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Posts posted by brewha

  1. i'd be up for it too........i think that would be a nice constructive thing to do with our "free" time......i know we don't have too much of it.....but i think it's something we should make time for.......it's not healthy to be couped up all the time, being mommy and suzie homemaker..... although we love our families , we should get out and be with other adults......in a "clean" environment.......if ya know what i mean.......i also think it would be lots of FUN.....not to mention, all the perks of learning new things......and skills.......


    maybe like each month, someone could volunteer to do the next months class, and tell what we'd be doing........they could give us a list of the supplies we would need, and any other info on the project....

    then...depending on how many of us show......someone else could volunteer to brings drinks (or 2 people if we have a lot) and another to bring a "snack" of some sort.....


    another idea would be.....if it's inconvenient for some to make it on a weekday night....we could always do it on a weekend day/night/evening........just a suggestion....maybe we could take a poll to see what would be best for the majority........


    i think this is an awesome idea.........make a thread....or post me?us with any new info, or a place time and date....i wouldn't want to miss it........

  2. holden.....i was not slamming you....i promise....that is why i stated that i was NOT saying this had happened..........because i didn't want you to get your feelings hurt if it were not the case......you have to remember ..there are alot of kooky people out there that would do this sort of thing.......and because i do not know you...at all......and i , as well as many others, were horrified of the situation.....we are sooo concerned over these children........and not knowing the outcome, or the actions taken , can be nerve racking..........i guess i just thought you would be continuing, like you were , to keep us updated........like many others do when they know people are worried about the situation..

    my mind just started to wander, thinking of what COULD have happened, like i said i don't know you, or what type of character you are...........i was also thinking that those who do know you would post and say ....there's no way she would do that............i'm terribly sorry if i hurt your feelings, it was my fault for getting too deep into this, and letting my mind take me places that it shouldn't have.....now i know that this is not the case, and i do feel a little better..........i am still wondering , and concerned about the children...........may god give you the strength to do what you need to do...........again.....i'm sorry.....and i look forward to hearing from you soon......

  3. well...it does matter about the POSTER.......she's the only link we have for getting theses children help..........we don't know who that are....or where they live....to do anything about it until she gets back in touch with us......and if she hasn't called...then we need to ask her these questions....so that one of us can do it.........it doesn't matter about any excuse she may have for NOT calling.....like ...she hasn't heard it in awhile etc. etc........it has happened and will happen again........


    BUT....one thing to ponder.......that just popped in my head.....and I'm not accusing, or degrading her personal character , BUT ......it seems weird to me ..that after she posted this info.....and got the HUGE response from us (of course).......she didn't come back.........

    i hope she wasn't out for attention, and then when we all got on a mission....telling her that she could give us the info , and we would call....or we would go over there ....etc.......she rethought her post over...thinking she may be in deep water.........like i said.......i'm not saying that this is what she did.....but.....what else is one to think when she raises such a serious issue...and then disappears?? made me rethink voices in my head's post............


    i also , noticed a few discrepancies...with some of her info......to name just one........she said ...the kids always had marks and bruises on them, and looked really small....like not being fed enough................but then she turned around and said....these kids were NEVER allowed out of the house.......they were ALWAYS inside........that is not her quote word for word, but you get the gist of it.........but there again....i'm NOT saying this happened....just something to think about.....

  4. has the original poster even replied back in the last day or 2??

    i haven't noticed it.....and i really wish they would ....i think about this often....and would like to know if anything has been done...what steps have been taken....if any.....please keep us posted....when you come in here and post something of such extreme emotion.........you should expect people are going to react this way.....and know that they would like updates............please don't just post and go......it is rude.....especially in cases as sensitive these.....PLEASE ....keep us posted.....tks

  5. one who REALLY gets under my skin is.....fFRAN from the nanny.....i can't remember her full name...but she also does some old navy commercials.....her voice and laugh drive me NUTS......the one brunette on american idol...from ny i believe sounded acted and laughed just like her too....i couldn't even stand to see her...or hear her sing......



    ERICA (FROM ALL MY CHILDREM .).I THINK...the one that had been nominated a million times for an award...and she finally got one on the 17th try.....i wonder why??





    well there's probably more....but i'm too tired to think of them right now...

  6. i'll just name some groups...having a hard time remembering all the songs...there are so many from each i like..okay























    BILLY IDOL..........................JUST TO NAME A FEW

  7. is this the same women...."julie" that honkin was posting about??


    i pray for god to be with these children in their weakest time in life...also help their family to be strong...so they can be there for them


    i also wante to add, that i think it's horrible that they had to take her off of life support because of no insurance.........i only hope that there was no hope even if she did stay on it....cause if not.....that it a sad sad thing.......that is why we need health care reform....


