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Posts posted by brewha

  1. here's the deal.......this is going to be long, but i have to explain some things...please bare with me....i know we've all been talking about the meth use here lately

    but i've got another issue......it's my brother....he's 22 yrs old

    he is a great kid......raised well......into sports .....judo champ etc....

    well.......almost 2 yrs ago he had to have knee surgery and have his acl replaced...

    of course after that he was on lots of pain meds......when the doc, stopped giving them to him.....he was still in pain, and took a horrible route......he started using heroin..........it's still hard for me to believe........he told my mom last year.....he had been stealing $ from her bank account..etc......well....his girlgriend lives in germany , and he went to visit her last summer...and went through withdrawl....it was terrible...he swore he'd never do it again...said it was of the devil ..etc. etc...

    around sept of las t year he started using again...he told me in confidentiality...but of course i told my mom........since then he started pawning my moms stuff, stealing....can't hold down a job...cause when he's around $ he takes it.........he stole 2 guns from a friend of his parents house ..and pawmed them ....well needless to say he got busted.......so he's pending court on that ....and a shoplifting charge from when he worked at media play...tried to steal a game system.........we have tried everything to help him....short of putting him on the street........we just don't feel that will help........well a few months ago we got him into a methadone program.....but he's to the point that he really doesn't want anything in his system, and has been told that the methadone is harder to come off of than the heroin....so he wanted the stop everything.......so ....we got a few people to volunteer to stay with him ...while my mom worked ...2-11pm.....and i had som e xanax ..and gave that to my mom to give him to help with sleep and all

    well he went 2 weeks with no "h "or methadone.....but he did have to go to the er, he was having seizures.....they gave him a small dose of morphine, and a few lortab to take a wein down from........so last week was his last pill of the lortab...and he was out of everything else........so friday he started working for a guy he met at the meth clinic....and low and behold ...he got the guy to give him 1/2 a pill of dilauted 2-3 times a day...says the guys trying to wein him.....cause he's still feeling so sick......the worst part is......he shot up the pill...... i tried talking to him last weekend and told him that taking that wasn't the answer...it's only going to lead to him wanting more and more...he's got to go through all of it to be done with it..........sooo....my point is ...basically we are back to square 1...

    i told my mom we need to get him into an inpatient program.....but we don't know of any..........also since he hasn't been attending college this year.....he has no insurance......and my mom is single a just lives comfortably.......

    my question is......does anyone know of anywhere he could go ??...or have ANY advise on what we can do for him.........we have never had to deal with this before, and it's breaking our hearts...cause he truly doesn't want to be like this....but he gets to hurting sooo bad ...he gives in......PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....HELP. ....anyone been through this or had to go thruogh it with someone else??.....please let us know what do do....we are scared ....and have no idea what to do next............

  2. ya know.....i have had a few acts a kindness....offered to me.....but nothing major.........but i feel like i am the one always offering to others....it makes me feel good..........but i would also love to experience something so over whelming that i would never forget it...or be life changing......something that would bring tears to your eyes......i have been driven to tears a few times by watching someone else recieve ...or give ......a few times on here ...like with johnny j...and smokin....etc........but i cry almost everytime i watch extreme makeover ...home edition.......gets me every time......

  3. i've been called brewha......or bonnie brewha......or brewhaha....since i was a teen .........yep you guessed it ....i was a little wild and crazy, and liked to party ....and stir up trouble ......so....hence the names...........brewha (as in beer ...brew).....and brewhaha( as in causing a ruckus)....they are not spelled the exact same way....but i like them this was better...........

    and i don't mind it being shorten to brew.....everyone does it.....


    ....and if we abbreviate .........whoa who farted....it would be....WWF

    pretty cool, huh....

  4. The all powerful N word.  Have any of you listen to your kids rap or hip hop albums. The N word is used all over the place.


    I think we have successfully given the African American community equal rights.

    They have BET TV channel, NAACP, United Negro college fund, Miss Black America beauty pageant, on and on…  My guess is to qualify for any of these you need to be black. Now put the word White in front of any of these and it is racism.


