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Posts posted by brewha

  1. cstokes ...i also think it has to do with the age of your child too.....how old is she?.......there is also going to be a new daycare opening up at the new kroger at crossroads.... i think that it's a discovery piont also...if you take 92 to 41...it would be on your way....there's also one that used to be called allatoona academy right on 92 past crossroads......headed towards 41.....it's under new management, and has a new name now.......but not sure of the new name.........

    i agree........i would not recommend ivy hall......it's not the people who work there ...they are not the problem....it's the owner....she is very hard to get along with hard to talk to , forget about approaching her with a problem.......she's very defensive......seems like she in it for the money ,,,not the kids......and she seems to have a major attitude problem...........she's even that way to her staff....unless they totally kiss butt.....thank goodness my daughter only went there for pre-k and i didn't have to deal with her much......

  2. i've been waiting for tonight for weeks..........hubby and i have tv dates every time its on.........when the girls were in cheereleading the past few tears he would tape it while i was gone....and when i got home we'd watch it............this year they are not cheering, but you never know what may come up ...and we'll have to tape it........so my vote is YES.......... for using capital letters and posting SPOILER......i would hate to have any shockers or twists ruined.......i'm just that way.......soooooo folks here's to good watching tonight......"..CHEERS"

  3. does anyone remember the post about someone's apt. in N.Y. ....i think it was their relative's ..........that had something growing out of the ceiling?.......

    it had hatched or something and attached to the wall,....and let out some slimy stuff........


    does anyone know if they ever found out what it was?.......they showed a pic of it...and every once in a while the vision will pop in my head........


    and i can't help but wonder what in the heck it was......it's driving me nuts....

    i think i'd be out of dodge if it was in my home.......the heck with waiting to find out what it was........

    anyway , if anyone knows.......well...let me know ....thanks

  4. why did they spell ...curb.....kerb ....in that site?..............is there something i'm not aware of.............if not ...then thats pretty sad that an informational website ...can't spell....

  5. wow.....that was very well written chris............i only saw a few sp errors, and you even used punctuation..........now you just need to slow down ...take your time and do it like this every time you post.........there's no excuse now that we know you are capable of it.....

  6. Wow......you must really be ashamed of what you posted  :wacko:  :blink:


    That is NOT what I quoted........again.......page 2 post 32



    BTW.......quoteing someone does not call for a bullet  :rolleyes:


    NOW enough said  :D



    saying people are those names..that are posyed above.....does not mean you are racist...........some people ....no matter what race etc they are get called names by their actions.........such as.....when someone's terribly cheap...they call em jews.........when someone is a low life scum bag...they are tended to be called trailor trash.......when you want to treat a women as a possesion and consider them beneath you...they are called ..dot heads ..etc.........some people .....reguarrdless of their race are called names.........just because yyou call people names ...does not mean you are a racist........and just because you called someone a name ..pren-viously for something they did......doesnt mean you can't defend others that you think are being called names unjustly......or say something to the people that are talkin sheeze about other people........like i said before ...people have different opinions ....in different circumstances..........so just let it go.....stop stirring up trouble , by unleashing the past

  7. i don't consider myself a "racist " per say....but i think ..it's a totally diiferent situation , that your bringing up.........just because she called those indian folk ...those names....doesn't mean she is a racist.......and

    maybe she didn't like the racist remarks that some were making on here................if you look back ....she didnt say she wasnt racist.....she said she didn't like the racist remarks.............2 totally different things.........i think you are trying to stir up trouble.......why else would you have saved such savvy info...........for blackmail?......well thats it seems like.........i'm sure some people could dig up contradictory comments from you too..............fact is........there are differnt feelings in different circumstances.........so don't be so childish as to dig up past ..CLOSED posts ...that are completely irrealivent(sp) to this thread.

    .....sorry to interrupt....just had to verify the way i am comprehending this.................so........post on....but make it clean...and non insulting...