  8. i wanted to watch it too...i had been waitnig for months.....when i saw the previews...i thought to myself......i am going to make my 11 yr old daughter sit down and watch it with us........show her where a bad attitude can lead you.......and let her see how good she really has it....

    but as it turned out ...yesterday was her b'day, we had a few family members over, i happened to see it playing...prob towards the middle of the show,...when we went in the family room to open gifts......so unfortunatly we missed it, and i didn't tape it....so we will definately be watching it every time it's on....i think it will be a great show...to watch, and a lesson for our kids

  9. i couldn't make it out either....i did enlarge it.....i could read the writing, but couldn't understand the pic....i was beginning to think it was a hoax.......cause ...not to be rude or anything....it looks like a guy standing sideways...peeing....(with a big one...if ya know what i mean)

    like i said i am not undermining anything or making fun of...but to me thats all i could make of it.......and noooo....i don't have a diry mind....lol

  10. hee hee hee.......as they say....paybacks are a biatch........this is funny...made me laugh....i know a few peeps who would love to do this to their ex's..........enjoy


    > > > The Curtain Rods

    > > > >

    > > > > She spent the first day packing her belongings into

    > > > > boxes, crates and suitcases.

    > > > >

    > > > > On the second day, she had the movers come and

    > > > > collect her things.

    > > > >

    > > > > On the third day, she sat down for the last time at

    > > > > their beautiful dining room table by candlelight,

    > > > > put on some soft background music, and feasted on a

    > > > > pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of

    > > > > Chardonnay.

    > > > >

    > > > > When she had finished, she went into each and every

    > > > > room and deposited a few half-eaten shrimp shells,

    > > > > dipped in caviar, into the hollow of the curtain

    > > > > rods

    > > > >

    > > > > She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.

    > > > >

    > > > > When the husband returned with his new girlfriend,

    > > > > all was bliss for the first few days. Then slowly,

    > > > > the house began to smell. They tried everything;

    > > > > cleaning and mopping and airing the place out. Vents

    > > > > were checked for dead rodents, and carpets were

    > > > > steam cleaned. Air fresheners were hung everywhere.

    > > > >

    > > > > Exterminators were brought in to set off gas

    > > > > canisters, during which they had to move out for a

    > > > > few days, and in the end they even paid to replace

    > > > > the expensive wool carpeting.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nothing worked. People stopped coming over to visit.

    > > > > Repairmen refused to work in the house...The maid

    > > > > quit...

    > > > >

    > > > > Finally, they could not take the stench any longer

    > > > > and decided to move.

    > > > >

    > > > > A month later, even though they had cut their price

    > > > > in half, they could not find a buyer for their

    > > > > stinky house. Word got out, and eventually, even the

    > > > > local realtors refused to return their calls.

    > > > >

    > > > > Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from

    > > > > the bank to purchase a new place.

    > > > >

    > > > > The ex-wife called the man, and asked how things

    > > > > were going. He told her the saga of the rotting

    > > > > house. She listened politely, and said that she

    > > > > missed her old home terribly, and would be willing

    > > > > to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for

    > > > > getting the house back...

    > > > >

    > > > > Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell

    > > > > was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of

    > > > > what the house had been worth...But only if she were

    > > > > to sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and

    > > > > within the hour, his lawyers delivered the

    > > > > paperwork. A week later, the man and his new

    > > > > girlfriend stood smirking as they watched the moving

    > > > > company pack everything to take to their new home...

    > > > >

    > > > > .....including the curtain rods.

    > > > >


    > > > >




  11. i totally agre with the majority.......call the police evry single time you hear this....also have as many neighbors as possible call too.........same goes for dfacs....you call.....and have evry neighbor that will call too.......the more calls from different people the better........PLEASE.....DO IT ASAP....for the sake of these kids......

    btw....how old are they???...and how many kids??

    also...when you say ...it's 2 women.....are they lesbians...and are the kidsadopted??or are they theirs from berfore, they realized they wanted to live that way?? or just single mom's...sharing a house??


  12. I appriciate the fact that you have $50 thousand dollars, to spend on a internet message board. It was a choice you made and many appriciate it. I wish I were so wealthy.


    I didn't see this as abuse, I was asking a question why one of YOUR team members altered a thread topic instead of posting that the road was OPEN, and closing the thread.


    There are many othere titles from the past 24 hours that are not true, either. Yet they are OK, somehow.


    Are directions to the office posted? I can't make a dent in the $50 Thousand Dollars you have spent out of your own pocket, but I may be able to donate $10 or $20.  Don't want to join any club, just to help the cause.  ;)




    i will drop by with a donation also.......i just choose not to be in a "club"...tks for all you do :D

  13. pubby,


    i did say i understand it being done if it was inappropriate.....meaning ..misleading...taken out of context...hurtful, vulgar etc..


    regarding the moderator editing os' title.....because it was not up to date....didn't serve any purpose.....because his edit was not up to date either.....it just made the post totally confusing.......i know you can't keep up with all the out of date material, so why even do it at all when it comes to those type of posts.......it's fudal.......


    and i think that for the most part .....we all use common sense, and can figure out if something is out dated...afer we open it up.....and after the event has long past.

    yes, somethings can get confusing at times, but after you read it...it is figured out

    thus the reason for the thread regarding the time and date be added to the original thread, in the recent topic forum.....that would solve this issue. but i also know it takes mula to do that.......but i really haven't heard any complaints from members this being a big issue........ie: (regarding editing titles of this nature)

    if it ain't broke...don't fix it....