    I agree that what happened in the pre-70’s was not right, But face facts. Racism is not a bearer any more.  What I see now is more direction of reverse discrimination. I’m sick of people using their skin color as an excuse.  Those days are over.


    The N word is no different than the use of white trash, trailer trash, cracker, honky,  redneck and wigger. It’s all in how the word is used in the context of the conversation.


    All of these gangster, underwear showing, pantyhose heads with gold teeth, Ebonics talking individuals, what would you call them. Our shining stars of tomorrow, our corporate leaders our government leaders of the future.. I hope not. I for one am not going to support that crap.. If that makes me a racists than so be it.


    my sentiments ..exactly......i am not against blacks at all........BUT ...when they use their color as an excuse for their weakness, insecurity or failures, i can't stand that.......just like you said ...if we had a caucasion college fund, or white american history month....we would be racist..........just like when blacks are on a reality tv show, and they get the boot......it always ends up ......because they were black....

    they say they want EQUAL RIGHTS....but what they have is not equal......they can't continue to blame us for what happened...before our generation.......and if i am correct...their government are the ones who sold them.......they need to go gripe to them...and ask why ..how...etc..............and like i say to any folks that are in the us.........if you don't like it....then go back where you came from....simple as that.........if you can't speak english....then learn it.......we shouldn't have to double or triple write everything...so they can read it.....but if we didn't we'd be racist too..........in america ..we speak english.....bottom line....

    another thing that chaps my as$ is .......when i lived in jersey , and my x was taking a test for the electrical union..........the minority automayically got 5- 10 points added to their score........so if a white made a true 90%... and the minority made a true 85%....minority would actually get a 95%..therefore scoring higher , and getting the job.............and they say they want equal rights?? i would be affended if they did that to me......what are you trying to say??...i'm stupid??

    i don't want a handicap.........let the best man win.......no matter what color they are.......but they cant....because if companies don't hire a certain amount of minority ..they get in trouble......so they are forced to hire people less qualified ...

    doesn't make sense to me......that is NOT equal rights........again....i am not a racist........i am for EQUAL RIGHTS ....not going overborad......anyway that's my opinion.............

  5. my hubby has been looking for a part for his MURRAY riding mower.......

    he used to go to the little flea market on 41 & 92, but the guys not there anymore

    he also went to another place, and they are shut down.......

    so.....does anyone know where he could go to get parts for it??..i think he needs some kind of belt or something.....any ideas would be awesome.....thanks

  6. honkin'.......is she comatosed?.....or is she brain dead?? has she ever been coherent since she got there? if so when , and why did she stop?....or did they have her a medically induced coma, and she never came to when they stopped the meds?

    i'm only asking because i just figured they'd treat her more...or try to figure out was exactly is wrong, and try to correct it.....maybe you've already posted that info and i missed it, but i was under the impression that she had respitory problems, but didn't know exactly what it was , or how it came about........i just can't help but wonder all these things , in hope that a decision like that would not have to be made.........

    so did he tell you that the docs said there's no hope? and did they give him a reason why?......ya know sometimes people are so stressed out, and confused, especially the ones they are closest to are totally distraught , and in shock over something so unexpected happening so quickly, with no explanation, that they don't question the docs findings...

    and just hang on to every word the dr says, and put all their trust and faith into them,,,,,which is totally understandilbe, because we have no clue...as to what could be wrong, or what to do......BUT from an outsider(me) looking in......i want to give some advise ...if i may.......

    make sure..they have asked a ton of questions......why, how what ...everything...even as trivial as they may sound.....and when or if they get answers ...make sure it make sense to them....don't let them just say ok, he's the dr , and even though i don't understand exactly whats going on , i trust he knows what 's going on........

    i say this for this reasons honkin.......