  8. i believe it's also called a "k " turn....at least it was in n.j when i was growing up....kinda like doing a u -turn......but you dont have enough room befroe you hit the curb......so ....1st turn is towards the curb.....then ...you back up turning the wheel so the back of the car is going in direction you were just headed...2nd turn..............then turning the wheel a little to straighten out....3rd turn.....go forward you'll be in the opposite direction ..you were originally going......confusing ...i know....hope it helps

  9. well after reading all these posts....i do have a couple things to say...mention , whatever........

    first of all.........i would like to say....i do believe in god and jesus....but i do not go to church, and i am not what you'd call super religious.......i only know a few scriptures out of the bible......the more popular ones, and ones that my grandmother would pay me to memorize when i was younger....lol.....with that being said..........

    1st........if the u.c.c. is a christian church , and teaches the bible, and gays know that most christian religions,if not all, do not agree with the gay lifestyle.....then why would the gays even want to go to church?.........why would they be putting up such a stink , about churches not accepting them.......then they raly ..etc etc.....seems to me like thats trying to get churches to change their beliefs......like ..why won't you accept us....why can't we go to church?.....etc etc.

    and if they gays were THAT religious.....and read the bible, then they would....or should know why........and shouldn't even ask others to go against the bible and their own beliefs.............okay.....that being said.......god loves everyone......

    and i'm sure he would not want us to judge, but we don't have to accept it......

    therefore, i think if any gay wants to go to church ...they should be allowed....and be accepted as..people.......BUT........i don't think ANY CHURCH that reads the word of god ....should accept or do or support....gay marriage......basically ...we would just want them to come to church to hear the word of god....and maybe then they would conform.....when they saw the light.....thats prob how god would want us to handle it..........then we wouldn't be judged because we lead them to the word........BUT we didn't agree or accept what they were doing.....

    on another note....before i got deep into thought about this topic....the first thing that i thought of , when the ucc was going to be accepting....was.....of course they are..........then they would be the church to get all of their(gays) tithes and offerings.......get it ....more mula for that church.......hopefully thats not the case , but you never know........

    lastly ....i would like to say........i do not agree with homosexuality, nor accept it...nor do i want to be in the presence of it...........BUT......i do feel very sorry for them.......i think i am one of the fe who believe that they were born that way........

    if you listen to most of them ...they will tell you ....they were uncomfortable all of their lives....and tried to fit in and date the opposite sex....but it just wasn't right, and they were very sad, depressed, and confused.......until they had to come clean with it.......then they were free..........i just don't believe that anyone.....would want to be picked on ...not accepted ..ridiculed, and bashed like they are....if they had a choice..........

    so ...if they were born like that ....that means god made them that way.....and that means he prob wanted us to accept them for who they are ....and lead them to him........so he could help............that doesnt mean we had to accept their lifestyle.......and doesnt mean we turned the other cheek and ignored it......it means we didn't agree with it, ...and were trying to do something to change, or help them.........

    point being .....accept them as individuals......but not their lifestyle.....lead them to god for that..........and a church should accept them as individuals also ......BUT NEVER ...SUPPORT THEIR MARRIAGE......

  10. well ya started out good.....you were kinda softening over what you had origionally posted.........sounded alittle like you were coming to your senses.........then midway through......BOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back to saying mothers blame others blame others.........what the support should be or not be used for etc.............. c.s. is to help pay for the expenses of raising the child.......which includes a roof over their head...transportation dr bills...food....household bills....b'day gifts for parties...lunches...etc. etc etc..........it's not just to spend JUST for stuff for the child......like mcd's....clothes...movies...sports.....etc....there are alot more expenses that go into raising a child.......you should know that................

    and 1 point i NEED to address is....you say mother's know that if they split up that they will soley have to care for the child .....and instead of taking responsibility ...we blame others?....i don't know what planet your from....or who you've known that does that sooo much......., but any mom thats a good one ....always will step up to the plate and do what shes gotta do to raise their child.......and if the dad is being a jerk about it...or a deadbeat....then of course ..by all means...let them bitch....let them spread all over town what a loser he is for ditching his responsibility.........