    lastly, I'm not sure i understand what you meant by regarding non paying members editing their topics that ..."they would abuse it"

    how could it be abused if it was allowed??


    and why would a non- paying member abuse it , and not a paying one???

    i guess i really don't see what the big deal is about editing your own topic....

    why is it considered such a big privilege??


    i mean ...if you make a mistake....why shouldn't you be allowed to fix it??

    why would you have to pay to do that???


    i do understand that you need certain "perks" for paying members to have...as incentive, but to me this doesn't seem like it should be a priviledge......


    maybe I'm missing or have missed something, that i don't know about, but i really just don't " get it..."


    please note.......this post is not intended to be mean or rude...just inquizitive... ;)


    ps ...i don't think os meant to stir it up like this.....but he had no clue who did it and was just asking......lots of flok do that on here when something weird happens...ie: hey where did my post go...etc...

  14. Actually, I would like to see moderators changing some of the titles.


    The ones that say "Today... something something" that are still alive days later when the event is past. It would be nice to have them stick the date in there somewhere.



    i agree mark....i think the issue was brought up in a previous thread, and pubby said he would look into it..or something along those lines.......it shows the date of the original post in the actual forum if you move your mouse over the topic, but it does not in the "recent topics"

  15. What is the point?


    If you can change the title and undo what a Moderator has done, then why have a Moderator?  :blink:


    Sorry, I am not going to pay, to have the option of checking to see what foolishness is being done to my thread topics and erasing what the so called "Moderator" has deemed fit to change.

    Whoever changed my post, made it very confusing and misleading.


    i would have to agree with os....i personally would be very upset about this.....especially if i was someone like os...who is a great asset to this site....his posts and threads are interesting and informative...and he is a regular poster on here........


    what is the point in even posting a topic headline if it can just be changed...now i could see if it was inappropriate or something...then of course censor it.......but why add something to a topic, that doesn't need adding to???......he asked a question........and if someone wanted to answer it ...then they should have posted it under thread....like everyone else does....i know he's not like everyone else.......because he has been given the "authority" to do this to people....but if your gonna do it.....at least answer it correctly......


    people are still going to look in the thread ..no matter what was posted under the topic title anyway.......especially since it hasn't been common practice for it being done.......if it was announced that " questions you post will be answered under your topic title....no need to open thread".....then we would have been informed, and understood it......


    it just makes everything VERY confusing...to say the least........


    and as for the first thing out of some mouth's about...him "BECOMING A PAYING MEMBER" ...just so he can change his topic back to the way HE WROTE IT...... is absurd........and very rude if you ask me.....( i know your not ..but....)


    first off...if it was done by a moderator....someone with "authority" wouldn't it be a violation to change it???


    secondly ...why play a childish game like that???......"well, he changed mine...so I'm gonna change it back.."...uh...he changed it back after i changed it...he's undermining my "authority"...I'm changing to how "I" want it to read."(even though it's not his post)...and so on and so on and so on.......WHAT'S THE POINT???


    so, if you could enlighten me as to why this was done ...and what purpose it served i would be willing to listen and try to understand it better........i am in no way trying to be cocky at all ...or put anyone down.....i usually do not post things like this.......but i really felt like the whole thing was gone about the wrong way....



    we ALL know that money is needed from donations to keep up the site....and i'm sure if everyone had the extra money ...then everyone would have paid by now......if they are new and haven't seen the MANY posts regarding it....then maybe it should be on the registration page....with a box to check yes or no, if they read about it...........but i don't think pressuring folks(by posting frequent threads....or suggesting it in certain threads ...often...) is the best way to go about it ....we all love this site, and would help in anyway possible , but anyone who is not a paying member....has their reasons...and should not have to feel bad because of it.......


    lastly....(finally , i know) why did this happen all of a sudden??? and why just to osfans posts??? there were numerous posts referring to all the roads...and many others that could have been added to.........but none of them were....... to my knowledge......


    the bottom line is....i simply do not understand the logic of it...and personally i think the whole thing was RUDE.......


    p.s. - is this going to be a common practice know for all the threads???

    I'm not being sarcastic....i really would like to know......so if it is done again...

    i'll know why........


    **** sorry for the "book", but it's hard to address all these points in writing to make it understandable.....

  16. :D  :D  :D  :D I had a thought.......nevermind :o  :lol:  :lol: Brewha you'll be amused at this tidbit. The last year I went trick or treating at 11 yrs old I painted up my face and went as Paul Stanley :o  :o  :o White shoe polish in the cake type is hard to scrub off your face lmao. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:




    lol...too funny.......my hubby and his high school friends LOVE ..KISS...one of them dressed up as paul stanely a few years ago....he looked awesome....i mean he had the whole get up......right down to the boots..and all.......he went to a contest in buckhead , and won 1st place......he is a big wig pencil pusher at a company, and they all dressed up....he went like that.....everyone was shocked

    i guess they never knew he had it in him to be like that (he's a little nerdy)....lol

    i wish i had pics...you'd love it

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