    i have personally seen these things make a huge differnce, and a miracle happen, ............if, something happens to her........you don't want the family to not FULLY understand what was wrong , what happened and(sometimes) why....it will be so much harder for closier.......not knowing, or understanding. they should be able to explain , in their own words to the children, or anyone who asked , what was wrong.........not just bits and pieces of parts they understood from the doc....... i hope you can understand this...it's hard to explain it in words exactly what i'm trying to get across...


    the other most important issue to me is ............make sure that they get more than one opinion......have an independant dr come in a look over every thing......the more people involved the better chance someone will have other options, treatments, or diagnosis..........as we here on p.com know very well........everyone has a mind of their own, different opinions, and differnt levels of knowledge...........

    i am not saying this to put down the doc they are using, or certainly not questioning the families ability to take care of things......i just know that when your the one it affects or so close to ...it's hard to think sometimes

    ....i know someone that the decision for a 2nd opinion, saved the life of a 2 1/2 little boy, the parents had already been counceled on organ donation...........so the bottom line is.....never give up........


  7. before i watched the interview of him......i had pictured a totally different looking and acting person........ and i figured he would be very uneducated sounding, and arrogant, it shocked me to see him and hear what he had to say....not what i was expecting at all..........he seems like a well educated ..very down to earth, nice person, he even sounded like he had morals , and a caring heart.......

    although my opinion has changed from what it was before the interview, i still do not agree with his actions, and i have a hard time understanding why he says that he is not a racist.........he may say he likes/ loves all humans, and he very well may, .....................but i just don't think his actions support that...... i don't think he really realizes how powerful the words are that he displays, and how people comprehend them differently........... i just hope the wrong person/ people don't come across them one day, and try to retaliate......

    with all that said....i am glad i watched the interview......it just showed me that i, nor others should stereotype....... i chalked him up as a cocky , scruffy, hairy , poorly spoken, ignorant, hillbilly type redneck..... BECAUSE OF HIS ACTIONS, comments from others, and the decor of his business......i do not view him like that at all anymore.....like i said before he acted and looked totally different....(unless he is an excellent bullsh$ter ).

    BUT ...i still do not agree in the least bit, with his behavior reguarding the wording on his signs, and the dcor he chooses to display...........

    so in reference to the original post......i don't think we should give him anymore attention on this at all.....it just might be feeding into whatever he's trying to prove........but if we see him do something positive( IF) , then we should recognize that ........maybe even call the media....lol.......i can see it now.......



  8. so sorry to hear about your loss.......will pray for strength for your family and grandmother......65 wonderful years...now that is something special.

    so sorry about your accident too.......like they say....when it rains ...it pours.......lets just hope its not going to happen in 3's.......1 more thing happening is the last thing you need or have to worry about right now...

    hope no one got hurt...i'm sure god was watching over you....... where was the accident?....was it just a fender bender?? god's speed to you and your whole family

  9. OMG.....let us pray for this baby.!!!!!!!! and his parents......oh what they must be going through....i can't even imagine.......please lord, let him breathe again ......and give his parents strength....for anything that may happen......


    geez must have been some fall to stop his breathing....i wonder if he hit his head really hard or something? thats the only thing i can think of from a fall that would be so serious......or punctured something major with a broken bone.....i dunno....sad whatever it is..........

    lets also pray that is was just a fall......god speed sweet baby !!!!!!

  10. my daughter is very interested......she's so into nature and animals.....

    she is just about to be 11 (july 13th) so ....reserve a place for her too please....i willgive you a call tomorrow also........is there still space left for her? oh and ..is the only girl going to be registered so far?....no biggie if so...... she's a tom boy anyway...lol....i just wondered...