    and......did you ever think that women don't get married and have children ...with the intention of splitting up???....

    what about the parents who choose for the mom to stay at home and raise their children??......dad goes out and furthers his career....gets experience...moves up on the totem pole etc etc.....while mommy stays home and raises THEIR children...takes care of her man ...and her home.............. she put her career on hold for the family ...hoping it will make a difference ........ loses out on years of experience.....years of pay raises...........etc...etc..etc.........and then they split up?....... of course she is going to need help until she can get into the work force again, if she can get a decent job.............then have to worry about taking off, when the child is sick...conferences..etc..... if you ask me ...THAT is not fair.......... and your gonna put a person like that down. how can that be helped??....you need to be more open minded about lifestyle situations.......and realize some people have different morals in life than others.....such as....thinking staying at home her kids would be the best for them, reguardless of where it would put her 10 yrs later IF they were to split........think about it.....

  11. ya know.........i realize we are all alittle upset about this issue......and over certain comments that were deemed hurtful and degrading to some.......but........there is no need to bring people's personal lives....whether good or bad, into it.........throwing things in people's faces, and talking about their personal lifestyle is really not called for.............. i'm not going to sit here and go tit for tat on this one.....i just wanted to express how i felt about your "opinions".....i understand you would want to fire back...that's understandable......but....now it's gonna be a pissin match, and totally off the origional subject........so i'll observe for now........


    blue froggy....i agree with you......on the fact that what matters most is that a man should be a man , or women a women , and take care of their children.............no matter what it is...monitery or time..........that is all that counts ......to raise a well rounded child....to have a mom and a dad who love them to pieces......and treat them well and provide the neccesities for them........ that's what my whole beef was about....

  12. I have a firm grip on common sense.


    I was going to stay here and play with you but it appears you only have the use of one finger when trying to type. I'm going to take a shower and might check back in to see where you're at. I suspect it won't be much further than where you are now so I'll probably respond at a later date.


    If you want to play with me, please take a typing class. I bore easily...



    first ......i'm not playing........i was repling to everything you wrote.....i never even looked for a reply from you until the last long letter i wrote...........i was also doing other things.......i do have a LIFE ...YA KNOW......i wasn't sitting here replying, then lookin for your reply ...then replying....etc.....sooooo looks like someone else needs to GET A LIFE........

    oh and btw...............because you bore easy just proves my point.......your shallow.......................................

  13. You really are a dumbass. You have no clue as to what you are talking about here.


    Have you been drinking??

    You're good for a few laughs. I hope you stick around for a while!




    awwwww.....did i strike a sore spot????...... make you get back to reality???..i'm sorry....(not)....someone had to do it..........

    and no i'm not drinking......what would make you think that??? everything i said makes perfect sense to me...........oh and btw....i have been around awhile...i just try to keep to myself...ya know ...i don't need attention THAT much ...that i would make it negative attention.....................and sure i'll stay...tks........

  14. A person puts their self in that position. So if you are struggling it is your fault. Your choices brought you to your current situation.



    YA KNOW....I AM A VERY NICE , CARING, COOL DOWN TO EARTH PERSON...I REALLY AM.......AND NEVER DID I EVER THINK THAT I COULD BE PULLED INTO GETTING SO ANGRY AT SOMEONE'S COMMENTS ON HERE..........I'VE SEEN ALOT OF DISAGREEMENTS AND PEOPLE EXPRESSING THEIR POINT OF VIEWS......SOME IN POSITIVE WAYS AND SOME NOT..........I TOLD MYSELF I WOULDN'T DO THAT .....I MEAN NOT EVEN ARGUE ABOUT DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW WITH PEOPLE.....simply because i didn't think it would be worth it...or solve anything or prove any points.....nor did any of the issues discussed really bother me..of course there are times when i don't agree with something ....or think someone is way out of line...etc etc...but i choose to not get into it....or respond......my posts are usually about animals.....help suggestions.......questions...to give info on a sub i may know about.......etc.....basically things that are neutral....

