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Posts posted by brewha

  1. i agree.....GOO BE GONE....it works great on lots of things, but it is like oil based.......put it on with cotton balls and rub in circles...it will kinda ball up into little pieces and come off......BUT test a spot of carpet first....oils will sometimes leave a stain........oh btw....i have a book on household products used for household remedies...i'll go check if anything might help.....if so i'll post it.......hope all goes well....

  2. At one time not too long ago, the country of Zimbabwe was able to produce enough food to feed itself. The problem is the productive farms were owned by whites.


    A couple of years ago, those farms were confiscated by the government from the owners, and given to blacks (who happened to not be farmers.) The problem was these new owners were totally clueless about running a farm.


    The first year, they ate their seed corn. What they were able to plant they had no idea of how to raise. They didn't take care of the land. Production dropped to almost zero. The people started going hungry.


    What will releiving the debt of the country do to help this situation?



    i totally understand that point..............if we knew without a doubt that the money would go to the ones who really needed it.....i would give as much as i could......

    but ...............i think something needs to be done to reform...... retrain....what ever the case may be, their government..........stop them from taking...or not giving to the very poor..........also teach the country how to make a better living situation for the poor (if the gov is willing)that is the only way things will change...

    when people keep giving and giving....and others keep taking....the takers tend to not put forth the effort to help themselves, cause they know help will come from somewhere......i don't believe in helping people who don't help themselves.........

    PLEASE don't get me wrong..........i feel terribly for the starving, diseased people over there...........most of that is not their fault, but their governments.......like i said, if i knew the country was using our money to try to better themselves, then i would give give give... but i don't see that happening , so i will not give to this cause...........i also believe that we need to take care of our starving, homeless, elderly, and sick ( and we do have plenty ....more than most would believe) before we try improving everyone elses conditions.........i know it sounds selfish, but ......i honestly don't think if the roles were reversed.....none of this would be done for us............when i was younger.....my parents....sponsored a little girl in north carolina ....the mom would send us report cards , pics, and letters of thanks...we also sponsored a child over seas, through a christian fund........we also got feedback on her as well.............that was sooo gratifying for our family....

    i personally feel like if we want to help, this is a better way.....you can see what your money and heart went into.......and 1 by 1 ...we COULD , and WOULD make just as big a difference as this live aid......live 8.......and we (well i) would feel more secure about where and what the $ was REALLY going to..........like i said this is just my opinion, i am not cold hearted at all......but i just don't want to see OUR GREAT COUNTRY......being taken advantage of.....as we do ALOT.... i propose a live aid for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.........help OUR poor, starving , homeless children

  3. this is sort of the what they go about child support in new jersey......i don't know all the details and calculations, but basically the way it works is....they take into consideration, the mother and fathers income.....but to answer a ? someone had about why some pay more or less..or why not have 1 set price..........

    depending on what the income amounted to they would act as if the parents were still together, what type of lifestyle, or quality of life , that child/family would have had... then they would figure from their scale , whatever % they would have to pay .....of course other stipulations would apply, such as...if the father (if he was the non-custodial parent)had PROIR children to pay support for( they did not care if they had or have 6 kids after the split.....they believe that the support should not change because he went and had more kids) also if the custodial parent made more $ ....then the non cust par ..he wouldn't have to pay as much ...etc..


    it goes into way more detail, but is very hard to explain, an example would be


    if you were a family that was very well off, and your kids had top notch everything. etc.....then that child should continue to lead as normal a lifestyle to that as possible....


    on the flip side....if you were a struggling family..and did not have all the perks of life then they wouldnt expect for it to start now........


    BUT.....if circumstances were to change ....either way the judgement could always be changed.........


    for instance.....i was never married, but ...we had lived together as a family for 2 years.... when we split up ...i was always a stay at home mom......therefore, he had to pay a higher % to me , than he would have if i had income also......my x also asked the judge....why can't she go to work?.....judge told him ...SHE DOES.....would you like to pay her xtra for child care?.....oops wrong ?


    also , while we were in court, there was a couple there for support.......well....he said he was working as a landscaper.......the wife said your honor....he told me that if i took him to court he would quit his job and work under the table so he wouldnt have to pay c.s.......and he did...he's an anesthetist.....here's our old tax forms.....well.....the guy argued back and forth .....but .....the judge told him he was basing the support on what his potential to earn was.......and that he'd better go get a good job.......needless to say his jaw dropped to the floor..........we were all stunned......


    well got long winded , but thought i'd give some insight to how it works in other places.....i myself , don't thinks it's a bad idea the way nj does it.....

  4. 'HERE'S MY 2 CENTS WORTH"....don't know how it came about...just thought of it, and it's used on here everyday


    oh and...what's the matter..."cat gotcha tongue?"