  11. welcome to you both...!!!!!!! but don't you know it's rude to speak another language around others who don't know it?.....lol....j/k....

    it reminds me of when i'm in a store and a group will start talking spanish ....and you have no clue what they are saying.......and then they look over at you........... and you just kinda look back feeling stupid , and give a half crack smile....lol............ thanks for your intro....it's nice to know more about people when you're chatting with them...............anyhoo....."HAPPY CHATTING"

  12. well....i don't know about ya'll,but MY poop doesn't float !!!!!!! it sinks right on down.....lol.........oh well ...i guess that explains my life.......but i thought everyones poop sunk?......i know too much info.......but just wanted to inform everyone..........lol....and lighten things up a bit

  13. The sizes of the womens clothes are as followed, Pants 8-13, shorts 6-13, shirts small - large. The candles are all home made and are scented all the way through. We are having a special on them for the yardsale, we have almost 100 different scents to choose from, including Bath and Body and Victoria Secret scents.  For you to be able to get them on sale price you would have to choose from what we have in stock. The sale prices depend on the size, the large are 3 for $20.00 and the small are 3 for $12.00. Yes that may seem high but as my Bugman said this morning about his that he got, " These candles are even better then the ones from Yankee Candles".


    okay tks ...i will try to come by in an hour or so....do you stilll have alot of the stuff?

  14. There is some misinformation regarding section 8 housing.  The sudivisions being built are not 100% section 8.  Section 8 is run out of the US HUD and any low income families that meet the requirements can get a homeownership voucher.


    Here is more information:






    it doesn't matter if it's ALL sect 8 or not ....they are still living in 200,00 homes....

    this is simply not right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I gave my word to my builders that I would not tell their S/D names because they don't really want everyone to know but I will tell you this, one is on the left past

    Jim & Nick's a couple red lights down going toward EW Connector, one is in Kennesaw near Baker Road and one is in Powder Springs off Macland Road.

    The one in P. Springs hasn't started building yet, the one off Baker Road has been

    building for a little while and the one past Jim & Nick's has about 45 houses built

    in phase 1, there will be a phase 2 and 3 to come.

    He already has problems with teenagers being destructive and dreads what will come.

    To be honest this is why we thought about moving from Paulding a cpl months ago but decided to stay rather than move into a new S/D not knowing who our neighbors would be, ours now are great so we decided to stay here.



    there's one more thing i'd like to know.......why are they being so secretive about it??........why don't the developers want people to know where it is???or the name of the sub??....if it's a government thing ...then we should have the right to know.

    i wander if any residents that are going to live nearby were notified of this......so they could have a chance to go to the hearing about it....i don't feel that ANYONE was notified ...otherwise it would be ALL over by now..............something smells fishy.......!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. OMG........i didn't even SEE THAT.....200,000 THAT'S INSANE !!!!!!!

    i honestly can't believe that to be correct.......there's no way.......i would fight that to no end........why put someone in a 200,000 home ...that hasn't worked for it..????.....they need to start them off on the low end ...and let them ...be the ones to move themselves up to a house like that..........i cannot see this happening.......i thought it would be more like townhomes, or apts.........maybe each section of apt...or townhome would be 200,000 to build?? that's the only thing i can even fathom that would make any sense at all..........like i said .....i will fight this tooth and nail ...if this is the case, but if i lose..........i promise you ....we will be poor...and move into one of those homes......just for the principle of it..........PLEASE ...SAY IT ISN'T SO.... i need to go research this.......can you tell the developers name??...and the location for these homes....PLEASE

  17. did they tell you where these subdivisions are going?......i would really like to know........i hope not near me...........i understand the concept, but , i think they will crowd together anywhere they go.........they live off bankhead now.......and when they can have a nice new home here ....all of them will move here..........i think it's just moving them from 1 place to another.................another point is........they said it's more dangerous.........because they are all in one area......well i think they should all be kept in one area.....that way you know were they are , and know what to expect when you go there......why have them spread all around........doesn't make sense..........on the other hand ...if it is someone who doesn't want to live that way....and only lives there because there's nowhere else to go ......and they test neg for drugs, have a job....and have kids.....then i think they deserve to have a chance.....but for the ones who want to commit crimes, don't take care of their kids, do drugs, sell drugs...etc.........don't bring 'em here.....let them stay were they deserve to be......that's my opinion......

    ya know.....i always have great thoughts in my head, but when it comes to putting it in writing....i feel like i totally miss my point...and just babble........oh well, hope you can at least get the gist of what i mean....lol...

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