    that is exactly what i did on this thread...i posted info that i thought was interesting......to the people having questions about c.s laws.........i was getting involved in a subject i thought was started because it was going to or had already affected them.......i was being caring.......BUT .......then you come back and make rude degrading comments.........and about something that didnt even involve your life.......it seems to me ....you started this....just to get reactions from some women....and then totally bash them...........the points you were trying to make, did nothing but insult every women or man out there trying to do their best to raise their kids.............you made them sound like they were incapable, irresponsible, non independant, beneath you human beings............when you failed to see that it is just the opposite........most people trynig to raise their children are the most capable , responsible, independant, well deserved , strong people there are.......granted there are a very few out in the world who are deserving of your comments.........but almost all are definately not.....and are well respected by me to be able to be strong, courageous, & stable enough to conquer such a task.............although i am not in that boat right now......i am lucky enough to have remarried a wonderful man.....and took my case out of court years ago, and remain very friendly with the daddy..........i took definate offense of your comments.........and feel the need to speak out and defend those who aren't as lucky.............i honestly hope that what you have posted is NOT the way you truly feel, or would handle a situation, or how you look upon single parents, or c.s. issues........but if it is then all i can do is wish you the best in life.......BUT I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ........YOU ARE WRONG WITH THE WAY YOU HAVE PERCIEVED THESE INDIVIDUALS.............and most of your child support, and custodial and nc issues.........

  15. But whose fault is it that they struggle? This is not the ex's fault no matter how you look at it. It is your personal choice to struggle and barely get by in life.


    I never said child support should not be awarded. I stated that Georgia's child support laws are extremely flawed. I agree that some are awarded amounts to low.


    Child support should not be a necessity for someone to successfully raise their child. You should be able to do it on your own. Today's mentality is to blame someone else for your short comings.


    If Mommy can't buy Johnny a new toy it’s because Daddy didn't send his support payment. It's not because Mommy didn't take the initiative to better her life after the separation.  :rolleyes:


    If you want to raise your child take the responsibility to enable yourself to support that child on your own....





  16. I am an ass. I have admitted it many times here. Now, back to the subject...


    Hostility and bitterness... Let’s try to keep the intelligence level of the thread above that of a 12 year old please.





  17. Never been in that situation. I do know that I would have little problem providing for my child should anything ever happen to my wife. My life and environment would change dramatically, but I would provide for my child and his needs would be met.



  18. I'm entitled to my opinion and will voice it however and whenever I wish.


    I commend you on supporting your children without the help of someone else. I feel few have this kind of commitment and integrity. There are many examples of your opposite. You don’t have to look very far to find them.


    I don't need to be either a CP or NCP to know what is right or wrong. You're bitterness isn’t allowing you to comprehend common sense.




  19. Prove to me how I am ignorant.

    Post something with substance please.

    I act few different ways on this forum.







  20. Child support is for the child. Any extra should be placed in a bank account for that child to use at a later date. It's their money, not the CP's. 


    You are not providing for your child if you depend on child support to pay your bills or it's is your only/major source of income. If you can’t provide for your child, you shouldn’t be the CP. It’s pretty simple…






  21. I don’t believe the NCP should be responsible for keeping up the lifestyle of the child by supplementing the CP’s income. If the current lifestyle is that important and the CP can’t provide that it then they shouldn’t be the CP.


    Alimony is hard to justify so they use child support instead. High child support judgments do little for the child and everything for the CP. It allows the CP to buy a nicer car, a new pair of shoes, and get thier hair and nails done on a regular basis.  It’s a form of welfare.

    OH.....PLEEEAAASE !!!!!!!!!!!!

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