    "when the fat lady sings?" have no clue why or how this came about

  5. i vote for 80's ALL THE WAY ....to me, there was no better era of music.........or tv....i loved growing up in the 80's my son is 13, and he listens to alot of it....he loves it.....i told him he missed his generation...lol............big hair bands were awesome..... dokken, twisted sister, poison, white snake , bon-jovi, cheap trick, def leppard , ratt, warrant, as well as the classic rock , and the ummm i don't know what kind of music it would be called, but....journey, chicago, survivor, to-to(sp), daryl hall/john oats.....heart, bangles, joan jett, pat benetar, phil collins, sugar hill gang, elton john, billy joel, eagles, night ranger...y.e.s. u2 , culture club, blondie, r.e.m. rush, styx, billy idol, the police, bryan adams, corey hart, adam ant,,,,,,,,,ohhhh i could go on and on....heavy metal, ozzy, dio, metallica, black sabbath, iron maiden, KISS, guns n roses......the list goes on and on...but my mind is going blank.......geez just thinkin back on it, is bringin back great memories...........feel free to name some more, if you can think of some...........I LOVE THE 80'S........i won't even mention all the great fads....thats a whole nother thread.....lol...... :p

  6. well,....my opinion is.....i think for women as long as they are small and in indescreet (sp) places, and are tasteful, that it is okay.......for men .....i believe pretty much the same thing, except they could have them on their upper arms or fore arm with something bigger, that wouldn't look so bad.......but for someone to cover an entire part of their body, i think is distasteful......when i am "with" a man i want to see and touch their skin ...... not look at something that looks fake......

    did anyone ever see jesse james ex wife???...their wedding pics???....i think she would have been much more beautiful w/o all her tatoos showing in her wedding dress.......to me ..imo looked trashy....only because there were soooo many......


    my hubby has a few....a piranah(sp) on his ankle,....a gecko climbing up his shoulder, the atlanta falcons symbol on his upper arm, and a little taz in his pelvic area........


    but on the flip side i am one who has a regretful tatoo......one i guess you'd call a jail house.......i got it when i was 15...my friend did it.....it's B.F.



    with an arrow through it.....i hate it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it's on my upper arm, for all to see...... i wanted to have it removed, but don't want the scar......now i'm thinking of a cover up.......but don't want it to look trashy.......and want something i won't regert in 20 yrs.......if only i had it done somewhere else.........oh well such is life , but lookind at it from both angles....thats my opinion......

  7. pubby...i'm not sure i understand what you mean by the 2005 members

    retracting their reports.....isolated the age of the incident....???


    if you mean that members who joined in '05 said thet got it....then said they didn't....then...i would have to disagree...i definately got the e-mail...and i joined in 3-05..............................just confused...i guess..and curious

  8. Newhope, can I ask your advice?

    My elephant ears were coming in really great. Then, all of a sudden, they started curling up. They now have brown spots and look terrible. I water every day and can't figure it out.


    maybe too much water.........usually brown spots mean too much or too little water

    but i'm not sure with these type plants....hope this helps

  9. HAPPY FATHER'D DAY TO ALL...even if you have no kids.., but you have pets...remember that still makes you a daddy.......so again happy father's day to all

    have a great day..........enjoy the race...lol....or enjoy watching american choppers...it's on all day......

  10. well, i went to the yard sale at smokin's to help out today...and saw the CUTEST little puppy girl ever!!!!! she's a black and tan coonhound, and about 9 weeks old..

    she is so laid back...and she is doing fine with the 2 big dogs...cause she's not chasing after them and biting them....unfortunately thats what jersey is doing, and they don't like it.....i guess they're just not used to it yet.....anyway...this will give jersey someone to play with now......they play sooo good together....i took some pics of her...and some of the both of them.....but i can only seem to post 1 at a time...so there will be 5 of them....hope you enjoy......................oh yeah....for those that are curious as to the name my hubby chose....................................

    ...............................................HARLEY....(real original , huh?)lol

    but it fits her cause she's gonna be BIG... she hasn't yet grown into her paws and legs...so she's very clumsy....1 of the pics shows her standing there...looks like she a new born calf...lol........well here they are....again nice meeting you all today...


  11. i think there's a misunderstanding....i di believe the new walmart on 120 and east paulding is still going up.....they were talking about the new walmart down 120 a ways........there's another thread on here explaining it better...if you're interested...

    we live off cedarcrest rd...hunters walk subdivision...no homeowners...no pool..etc....but very environmental friendly....we have tons of trees...it's like instead of clearing ALL the trees like they are doing now, and putting houses....they just cleared enough trees for the house...i love it...wouldn't trade it for a sub.that has $ 300.000 or so homes.with house after house and no wildlife or tons of trees for anything.......

  12. i'm glad every thing went so well today...i had a great time over there...and enjoyed meeting everyone, and enjoyed their company....

    i know that some of them i would...(will)...get along very well with.....

    and yes the persons who got the puppies did get the best prize.....ang guess what???.......one of them is ...MEEEE !!!!!!!!


    AGAIN WHAT A GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE , WITH BIG HEARTS... anytime you need my help ...just ask....it makes me feel good ..to make others feel good......

  13. thanks for all your sweet comments.......and yes ..he is very kissable

    and it's too late he's already spoiled....treating him like a baby...since i'm not having anymore....but ya still get the urge to mother....

    and yes like clawdia said......believe it or not i adopted another puppy today......yes....i did have a momentary lapse of sanity....lol...but i have no regrets at all.........she to is adorable, and so laid back ...i will post another thread with more info, and pics

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