraction begins, stop the stimulation. After it ends, wait about 5 minutes before stimulating the other nipple, and repeat the process for an hour. Then, take a break for 3 or 4 hours, and begin again. This is much less traumatizing on the nipples than using a breast pump, and may work as well or better.




    ~ Intercourse:  The prostaglandins in semen may help ripen the cervix and may also  stimulate contractions and start labor.  Lay flat or on your side for as long as possible after intercourse.




    Relaxation:  Relaxing and forgetting about your estimated due date can do wonders. Anxiety produces adrenaline which can delay the beginning of labor. Check with your doctor or midwife but usually one glass of wine can help you relax and will not harm the baby.




    Softening the Cervix:


    Try some raspberry tea.


    Borage and Flax Seed Oil , Black Current Oil, 3-6 capsules, taken orally, everyday and/or rubbed directly on the cervix if bag of waters is intact, after 37 weeks.


    Blue and Black Cohosh Tinctures, 5-10 drops each, in cup of water or tea, 1-2 times everyday, after 37 weeks.


    Take Evening Primrose oil (gel-caps) orally 3X's per day and insert 2 in the vagina at bedtime--she has to remain lying down to keep them in. It doesn't START labor, only prepares the cervix. You can buy it at any health food/vitamin/herbal store. You can start taking about 2 - 3 capsules orally daily at almost 38 weeks.


    For rapid ripening: Black Cohosh Tincture, 15 - 25 drops, under the tongue, every 30 - 60 minutes, will usually soften the cervix within 6 hours.



    exactly what she said.!!!!!!...they have all been known to work........ :D

  15. erin....lacey.....let me know if i can do anything......i can help with the 5 hrs if needed......and will be avail in the morn to do pick ups ......if needed.......


    another thought i had to add is........do we know anyone on here or someone know anyone that has a floral shoppe??......so we could send a beautiful floral arrangement.....maybe one that is more plant-like....so it can live for years in memory of ta ta


    or.....if anyone knows of someone in the lanscaping business....or something like pike's etc......we could get a small tree......jap maple or something......just a sapling....and plant it for her at her house.....in loving memory of ta ta......and it will live long....and strong........


    or we could really spice it up and do a little memorial garden for him in her yard.......nice landscape ,beautiful perennial flowers, flowering and non bushes.....with the tree in the middle.....and i think someone on here does wood carving....we could have a plaque made up to put in there......and surround the garden with stacked stone ...or rock etc...



    i don't think it would be that costly, for a landscape business, or 2, to donate.....especially for something so very special, every time those flowers bloom , and new leaves appear......it will remind us...and her....he is still very near....


    hey ...i just made a ryhm......i'm a poet, and didn't know it....lol


    anyway ...let me know if you need me.....and if anyone has suggestions or comments on a memorial garden for his mother......


    also if a company will donate the items needed........i will definately help with the planting etc......thanks

  16. folks......we just found a dog in our neighborhood........it is a full blooded blue tick coonhound.......it is absolutely gorgeous.........except for the fact that it is sooooo skinny and malnurished....... and is covered in huge ticks........

    .it does have a collar on......but he has either been loose for a long time....or the owners totally neglected him..........he is sooo cute and has an awesome disposition..... my hubby just got done giving him a bath and pickin off 50 or so ticks...and there's still more...

    unfortunately we cannot keep him...we have 2 other dogs....and 2 puppies.....i hate for it ti go to the pound.......my hubby has already called animal control

    (before i got home) i live in hunters walk subdivision....off of cedarcrest road....near bentwater........it seems like he came out of the woods that back up to bentwater....but i can't be sure...my daughter found him......

    if someone would like to come get this beautiful animal...please let me know...pm me......i don't want it to go to the shelter.....and surely don't want it back with the owners if they purposely did this to him......also there have been no lost dog signs anywhere around the area.......so they are not looking for him.......

    PLEASE someone help this dog..........he is probably about 1 yr old......


    please help......tks

  17. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    OMG MOS!!!! I have just got to meet you one day, you crack me up :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    I just wonder when the other media whore will down here.....


    Patrick, you got a pic of Mr. Sharpton....better git ready!!!



    or miss ...oprah herself......i wouldn't be surprised one bit......especially if jesse is hear for that.........but i heard him talking on gooday tis morn...i forget why he was here, but it wasn't the oysters...........but i'm sure since he's here ...he won't pass up a scenic ride out here to see the sign......then he'll get more riled up....and start a big stink......just my perception of how it'll go down.....

  18. there is a place in town center called comic cuts.....they are strictly for kids....it's a great place to take the younger ones for their first hair cut.............the place is very kid oriented with the decor, toys, everything......thats the only place i know of......hope this helps....good luck.......

  19. i would like to put my 2 cents in also ........first of all.....someone stated that if we wanted to know what was going on....to go get a scanner......they just didn't want it posted for the whole county to see.........well....i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but....if we all went and got a scanner then...guess what..........the whole county would know.......so what's the difference........


    secondly, one posts that they don't need to know that there's been a lock out...or where SO's go for lunch etc........well...for 1 ....i thought you said that the only problem you had was with the personal info being posted......... 2nd in these cases there is no personal info being given out........she posts everything that comes over the scanner, during the times she is listening, and posting......trivial as it may be.....


    third....i don't understand what you feel the difference is between rrr posting whats comes over the scanner on here...as apposed to someone listening to the scanner at home.....either way people are going to hear...and know whats going on

    it doesn't make a difference...

    and yes ...criminals do use the scanner...mostly so they can know if they are after them or not.........


    scanners are legal.....and 911 calls are also open to the public.....for public record...you can go get copies of the transcripts.....so basically there is nothing wrong with what rrr is doing


    and as far as the incorrect info being posted....it is not the fault of rrr....she is posting what she hears over the scanner......and if you saw the mistake, then you need to advise rrr....i'm sure she'd be more than willing to correct it.....even if the SO hadn't changed it ....if you don't bring these things to rrr's attention when you see them....then you don't need to complain about it.........


    lastly ....i do understand where you are coming from about having your address and name etc posted....but like i said before ....it comes over the scanner....and whoever, which is a WHOLE LOT, MORE THAN YOU'D EXPECT, has a scanner is going to know......maybe if you ever had to call 911 for something...you could request that your personal info NOT be broadcast over the radio.....maybe the could have the officer paged or call dispatch......maybe the dispatcher on here would know better...but i do know that you don't HAVE to give your name when calling a report etc....


    so my advise to you is, to start with getting the county to stop releasing these details over a public scanner........i'm sure that more people hear this stuff over a scanner , than they see it on here....so I'd worry more about the source....

    there is really nothing that can be done to stop the county from releasing this personal info.....therefore rrr will post it .....in other words those who don't agree with it....unfortunately ...are going to just have to deal......thanks rrr for all you do ....i'm sure you have helped save lives ...property...and a lot of worring.....

    YOU GO GIRL.....LOL.... :lol:

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